How can I allow access to certain Web interface pages only?

Q: I need to restrict access to web interface pages. How can I do that?

A: Web server, bundled with IPHost Network Monitor, is supplied with two authentication modules, providing Basic and Digest authentication. Below are instructions on how to use either of them.

In the settings listed below, <IP address> should be replaced with IP address or host name used by Web interface. Open Settings -> Web Interface in IPHost GUI client, to see that address in “Host” field.

If that field is “$AUTO”, click on “Web Interface” button to launch Web interface in browser. Look at address string; it contains something like

The hostname/IP address (shown in bold above) should be used instead of <IP address> below.

IPHost Network Monitor installation path is usually either
C:\Program Files\IPHost Network Monitor
C:\Program Files (x86)\IPHost Network Monitor

Use the actual installation path in the below instructions, instead of <IPHost installation path>.

Using Basic HTTP authentication

1. Make a backup copy of
<IPHost installation path>\conf\httpd.conf

2. Run cmd.exe (Run as Administrator) and navigate to <IPHost installation path>

cd <IPHost installation path>

Note: use actual IPHost Network Monitor installation path as explained above, instead of the string <IPHost installation path>

3. Generate password file: run the below command in your cmd.exe:

htpasswd.exe -c basic-access.txt username

You will be asked twice to enter password for user name. Note: for all subsequent user names, use the command

htpasswd.exe basic-access.txt username

otherwise you will overwrite all the earlier entered users credentials.

4. Open conf\httpd.conf in any text editor, such as Notepad. Locate file part between the two below lines:

<IfModule nms_module>

and replace with the below text block:

<IfModule nms_module>
  <LocationMatch "^/nms(_mobile)?/.*$">
    Order deny,allow
    Allow from <IP address>
    Deny from all
    Satisfy Any
    AuthType Basic
    AuthName "Monitoring"
    AuthBasicProvider file
    AuthUserFile "C:/Program Files (x86)/IPHost Network Monitor/conf/basic-access.txt" 
    Require valid-user

Use actual installation path in AuthUserFile line and use Web interface default IP address instead of <IP address>

5. Save conf\httpd.conf file changes. Run the below command in cmd.exe:

NMSWebServr.exe -t

If an error is reported, check the conf\httpd.conf for shown problems.

6. Stop monitoring service from IPHost GUI client’s Tools menu and start it again.

Using Digest HTTP authentication

1. Make a backup copy of
<IPHost installation path>\conf\httpd.conf

2. Run cmd.exe (Run as Administrator) and navigate to <IPHost installation path>

cd <IPHost installation path>

Note: use actual IPHost Network Monitor installation path as explained above, instead of the string <IPHost installation path>

3. Generate password file: run the below command in your cmd.exe:

htdigest.exe -c user-access.dat Monitoring username

You will be asked twice to enter password for user ‘username’. Note: for all subsequent user names, use the command

htdigest.exe user-access.dat Monitoring username

otherwise you will overwrite all the earlier entered users credentials.

4. Open conf\httpd.conf in any text editor, such as Notepad. Locate file part between the two below lines:

<IfModule nms_module>

and replace with the below text block:

<IfModule nms_module>
  <LocationMatch "^/nms(_mobile)?/.*$">
    Order deny,allow
    Allow from <IP address>
    Deny from all
    Satisfy Any
    AuthType Digest
    AuthName "Monitoring"
    AuthDigestProvider file
    AuthUserFile "C:/Program Files (x86)/IPHost Network Monitor/conf/user-access.dat"
    Require valid-user

Use actual installation path in AuthUserFile line and use Web interface default IP address instead of <IP address>

5. Save conf\httpd.conf file changes. Run the below command in cmd.exe:

NMSWebServr.exe -t

If an error is reported, check the conf\httpd.conf for shown problems.

6. Stop monitoring service from IPHost GUI client’s Tools menu and start it again.

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