How to monitor SNMP variables with non-integer values?

How to monitor SNMP variables that return non-integer values?

Q: I need to monitor SNMP variables that are not integer values (such as boolean or text fields). How can I do that?

A: By default you can monitor SNMP variables that return integer values only. Non-integer SNMP variables are disabled in SNMP browser for default Counter Type ‘Current value’ and for ‘Delta’ Counter Type. But IPHost Network Monitor allows monitoring of non-integer SNMP variables and provides two SNMP ‘Counter Types’ for this:

  1. Current Value
  2. Value Change

So if you select one of these Counter Types you will be able to select any SNMP variable in the SNMP browser to monitor.

If you select ‘Value Change’ Counter Type, IPHost Network Monitor compares result of current poll with result of previous poll and returns 0 if the results are equal and 1 if they differ.

If you select ‘Current Value’ Counter Type, IPHost Network Monitor compares result of current poll with values from the list of allowed values that you provided on State Conditions tab and returns 0 if the result is in the list of allowed values and returns 1 if not. Please note that you should enter allowed values in the same format as they are formatted in SNMP browser.

For these two Counter Types IPHost Network Monitor will generate an alert if the current poll result value differs from the previous one or if the current poll result value does not satisfy the Value List state condition set on the State Conditions tab.

You can find the latest poll actual result in the Log View (Current value: ‘result of poll’). Poll result will be logged only if it differ from previous or monitor state change occurs.

You can also use ‘Value Change’ and ‘Current Value’ Counter Types with integer SNMP variables the same way as non-integer SNMP variables.

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