MIBs list

This management information module supports configuration, control and monitoring of redundancy protection for various kinds of components on Cisco managed devices. It is meant to be generic enough to handle basic redundancy control and monitoring for many types of redundant member components and redundancy architectures as long as there is an Entity MIB entPhysicalIndex and entPhysicalVendorType assigned to each member component. It is designed so that the tables can be augmented in other extension MIBS which build upon this MIB by adding additional objects that may be specific to a particular type of redundancy or member component. This MIB can also be used in cases where some types of redundancy groups and members don't require explicit user configuration. One example may be redundant fan assemblies. In those cases, the managed system should internally assign group and member indexes, so that it can provide read-only access to the group and member tables. This allows MIB monitoring for these types of redundant entities.

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This table lists the basic types of redundancy groups supported on the managed device along with additional information about each group type. ::= {ceRedunGroup 1 } SYNTAX CeRedunGroupTypesEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRI ...
An index assigned for each type of redundancy group supported on a managed system that requires its own table listing entPhysicalVendorTypes allowed as members for its groups. For instance, port groups have a different set of allowed entPhysicalVendorType ...
Each row lists a specific entPhysicalVendorType which is allowed as a member for groups of the type specified by the ceRedunGroupTypeIndex. Note: Normally an index object would have MAX-ACCESS of not-accessible, but since the table contains only this inde ...
A group number assigned to a particular redundancy group. A group consists of one or more primary members which are protected by one or more secondary members. ::= { ceRedunGroupEntry 1 } SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS cur ...
This field should be assigned as a unique member number within a redundancy group. The value 0 always indicates a secondary member. Primary members should have numbers which are higher than secondary members. Note: This definition of member values, includ ...

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MIBs list