DeltaUPS-MIB Download
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OID list for DeltaUPS-MIB
- dupsIdentManufacturer
- The name of the UPS manufacturer.
- dupsIdentModel
- The UPS Model designation.
- dupsIdentUPSSoftwareVersion
- The UPS firmware/software version(s). This variable may or may not has the same value as upsIdentAgentSoftwareVersion in some implementations.
- dupsIdentAgentSoftwareVersion
- The UPS agent software version. This variable may or may not has the same value as upsIdentUPSSoftwareVersion in some implementations.
- dupsIdentName
- A string identifying the UPS. This object should be set by the administrator.
- dupsAttachedDevices
- A string identifying the devices attached to the output(s) of the UPS. This object should be set by the administrator.
- dupsRatingOutputVA
- The magnitude of the nominal output VA rating.
- dupsRatingOutputVoltage
- The magnitude of the nominal output voltage rating.
- dupsRatingOutputFrequency
- The magnitude of the nominal output frequency rating.
- dupsRatingInputVoltage
- The magnitude of the nominal input voltage rating.
- dupsRatingInputFrequency
- The magnitude of the nominal input frequency rating.
- dupsRatingBatteryVoltage
- The magnitude of the nominal battery voltage rating.
- dupsLowTransferVoltUpBound
- The minimum input line voltage upper bound allowed before the UPS system transfers to battery backup.
- dupsLowTransferVoltLowBound
- The minimum input line voltage lower bound allowed before the UPS system transfers to battery backup.
- dupsHighTransferVoltUpBound
- The maximum input line voltage upper bound allowed before the UPS system transfers to battery backup.
- dupsHighTransferVoltLowBound
- The maximum input line voltage lower bound allowed before the UPS system transfers to battery backup.
- dupsLowBattTime
- Minutes, time from low battery to low battery shutdown.
- dupsOutletRelays
- Number of outlet relay. If it is 0, the function is not available for the UPS.
- dupsType
- Indicate the UPS type.
- dupsShutdownType
- This object determines the nature of the action to be taken at the time when the countdown of the upsShutdownAfterDelay and upsRebootWithDuration objects reaches zero. Setting this object to output(1) indicates that shutdown requests should cause only the ...
- dupsAutoReboot
- If ON, UPS system will restart after a shutdown. If OFF, UPS must be restarted manually.
- dupsShutdownAction
- If the value is greater than 0 the UPS performs shutdown action that defined by ShutdownType after the seconds. 0, aborted.
- dupsShutdownRestart
- UPS will restart after the indicated number of minutes. -1, aborted.
- dupsSetOutletRelay
- Indicate which outlet relay, from 1,2,3... .
- dupsRelayOffDelay
- Turn the relay off after the seconds. The relay was indicated by SetOutletRelay.
- dupsRelayOnDelay
- Turn the relay on after the seconds. The relay was indicated by SetOutletRelay.
- dupsConfigBuzzerAlarm
- UPS will keep silence but will alarm again when next power event is occurred
- dupsConfigBuzzerState
- If it is disabled then the UPS is always muted.
- dupsConfigSensitivity
- The seneitivity of the UPS to utility line abnormalities or noises.
- dupsConfigLowVoltageTransferPoint
- The minimum input line voltage allowed before the UPS system transfers to battery backup.
- dupsConfigHighVoltageTransferPoint
- The maximum line voltage allowed before the UPS system transfers to battery backup.
- dupsConfigShutdownOSDelay
- The operating system shutdown delay time when the input power fail. -1 will disable this option.
- dupsConfigUPSBootDelay
- Delay the UPS startup after power restores. The power quality may not stable when power restores, this feature let the UPS wait a period of time to startup the system.
- dupsInputNumLines
- The number of input lines utilized in this device.
- dupsInputFrequency1
- The current input line 1 frequency to the UPS system in 1/10 Hz.
- dupsInputVoltage1
- The Input line 1 voltage of the UPS system in 1/10 V.
- dupsInputCurrent1
- The Input line 1 current to the UPS system in 1/10 A.
- dupsInputFrequency2
- The current input line 2 frequency to the UPS system in 1/10 Hz.
- dupsInputVoltage2
- The Input line 2 voltage of the UPS system in 1/10 V.
- dupsInputCurrent2
- The Input line 2 current to the UPS system in 1/10 A.
- dupsInputFrequency3
- The current input line 3 frequency to the UPS system in 1/10 Hz.
- dupsInputVoltage3
- The Input line 3 voltage of the UPS system in 1/10 V.
- dupsInputCurrent3
- The Input line 3 current to the UPS system in 1/10 A.
- dupsOutputSource
- The present source of output power. The enumeration none(7) indicates that there is no source of output power (and therefore no output power), for example, the system has opened the output breaker.
- dupsOutputFrequency
- The present output frequency in 1/10 Hz.
- dupsOutputNumLines
- The number of output lines utilized in this device.
- dupsOutputVoltage1
- The Output line 1 voltage of the UPS system in 1/10 V.
- dupsOutputCurrent1
- The Output line 1 current of the UPS system in 1/10 A.
- dupsOutputPower1
- The Output line 1 real power of the UPS system in watts.
- dupsOutputLoad1
- The current UPS output line 1 load expressed in percent of rated capacity.
- dupsOutputVoltage2
- The Output line 2 voltage of the UPS system in 1/10 V.
- dupsOutputCurrent2
- The Output line 2 current of the UPS system in 1/10 A.
- dupsOutputPower2
- The Output line 2 real power of the UPS system in watts.
- dupsOutputLoad2
- The current UPS output line 2 load expressed in percent of rated capacity.
- dupsOutputVoltage3
- The Output line 3 voltage of the UPS system in 1/10 V.
- dupsOutputCurrent3
- The Output line 3 current of the UPS system in 1/10 A.
- dupsOutputPower3
- The Output line 3 real power of the UPS system in watts.
- dupsOutputLoad3
- The current UPS output line 3 load expressed in percent of rated capacity.
- dupsBypassFrequency
- The present bypass frequency in 1/10 Hz.
- dupsBypassNumLines
- The number of bypass lines utilized in this device.
- dupsBypassVoltage1
- The bypass line 1 voltage of the UPS system in 1/10 V.
- dupsBypassCurrent1
- The bypass line 1 current of the UPS system in 1/10 A.
- dupsBypassPower1
- The bypass line 1 real power of the UPS system in watts.
- dupsBypassLoad1
- The current UPS bypass line 1 load expressed in percent of rated capacity.
- dupsBypasstVoltage2
- The bypass line 2 voltage of the UPS system in 1/10 V.
- dupsBypassCurrent2
- The bypass line 2 current of the UPS system in 1/10 A.
- dupsBypassPower2
- The bypass line 2 real power of the UPS system in watts.
- dupsBypassLoad2
- The current UPS bypass line 2 load expressed in percent of rated capacity.
- dupsBypassVoltage3
- The bypass line 3 voltage of the UPS system in 1/10 V.
- dupsBypassCurrent3
- The bypass line 3 current of the UPS system in 1/10 A.
- dupsBypassPower3
- The bypass line 3 real power of the UPS system in watts.
- dupsBypassLoad3
- The current UPS bypass line 3 load expressed in percent of rated capacity.
- dupsBatteryCondiction
- The indication of the capacity remaining in the UPS system's batteries when AC normal.
- dupsBatteryStatus
- The indication of the capacity remaining in the UPS system's batteries when AC failed. A value of ok indicates that the remaining run-time is greater than upsConfigLowBattTime. A value of low indicates that the remaining battery run-time is less than o ...
- dupsBatteryCharge
- dupsSecondsOnBattery
- If the unit is on battery power, the elapsed time since the UPS last switched to battery power, or the time since the network management subsystem was last restarted, whichever is less. Zero shall be returned if the unit is not on battery power.
- dupsBatteryEstimatedTime
- Estimated time from backup to low battery shutdown.
- dupsBatteryVoltage
- The magnitude of the present battery voltage in 1/10 V.
- dupsBatteryCurrent
- The present battery current in 1/10 A.
- dupsBatteryCapacity
- An estimate of the battery charge remaining expressed as a percent of full charge.
- dupsTemperature
- The ambient temperature at or near the UPS Battery casing.
- dupsTestType
- Perform the UPS Test procedure.
- dupsTestResultsSummary
- The results of the current or last UPS diagnostics test performed. The values for donePass(1), general_test_fail(3), and battery_test_fail(4) indicate that the test completed either successfully, with a warning, or with an error, respectively.Tests which ...
- dupsTestResultsDetail
- Additional information about upsTestResultsSummary. If no additional information available, a zero length string is returned.
- dupsAlarmDisconnect
- Does the UPS disconnect?
- dupsAlarmPowerFail
- Does the input power fail?
- dupsAlarmBatteryLow
- Are the UPS batteries low?
- dupsAlarmLoadWarning
- Does the UPS load percent over the load warning value?
- dupsAlarmLoadSeverity
- Does the UPS load percent over the load severity value?
- dupsAlarmLoadOnBypass
- Does the UPS load on bypass?
- dupsAlarmUPSFault
- Does the UPS general fail?
- dupsAlarmBatteryGroundFault
- Does the UPS battery ground fault?
- dupsAlarmTestInProgress
- Does the UPS test in progress?
- dupsAlarmBatteryTestFail
- Does the UPS test fail?
- dupsAlarmFuseFailure
- Does the UPS fuse failure?
- dupsAlarmOutputOverload
- Does the UPS output overload?
- dupsAlarmOutputOverCurrent
- Does the UPS output overcurrent?
- dupsAlarmInverterAbnormal
- Does the UPS inverter abnormal?
- dupsAlarmRectifierAbnormal
- Does the UPS rectifier abnormal?
- dupsAlarmReserveAbnormal
- Does the UPS reserve abnormal?
- dupsAlarmLoadOnReserve
- Does the UPS load on reserve?
- dupsAlarmOverTemperature
- Does the UPS over heat?
- dupsAlarmOutputBad
- Is the UPS output abnormal?
- dupsAlarmBypassBad
- Is the UPS bypass bad?
- dupsAlarmUPSOff
- Is the UPS in standby mode?
- dupsAlarmChargerFail
- Does the UPS charger fail?
- dupsAlarmFanFail
- Does the UPS fan fail?
- dupsAlarmEconomicMode
- Indicates whether the UPS is in the economic mode.
- dupsAlarmOutputOff
- Indicates whether the UPS output is turned off or not.
- dupsAlarmSmartShutdown
- Indicates whether the Smart Shutdown is in progress.
- dupsEnvTemperature
- The ambient environmental temperature.
- dupsEnvHumidity
- The environmental humidity.
- dupsEnvSetTemperatureLimit
- Alarm dupsAlarmOverTemperature on when the environmental temperature over the value.
- dupsEnvSetHumidityLimit
- Alarm dupsAlarmOverHumidity on when the environmental humidity over the value.
- dupsEnvSetEnvRelay1
- dupsEnvSetEnvRelay2
- dupsEnvSetEnvRelay3
- dupsEnvSetEnvRelay4
- dupsAlarmOverEnvTemperature
- Does the environment over temperature?
- dupsAlarmOverEnvHumidity
- Does the environment over humidity?
- dupsAlarmEnvRelay1
- dupsAlarmEnvRelay2
- dupsAlarmEnvRelay3
- dupsAlarmEnvRelay4
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