IPHost Network Monitor offer an easy way of SNMP monitoring your Avaya network devices.
- meritageBaseLEDs
- Summary of the hub LEDs. The coding of each LED is defined in meritageLedColour Number of bits per LED, currently 8 (1st byte) Number of LEDs, currently 8 (2nd byte) PS1 LED (3rd byte) PS2 LED PS3 LED Fan1 LED Fan2 LED MSPV1 LED MSPV2 LED Eth Sideband LED ...
- meritageBaseTemperatureExceed
- Fault condition indicating that the temperature exceeded 70 degrees in at least one of the modules in the hub.
- meritageBaseXswitchConfiguration
- The value of this attribute shows whether the two horizontal Xswitches are connected internally to form a single 14-slots-wide Xswitch in the Meritage, or not.
- meritageBaseFaultMask
- Each bit of this item describes a fault situation in the Meritage hub. bit 1: meritageBaseFanActivityStatus.1 = failed (2), bit 2: meritageBaseFanActivityStatus.2 = failed (2), bit 3: meritageBasePSUActivityStatus.1 = failed(2), bit 4: meritageBasePSUActi ...
- meritageBaseFanEntry
- An entry in the table, containing attributes for a single Fan unit in the Meritage.
- meritageBaseFanId
- Fan index for identifying the Fan in the Meritage 1-left, 2-right.
- meritageBaseFanActivityStatus
- This attribute defines the status of the Fan.
- meritageBasePSUTable
- Table of configuration attributes for the Power Supply Units.
- meritageBasePSUEntry
- An entry in the table, containing information for a single Power Supply Unit.
- meritageBasePSUId
- Index identifying the PSU.1-left, 2-middle, 3-right.
- meritageBasePSUType
- This attribute indicates the PSU type.
- meritageBasePSUHWVersion
- Hardware version of the PSU. Stored in ASCII format : first Byte - hardware major version number Second Byte - hardware minor version number (Configuration Symbol) last Byte - hardware debug version number.
- meritageBasePSURatedPower
- This attribute indicates the rated power of the PSU in Watts.
- meritageBasePSUActivityStatus
- This attribute defines the status of the PSU: active(1) - indicates that the PSU supplies power to the chassis. failed(2) - indicates PSU failure none(3) - indicates absence of PSU from the configuration.
- meritageBaseUpBckplnConfiguration
- Defines whether the Upper Backplane is constructed as a single domain (full), as a dual domain (split) or not installed. The hardware supports 2 bits for this purpose (A10, B10 MSB). single - 10 in the MSB HW registers dual - 01 in the MSB HW registers no ...
- meritageBaseUpBckplnConfigurationSymbol
- Defines the Configuration Symbol of the Upper Backplane X.Y - where X & Y are integers: 1st byte (X) - Major version number 2nd byte - '.' 3rd byte (Y) - minor version number The hardware supports 2 bits for this purpose (D10, E10 LSB). Y will always be 0 ...
- meritageMSPVBackupStatus
- This attribute defines the status of the backup M-SPV module in the Meritage: dormant (1) - indicates that the backup M-SPV is dormant and works ok. failed (2) - indicates that the backup M-SPV has failed. none (3) - indicates absence of the backup M-SPV ...
- meritageMSPVMainPosition
- This attribute defines the position of the main M-SPV module in the Meritage: MSPV1 (1) - indicates that the main M-SPV is the one on the left slot MSPV2 (2) - indicates that the main M-SPV is the one on the right slot.
- meritageGroupTable
- A table containing information about each group in the hub.
- meritageGroupEntry
- An entry containing information about a particular group in the hub.
- meritageGroupIndex
- Index into this table, by group number.
- meritageGroupTempExceed
- Fault condition indicating that temperature exceeded the threshold on the module.
- meritageGroupLEDsMap
- The status of all the Group LEDs in the form of a BIT Map. The coding of each LED is defined in MeritageLedColour. The structure of this item: Number of bits per LED = A (currently 8 bits) (1st byte) Number of Module level LEDs = B (currently 2) (2nd byte ...
- meritageClockAdminStatus
- enable or disable the clock sync daughter board. When disabled, the M-SPS will use its own internal clock.
- meritageClockReset
- Setting the value of this attribute to ON causes a reset only to the Clock Sync daughter board and not to the M-SPS.
- meritageClockWTR
- The value in seconds of Wait Time to Restore. The time the M-SPS software will wait before restoring a healthy higher priority timing source as the sync source. This is to prevent toggling between two sources if one source is intermittently bad. If the W ...
- meritageClockStatus
- The status of the Clock Sync daughter board: Locked - locked to the input timing source for more then 8 seconds. Holdover - Trying to simulate a clock it was previously locked to. FreeRunning - Outputting a timing source derived from none of the sources. ...
- meritageClockCurrentSource
- The current clock source being used. This is the outcome of the status of the sources and the priority between the sources. possible values are: ATM A, ATM B, SYNC A, SYNC B, none (when there is no source, i.e. in Holdover, Free Running or Internal). A T ...
- meritageClockSourceTable
- A table containing information about each clock source in the hub.
- meritageClockSourceEntry
- An entry containing information about a particular clock source in the hub.
- meritageClockSourceIndex
- Index into this table, by clock source number 1-4. 1 - ATM A 2 - ATM B 3 - SYNC A 4 - SYNC B
- meritageClockSourceStatus
- The status of the source port ok - link ok los - loss of signal. failed - the source may have a link, but the M-SPS has failed 4 times to lock to it. The source will automatically be disabled (priority 0). The status can exit the failed status only if th ...
- meritageClockSourcePriority
- The priority of the source port 0 - disabled 1 - lowest 4 - highest
- meritageClockSourceConfigPort
- The port assigned to drive the Clock Source. In the format X.Y - where X & Y are integers: 1st byte (X) - Slot number 2nd byte - (.) 3rd byte (Y) - Port number The NMS can write values to index 1 and 2 only. Attempt to write a value to index 3 and 4 will ...