XEROX-RESOURCES-TC DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN -- Module: Document Resources Textual Conventions -- Editor: Paul Gloger -- File: 21rsrctc.txt -- Date: December 14, 1997 -- Version: IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE FROM SNMPv2-SMI -- IETF RFC 1442/1902 TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC -- IETF RFC 1443/1903 xeroxCommonMIB FROM XEROX-COMMON-MIB; xcmRsrcTC MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "9712140000Z" ORGANIZATION "Xerox Corporation - Xerox Common Management Interface (XCMI) Working Group" CONTACT-INFO " XCMI Editors E-Mail: -- -- " DESCRIPTION " XCMI Document Resources MIB Textual Conventions, Version Copyright (C) 1997 Xerox Corporation. All Rights Reserved." ::= { xeroxCommonMIB 56 } -- Establish enum values XcmRsrcGroupSupport ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicators for each primary object group of the Document Resources MIB, used to indicate which groups are supported by this host system, specified by a bit-mask: 1 : xcmRsrcGeneral -- 2**0 : general/base MIB group 2 : xcmRsrcInfo -- 2**1 : (generic) resource info. 4 : xcmFontInfo -- 2**2 : general font group 8 : xcmFontPCLInfo -- 2**3 : PCL font group" SYNTAX INTEGER (0..2147483647) -- Cardinal32 = unsigned int = (0..2**31-1) XcmRsrcType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION -- This value is an IETF-Printer-MIB type 2 enumeration. -- This value should probably be changed to an OID if this MIB -- is made into an IETF or other public standard. STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of this resource, from the given enumeration." SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), unknown(2), font(3), logo(4), form(5), image(6) } XcmRsrcPersistence ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION -- This value is an IETF-Printer-MIB type 2 enumeration STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Describes the persistence of this resource. Permanent, or resident, resources are built into the device and cannot be removed. They may, for example, be in ROM, or on hard disk with read-only access. (Note that HP PCL considers a resource to be 'permanent' if it persists across jobs, but such resources are not necessarily permanent by the definition used here.) Nonvolatile resources may be removed by appropriate action, but otherwise persist indefinitely, including across device power cycles. They may, for example, be on hard disk, or in a ROM cartridge. (The type of action required to remove the resource, e.g. file deletion or ROM cartridge removal, can generally be deduced from the hrStorageType of the storage device containing the resource.) Volatile resources are lost across device power cycles. They are typically in RAM. Reference: 'xcmRsrcHrStorageIndex' in this Resources MIB; and 'hrStorageType' in IETF Host Resources MIB (RFC 1514, September 1993) on page 8 (which directly relate to the actual level of 'persistence')." SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), unknown(2), volatile(3), -- lost across power cycles nonvolatile(4), -- persistent across power cycles permanent(5) -- cannot be removed } XcmFontType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION -- This value is an IETF-Printer-MIB type 2 enumeration. -- This value should probably be changed to an OID if this MIB -- is made into an IETF or other public standard. STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The representation type or format of this font, from the given enumeration." SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), unknown(2), psType1(3), -- Adobe PostScript Type 1 (specially -- encoded, outline-only, base font) psType3(4), -- Adobe PostScript Type 3 (regularly -- encoded base font) psType0(5), -- Adobe PostScript Type 0 (composite -- font) psType42(6), -- Adobe PostScript Type 42 (TrueType -- font in PS wrapper) psCIDType0(7), -- Adobe PostScript CID (Character ID)- -- Keyed font, CIDType 0 psCIDType1(8), -- Adobe PostScript CID (Character ID)- -- Keyed font, CIDType 1 psCIDType2(9), -- Adobe PostScript CID (Character ID)- -- Keyed font, CIDType 2 pclSoftFont(10), -- HP PCL SoftFont (bitmap font) pclIntellifont(11), -- HP PCL Intellifont (outline -- font) xeroxICF(12) -- Xerox ICF (Internal Contour Format) } XcmFontSpacing ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION -- This value is an IETF-Printer-MIB type 2 enumeration STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The kind of spacing of the characters in this font, from the given enumeration." SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), unknown(2), fixedSpacing(3), -- same spacing for all characters in font proportionalSpacing(4) -- spacing of each character is proportional to -- its optical width } XcmFontPCLStyle ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION -- This value is an IETF-Printer-MIB type 2 enumeration STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The style of the font, from the given enumeration. See: 'PCL 5 Printer Language Technical Reference Manual' and 'PCL 5 Comparision Guide' by Hewlett-Packard Corporation." SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), unknown(2), upright(3), italic(4), condensed(5), condensedItalic(6), compressed(7), expanded(8), outline(9), inline(10), shadowed(11), outlineShadowed(12) } XcmFontPCLStrokeWeight ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION -- This value is an IETF-Printer-MIB type 2 enumeration STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The PCL stroke weight of the font, from the given enumeration. These enumeration values are generally equal to the usual PCL stroke weight values + 10. See: 'PCL 5 Printer Language Technical Reference Manual' and 'PCL 5 Comparision Guide' by Hewlett-Packard Corporation." SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), unknown(2), ultraThin(3), extraThin(4), thin(5), extraLight(6), light(7), demiLight(8), semiLight(9), medium(10), semiBold(11), demiBold(12), bold(13), extraBold(14), black(15), extraBlack(16), ultraBlack(17) } -- -- Document Resources TC Dummy Group - DO NOT USE! -- -- These dummy objects are defined only to suppress compiler -- warnings by making some local reference to textual -- conventions defined in this TC module. These dummy objects -- have odd use of case in their names (i.e. 'xCm...') in -- order to make obvious their related textual conventions. xCmRsrcDummy OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmRsrcTC 999 } xCmRsrcGroupSupport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XcmRsrcGroupSupport MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Dummy object - DO NOT USE" ::= { xCmRsrcDummy 1 } xCmRsrcType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XcmRsrcType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Dummy object - DO NOT USE" ::= { xCmRsrcDummy 2 } xCmRsrcPersistence OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XcmRsrcPersistence MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Dummy object - DO NOT USE" ::= { xCmRsrcDummy 3 } xCmFontType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XcmFontType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Dummy object - DO NOT USE" ::= { xCmRsrcDummy 4 } xCmFontSpacing OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XcmFontSpacing MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Dummy object - DO NOT USE" ::= { xCmRsrcDummy 5 } xCmFontPCLStyle OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XcmFontPCLStyle MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Dummy object - DO NOT USE" ::= { xCmRsrcDummy 6 } xCmFontPCLStrokeWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XcmFontPCLStrokeWeight MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Dummy object - DO NOT USE" ::= { xCmRsrcDummy 7 } END