session_packets monitor - SNMP OIDs

MIBs list

OIDs - session_packets monitor

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for session packets

ALTIGA Http Statistics Session Packets Sent
alHttpStatsSessionPacketsSent (defined in ALTIGA-HTTP-STATS-MIB)
Number of packets sent during this session.
ALTIGA Http Statistics Session Packets Received
alHttpStatsSessionPacketsRcvd (defined in ALTIGA-HTTP-STATS-MIB)
Number of packets received during this session.
ALTIGA L2tp Statistics Session Receive Packets
alL2tpStatsSessionRecvPackets (defined in ALTIGA-L2TP-STATS-MIB)
This object returns the total number of payload packets received for this session.
ALTIGA L2tp Statistics Session Send Packets
alL2tpStatsSessionSendPackets (defined in ALTIGA-L2TP-STATS-MIB)
This object returns the total number of payload packets transmitted for this session.
ALTIGA Pptp Statistics Session Receive Packets
alPptpStatsSessionRecvPackets (defined in ALTIGA-PPTP-STATS-MIB)
This object returns the total number of payload packets received for this session.
ALTIGA Pptp Statistics Session Send Packets
alPptpStatsSessionSendPackets (defined in ALTIGA-PPTP-STATS-MIB)
This object returns the total number of payload packets transmitted for this session.
ALTIGA Ssh Statistics Session Packets Sent
alSshStatsSessionPacketsSent (defined in ALTIGA-SSH-STATS-MIB)
Number of packets sent during this session.
ALTIGA Ssh Statistics Session Packets Received
alSshStatsSessionPacketsRcvd (defined in ALTIGA-SSH-STATS-MIB)
Number of packets received during this session.
ALTIGA Telnet Statistics Session In Net Packets
alTelnetStatsSessionInNetPackets (defined in ALTIGA-TELNET-STATS-MIB)
The per session number of Telnet packets that were received from the network since the system was booted.
ALTIGA Telnet Statistics Session Out Net Packets
alTelnetStatsSessionOutNetPackets (defined in ALTIGA-TELNET-STATS-MIB)
The per session number of Telnet packets that were transmitted to the network since the system was booted.
ALTIGA Telnet Statistics Session Out Net Dropped Packets
alTelnetStatsSessionOutNetDropPackets (defined in ALTIGA-TELNET-STATS-MIB)
The per session number of Telnet packets destined for the network that were dropped during output processing since the system was booted.
ALTIGA Telnet Statistics Session In Shell Packets
alTelnetStatsSessionInShPackets (defined in ALTIGA-TELNET-STATS-MIB)
The per session number of Telnet packets that were received from the shell since the system was booted.
ALTIGA Telnet Statistics Session In Shell Dropped Packets
alTelnetStatsSessionInShDropPackets (defined in ALTIGA-TELNET-STATS-MIB)
The per session number of Telnet packets from the shell that were dropped during input processing since the system was booted.
ALTIGA Telnet Statistics Session Out Shell Packets
alTelnetStatsSessionOutShPackets (defined in ALTIGA-TELNET-STATS-MIB)
The per session number of Telnet packets that were transmitted to the shell since the system was booted.
ALTIGA Telnet Statistics Session Out Shell Dropped Packets
alTelnetStatsSessionOutShDropPackets (defined in ALTIGA-TELNET-STATS-MIB)
The per session number of Telnet packets destined for the shell that were dropped during output processing since the system was booted.
Cisco's ASN Gateway Session Not Found Data Packets Drops
cagwSessionNotFoundDataPktsDrops (defined in CISCO-ASN-GATEWAY-MIB)
The number of data packets dropped due to session not found for the GRE key.
Cisco Cdma Session Sent Packets
cCdmaSessionSentPkts (defined in CISCO-CDMA-PDSN-MIB)
The number of data packets sent to the mobile user since session established.
Cisco Cdma Session Received Packets
cCdmaSessionRcvdPkts (defined in CISCO-CDMA-PDSN-MIB)
The number of data packets received from the mobile since session established.
Cisco Cdma Session Discarded Out Packets
cCdmaSessionDiscardedOutPkts (defined in CISCO-CDMA-PDSN-MIB)
The number of outgoing data packets dropped by PDSN since system was last restarted.
Cisco Cdma Session Discarded In Packets
cCdmaSessionDiscardedInPkts (defined in CISCO-CDMA-PDSN-MIB)
The number of incoming data packets dropped by PDSN since system was last restarted.
Cisco Cdma Session GRE From IP Packets
cCdmaSessionGREFromIPPkts (defined in CISCO-CDMA-PDSN-MIB)
Number of GRE encapsulated packets received from IP since system was last restarted.
Cisco Cdma Session GRE To IP Packets
cCdmaSessionGREToIPPkts (defined in CISCO-CDMA-PDSN-MIB)
Number of GRE encapsulated packets delivered to IP for transmission since system was last restarted.
l2t Session Data Recv Packets
l2tSessionDataRecvPackets (defined in ibm-ibml2tp)
The number packets received on the data tunnel for this session.
l2t Session Data Send Packets
l2tSessionDataSendPackets (defined in ibm-ibml2tp)
The number packets sent on the data tunnel for this session.
l2t History Session Data Recv Packets
l2tHistSessDataRecvPackets (defined in ibm-ibml2tp)
The number packets received on the data tunnel for this session.
l2t History Session Data Send Packets
l2tHistSessDataSendPackets (defined in ibm-ibml2tp)
The number packets sent on the data tunnel for this session.
Juniper L2tp Session Stats Control Tx Packets
jnxL2tpSessionStatsControlTxPkts (defined in JNX-L2TP-MIB)
This object contains the number of control packets that were transmitted to the session peer.
Juniper L2tp Session Stats Control Rx Packets
jnxL2tpSessionStatsControlRxPkts (defined in JNX-L2TP-MIB)
This object contains the number of control packets received on the session.
Juniper L2tp Session Stats Data Tx Packets
jnxL2tpSessionStatsDataTxPkts (defined in JNX-L2TP-MIB)
This object contains the number of data packets transmitted to the remote session peer.
Juniper L2tp Session Stats Data Rx Packets
jnxL2tpSessionStatsDataRxPkts (defined in JNX-L2TP-MIB)
This object contains the number of data packets received on this session.
Juniper L2tp Session Stats Error Tx Packets
jnxL2tpSessionStatsErrorTxPkts (defined in JNX-L2TP-MIB)
This object contains the number of error transmit packets on the session.
Juniper L2tp Session Stats Error Rx Packets
jnxL2tpSessionStatsErrorRxPkts (defined in JNX-L2TP-MIB)
This object contains the number of error receive packets on the session.
jnx Ppp Session In Packets
jnxPppSessionInPackets (defined in JNX-PPP-MIB)
Number of packets received since this session last became active, as denoted by jnxPppSessionStartTime.
jnx Ppp Session Out Packets
jnxPppSessionOutPackets (defined in JNX-PPP-MIB)
Number of packets sent since this session last became active, as denoted by jnxPppSessionStartTime.

MIBs list