Creating and managing DHCP scopes using Netsh

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DHCP server offers flexible means top control the way it provides IP addresses and other information. All the major options may be changed on the fly using tools such as netsh utility.

DHCP scope is a pool (set) of IP addresses that a DHCP server may lease when requested. Those can be created from command-line, thus offering an automated means of manipulation scope

For example, the following command

netsh dhcp server add scope "Building One"

will create a scope with network ID and IP mask

The subsequent command

netsh dhcp server scope add iprange

wil create a range of dynamic IP addresses from the specified scope.

To exclude certain address from that dynamic pool, use command like

netsh dhcp server scope add excluderange

the above command will excldue the six addresses from dynamical assignement.

You can create static address assignment for a specific MAC address using command like

netsh dhcp server scope add reservedip 6E7A55109F0B

Similarly, the above records may be deleted with 'del' subcommand.

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This page contains a single entry by Konstantin Boyandin published on December 1, 2009 5:36 PM.

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