Enabling and Using Wireless Tracing

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W-Fi connections setup and/or maintenance may be quite tricky; it could be hard to determine what is the exact reason of connection failure. In case of Windows Server 2008 or Vista, you can use the powerful command-line tool, netsh, to provide you with a lot of relate information.

netsh can be used in so called tracing mode, in which case it creates a detailed report on connection whereabouts. To manage tracing, use the following command line:

netsh wlan set tracing mode={yes|no|persistent}

Once the tracing is complete, the report is placed in %WINDOWSROOT%\tracing\wireless where it can be viewed with Windows performance monitor.

A note of warning: persistent tracing means the tracing must be stopped manually using the 'no' parameter.

If 'yes' parameter was used, tracing is automatically turned off after a system reboot.

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This page contains a single entry by Konstantin Boyandin published on December 7, 2009 10:44 AM.

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Importing/Exporting Wireless Profiles in Vista/Server 2008 is the next entry in this blog.

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