Enabling Recycle Bin for network resources

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When you are using network resources, deleted files are deleted at once and permanently, without being placed in a recycled bin.

There is no default support of such a facility for network shares and certain kinds of removable media (i.e. flash cards).  This makes it quite dangerous the whole deletion operations and can cause data loss in an accidental deletion.

There are no direct ways to create a recycle bin replacement, but third-party tools such as Undelete utility from Diskeeper Corporation can be used instead.

With Undelete installed, the deleted files on both network devices and certain removable media (flash cards, for example) are protected from actual deletion. This can be used along with other means to protect data on remote media, thus preventing significant data loss in case files are accessed from another computer. Consider also using backup services to create actuial backups of all the important data.

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This page contains a single entry by Konstantin Boyandin published on December 2, 2009 3:23 PM.

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