How To: Secure USB Ports

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USB ports on desktop computers may result in significant security risks. Two reasons are: sensitive data may be copied onto USB-connected removable media; also, software can be run off the removable media, thus resulting in a number of possible threats to both the computer inserted into and the whole intranet.

To handle this in Windows XP, a registry tweak should be used, to make all the plugged USB devices read-only.

To achieve that, open your registry editor and navigate to
and create a new key StorageDevicePolicies. Within that key create a new key StorageDevicePolicies, and within it,
add a REG_DWORD value with name WriteProtect and value of 1.

The change mentioned may be distribute it via logon script; you can also use group policy to do that.

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This page contains a single entry by Konstantin Boyandin published on January 21, 2010 3:14 PM.

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