How To: User Remote Desktop Client From Command Line

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The standard Microsoft remote desktop client is located at

If run without command-line parameters, it makes the desktop connection program run. However, there are several ways to fine tune the remote desktop client operation by using appropriate command-line parameters.

The command line syntax is:
mstsc.exe (ConnectionFile | /v:ServerName[:Port]) [/console] [/f] [/w:width/h:height]

/v - specifies the remote computer and port (optional) you wish to connect to
/console - connects to the console of a Windows Server 2003 based system
/f - starts the remote desktop connection in fullscreen mode
/w and /h - specifies the width and height of the remote desktop connection

These can be very convenient if, for example, you need to run the service at non-standard port and/or need to specify a different size for the desktop window.

The client may be configured, via group policy, to run at startup time. It's useful when the computer needs to connect to the remote server to  be able to do anything.

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This page contains a single entry by Konstantin Boyandin published on January 18, 2010 5:39 PM.

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