How To: Determind Why A Service Won't Start

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A sc.exe utility from the Resource Kit can be used to determine whether a given service has actually started when the computer has booted up. Just type

sc query servicename

to determine the state of a service named 'servicename'. Look for the WIN32_EXIT_CODE field in the output printed. If it's zero, the service has started successfully; if not, the value will be non-zero. The actual value (error code) is service-specific.

To determine what a particular error code means, use 'net helpmsg' command to retrieve a text description of a given error code. E.g., if a service returned error code of 413 (decimal), use command

net helpmsg 413

That will in most cases be enough to narrow the search for the problem origin to find out the problem reason

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This page contains a single entry by Konstantin Boyandin published on January 15, 2010 9:19 AM.

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How To: Display Windows Service Not Running is the next entry in this blog.

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