How To: Disable Services Using Recovery Console

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After a server upgrade there could be problems related to misbehaving services. In certain situations, it's impossible to boot into Safe Mode, either. To handle such a case, use the Recovery Console.

The situation mentioned above can be used ny out-of-date driver or service misconfiguration. The latter case can be handled this way:

to display the list of all the services and drivers on your computer. You will see the name of a service you could be willing to disable.

Now type
disable servicename
to modify the startup type of the service to 'Disabled'.

After that you should reboot the computer to see whether the problem was related to the service disabled.

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This page contains a single entry by Konstantin Boyandin published on January 14, 2010 7:23 PM.

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How To: Determind Why A Service Won't Start is the next entry in this blog.

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