

Internet Mail Access protocol version 4 (there are several revisions) is the most popular of all the IMAP family of mail protocols. It is implemented in most popular mail servers nowadays and is the most advanced means to use email. The fact IMAP4 allows many simultaneous connection to the same mailbox means one can check mailbox state without locking out other users. In other words, it is possible to both work with the IMAP4 mailbox and watch its state at the same time.

IMAP4 mailboxes allow users to create hierarchical structure of email messages, thus speeding up all the search and access tasks. It also allows to handle attachments (i.e. detach them or completely remove in situ). Note that IMAP4 also allows to use mailbox as file storage facility.


IPHost features:

IMAP Monitor
IMAP Monitor is a simple IPHost Monitor. IMAP, or Internet Mail Access Protocol, is one of two popular protocol used to access email. Unlike POP3, IMAP is much …

POP3 Monitor
IPHost Monitor can prevent most hazards of this kind by offering POP3 Monitors. Testing manually may result in credentials leak; the lack of testing may lead to belated alerts about mail service unavailable. Since mail availability is a crucial aspect in many business models …