Secure Socket Layer, as well as its descendant, TLS, is a cryptographic protocol that encrypts segment of network connections above the Transport Layer, using symmetric cryptography and keyed message authentication code for reliability. Simply put, SSL allows to use ‘usual’ insecure protocols such as POP3, IMAP, LDAP and so on over encrypted connection, efficiently preventing data interception. A number of insecure protocols have their secure counterpart, using another wel-known port, for example: POP3 (port 110) and POP3S (port 995), HTTP (port 80) and HTTPS (port 443).

SSL and TLS should be a must, wherever possible, for all private data transmission, examples: authentication, Internet banking, data monitoring. However, TLS should be used if available (TLS allows using the standard insecure port for secure interchanges).


IPHost features:

Mail servers monitoring
IMAP Monitor is a simple IPHost Monitor. IMAP, or Internet Mail Access Protocol, is one of two popular protocol used to access email. Unlike POP3, IMAP is much …

POP3 – mail servers monitoring
POP3 Monitor is a simple IPHost Monitor. POP3 Monitor allows you to check for both connectivity and authentication results …

SMTP – host monitoring
SMTP monitoring, as part of more general mail services monitoring may be used in conjunction with POP3 and IMAP monitors, as well as with monitors designed to watch authentication and general connectivity. Note that if test messages are used, the absence of such message should be treated as an alert as well.