Purchasing and Registration

Purchasing and Registration

IPHost Network Monitor is available in several editions, prices start from $199 for edition with 200 monitors. Please check order page and select the option that best suits your needs.

You can order IPHost Network Monitor online by credit card or PayPal. Orders by wire transfer, phone, fax, mail / check / money order, or local bank transfer are also supported.

The payments processing service is provided by Robokassa Ltd.:

Stremyannyy per. 26
Moscow 115054
Russian Federation

After your order has been processed you will receive an e-mail with your license key and registration instructions.

If you require support during your purchase please direct all your questions to our e-commerce provider Robokassa Ltd. using the support site.

If you have any questions regarding the IPHost Network Monitor software please send us an e-mail to: support@iphostmonitor.com