

AT-GS950-16-MIB Download

MIBs list

IPHost Network Monitor offer an easy way of SNMP monitoring your Allied Telesis network devices, Firewalls, Repeaters.

OID list for AT-GS950-16-MIB

An SNMP engine's administratively-unique identifier. In a simple agent, this value is always that agent's own snmpEngineID value. The value can also take the value of the snmpEngineID of a remote SNMP engine with which this user can communicate.
This object is for enabling or disabling SNMP Community function.
A human readable string rsysresenting the name of the user. This is the (User-based Security) Model dependent security ID.
An indication of whether messages sent on behalf of this user to/from the SNMP engine identified by usmUserEngineID, can be authenticated, and if so, the type of authentication protocol which is used. An instance of this object is created concurrently wit ...
An indication of whether messages sent on behalf of this user to/from the SNMP engine identified by usmUserEngineID, can be protected from disclosure, and if so, the type of privacy protocol which is used. An instance of this object is created concurrentl ...
The status of this concsystual row. Until instances of all corresponding columns are appropriately configured, the value of the corresponding instance of the usmUserStatus column is 'notReady'. In particular, a newly created row for a user who employs aut ...
A human readable string rsysresenting the name of the user. This is the (User-based Security) Model dsysendent security ID.
A human readable string rsysresenting the name of the user. This is the (User-based Security) Model dsysendent security ID.
The name of the group to which this entry (e.g., the combination of securityModel and securityName) belongs. This groupName is used as index into the vacmAccessTable to select an access control policy. However, a value in this table does not imply that an ...
The status of this concsystual row. Until instances of all corresponding columns are appropriately configured, the value of the corresponding instance of the usmUserStatus column is 'notReady'. In particular, a newly created row for a user who employs aut ...
The name of the group to which this entry (e.g., the combination of securityModel and securityName) belongs. This groupName is used as index into the vacmAccessTable to select an access control policy. However, a value in this table does not imply that an ...
In order to gain the access rights allowed by this concsystual row, this securityModel must be in use.
The minimum level of security required in order to gain the access rights allowed by this concsystual row. A securityLevel of noAuthNoPriv is less than authNoPriv which in turn is less than authPriv. If multiple entries are equally indexed excsyst for th ...
The value of an instance of this object identifies the MIB view of the SNMP context to which this concsystual row authorizes read access. The identified MIB view is that one for which the vacmViewTreeFamilyViewName has the same value as the instance of th ...
The value of an instance of this object identifies the MIB view of the SNMP context to which this concsystual row authorizes write access. The identified MIB view is that one for which the vacmViewTreeFamilyViewName has the same value as the instance of t ...
The value of an instance of this object identifies the MIB view of the SNMP context to which this concsystual row authorizes access for notifications. The identified MIB view is that one for which the vacmViewTreeFamilyViewName has the same value as the i ...
The status of this concsystual row. The RowStatus TC [RFC2579] requires that this DESCRIPTION clause states under which circumstances other objects in this row can be modified: The value of this object has no effect on whether other objects in this concs ...
The human readable name for a family of view subtrees.
The MIB subtree which when combined with the corresponding instance of vacmViewTreeFamilyMask defines a family of view subtrees.
The bit mask which, in combination with the corresponding instance of vacmViewTreeFamilySubtree, defines a family of view subtrees. Each bit of this bit mask corresponds to a sub-identifier of vacmViewTreeFamilySubtree, with the most significant bit of th ...
Indicates whether the corresponding instances of vacmViewTreeFamilySubtree and vacmViewTreeFamilyMask define a family of view subtrees which is included in or excluded from the MIB view.
The status of this concsystual row. The RowStatus TC [RFC2579] requires that this DESCRIPTION clause states under which circumstances other objects in this row can be modified: The value of this object has no effect on whether other objects in this concs ...
The unique index value of a row in this table.
The unique index value of a row in this table.
A human readable string rsysresenting the corresponding value of snmpCommunityName in a Security Model indsysendent format.
The status of this concsystual row in the snmpCommunityTable. An entry in this table is not qualified for activation until instances of all corresponding columns have been initialized, either through default values, or through Set operations. The snmpCom ...
The locally arbitrary, but unique identifier associated with this snmpNotifyEntry.
This object contains a transport address. The format of this address dsysends on the value of the snmpTargetAddrTDomain object.
The Level of Security to be used when generating SNMP messages using this entry.
The status of this concsystual row in the SnmpTrapManagerTable. An entry in this table is not qualified for activation until instances of all corresponding columns have been initialized, either through default values, or through Set operations. The snmpT ...
The (concsystual) table listing the RADIUS servers with which the client shares a secret.
An entry (concsystual row) rsysresenting a RADIUS server with which the client shares a secret.
The RADIUS server with whom the client interacts.
The IP address of the RADIUS server referred to in this table entry.
The secret string which is shared between Server and Client
The maximum time within which the server has to respond for a request from the client
The allowed maximum no. of trials to be tried by a client to get response from the server for a request
The UDP port the client is using to send authentication requests to this server.
This object indicates the status of this entry. An entry is created in this table when this object is SET to 'createAndWait'. The entry in this table is used when the status of this object is SET 'active'. The entry in this table is not used when this obj ...
The UDP port the client is using to send accounting requests to this server.
Specifies the maximum number of interfaces that can be present in the system.
Specifies the maximum number of physical interfaces that can be present in the system.
Shows an ifIndex which is available for creation of any new virtual (non-physical) interface in the system. This ifIndex value can be used for creation of interfaces in the ifMainTable or any media-specif MIB. For creation of physical interfaces, any free ...
A list of all the interface entries in the system. This table contains objects which are applicable to all types of interfaces in the system. This table is a proprietary extension to the standard ifTable and ifXTable. The index to this table has the seman ...
An entry containing management information applicable to a particular interface.
A unique value, greater than zero, for each interface. This object is identical to the ifIndex of the standard MIB-2 ifTable.
The type/protocol of interface. Specification of the object is mandatory for all interfaces. This value should be specified after the row creation in the ifMainTable and before setting any other object in this table. Once the type is specified, it cannot ...
The MTU for the interface as shown to the higher interface sub-layer (this value should not include the encapsulation or header added by the interface). If IP is operating over the interface, then this value indicates the IP MTU over this interface. For c ...
The desired state of the interface. This object can be set only when the ifMainRowStatus of the interface is active. This object has the semantics of the ifAdminStatus of the standard ifTable. The testing(3) state indicates that no operational packets can ...
The current operational state of the interface. The testing (3) state indicates that no operational packets can be passed - this state is not supported currently. If ifMainAdminStatus is down (2) then ifMainOperStatus would be down (2). If ifMainAdminStat ...
The encapsulation type to be used over the interface. For Ethernet interfaces, the default encapsulation type is ethernetV2(8). The other possible encapsulation is llcSnap(6). If other(1) is specified then an automatic encapsulation type learning method i ...
The Bridge port type of this specified externally accessible port. Bridge Port type can be specified only for switch ports and not for router ports. providerNetworkPort - Port Connected to a single Provider. SVLAN Classification is based on only the PVID ...
A RowStatus variable for addition, deletion and in-activation of the interfaces. Specification of the object is mandatory for all interfaces. When the status is active, the interface is created and ready to use in the respective protocol modules. When the ...
A list of all the interface entries in the system which are registered with IP. This table contains objects which are applicable for the management of IP over the network interfaces in the system. This table is a extension to the ifMainTable. The index to ...
An entry containing management information applicable to a particular interface over which IP is operating.
The mechanism to be used for allocation of IP address for this interface. The value negotiation can be used only for PPP and MLPPP interfaces which support obtaining of IP addresses through negotiation. The dynamic(3) option takes an IP address dynamicall ...
Specifies the IP address given to this interface. The specification of this object is mandatory for all network interfaces (Ethernet, FR VC, IPoA interface, PPP link - not under MP, MP interface and X.25 VC). If the interface is not a network interface th ...
Specifies the IP Subnet Mask for this interface. The value should be specified only for network interfaces and any valid VLSM is accsysted. If not specified, this object takes the default subnet mask value based on the class of the IP address configured f ...
Specifies the IP broadcast address for this interface. The value should be specified only for network interfaces and any valid broadcast address based on a valid VLSM is accsysted. If not specified, this object takes the default value based on the class o ...
Specifies whether IP forwarding is enable on this interface. Disabling IP forwarding on an interface will result in packets which are to be forwarded on that interface being dropped and ICMP error messages being generated for the packets.
Specifies the protocol to be used to obtain IP address for this interface. This object is valid only when ifIpAddrAllocMethod is set to dynamic (3). Currently rarp (1) option is not supported. The assigned value will be effective only when the interface ...
A list of all the interfaces in the system with IVR related configurations. This table is an extension to the ifMainTable. The index to this table has the semantics of the ifMainIndex of the ifMainTable.
An entry containing IVR-related information applicable to a interface.
Indicates if this interface is a Bridged interface or not. A value of 'TRUE' indicates that this interface is a Bridged interface and is capable of performing bridging of packets through this interface. A value of 'FALSE' indicates that this interface is ...
A string of octets containing one bit per VLAN. The first octet corresponds to VLANs with VlanId values 1 through 8; the second octet to VLANs 9 through 16 etc. The most significant bit of each octet corresponds to the lowest VlanId value in that octet. ...
A string of octets containing one bit per VLAN. The first octet corresponds to VLANs with VlanId values 1 through 8; the second octet to VLANs 9 through 16 etc. The most significant bit of each octet corresponds to the lowest VlanId value in that octet. ...
A list of secondary IP addresses configured over the interfaces registered with IP. This table is a extension to the ifMainTable. The index to this table has the semantics of the ifMainIndex of the ifMainTable. Secondary IpAddress configuration should not ...
An entry contains the information associated with the secondary(additional) ip address configured to a particular interface.
Specifies the Secondary IP address associated with the interface
Specifies the IP Subnet Mask associted with the secondary ip address configuration. The value should be specified only for network interfaces and any valid VLSM is accsysted. If not specified, this object takes the default subnet mask value based on the c ...
Specifies the IP broadcast address associated with the configured secondary IP address. The value should be specified only for network interfaces and any valid broadcast address based on a valid VLSM is accsysted. If not specified, this object takes the d ...
This object is used to manage creation and deletion of rows in this table.
This object defines the sysRmonenable flag for sysRmon
This object defines the flag for whether HW supports Etherstatistics or not
This object defines the enabled HWhistorysupp flag for sysRmon
This object defines the enabled HWAlarmsupp flag for sysRmon
This object defines the enabled HWEvent flag for sysRmon
Start or shutdown Link Aggregation Module in the system When set as 'start',resources required by Link aggregation module are allocated & Link aggregation module starts running. When shutdown, all resources used by Link aggregation module will be released ...
Sets the Link Aggregation Module administrative status as enabled or disabled. The module can be enabled only when this object is set to 'enabled'.
This object is used to enable Trace Statements in Link Aggregation Module. A FOUR BYTE integer is used for enabling the level of tracing. Each BIT in the four byte integer, rsysresents a particular level of Trace. The mapping between the bit positions & t ...
This Object specifies the maximun number of ports that can attach to a port-channel
This Object specifies the maximum number of Port-channels Present in the system
This read only objects gives actual status of the Link Aggregation Module (Operational status of module). When Module is enabled Link Aggregation protocol starts functioning. When the module is disabled all the dynamically allocated memory will be freed a ...
A 6-octet read-write MAC address value used as a unique identifier for the System.
A Port-channel is created through ifMain table. After the creation of the port-channel, corresponding logical interface will be created in the ifMain table. This Port-channel table is indexed through Key values and allows to configure link selection polic ...
There is one entry in this table for each created port-channel port
The ifIndex of the port-channel(Aggregator's interface index).
An index that uniquely identifies an entry in this table.
This object is used for configuring MacAddress that is to be used by the port-channel when sysLaPortChannelMacSelection is force. WARNING:The value configured should not conflict with the MAC address of system ports that are not configured to select this ...
Indicates the MAC address selection method for for the port-channel. Dynamic - Port-channel MAC address is chosen as MAC address of an active port in the PortChannel. Force - Port-channel MAC address configured through sysLaPortChannelAdminMacAddress is ...
Current Operating Channel Mode of the port Lacp(1) - forcing the port to negotiate with the partner. manual(2) - force the port to enable channeling (Manual). disable(3) - channeling is disabled.
The number of ports actually configured to the port-channel
This object will give the number of ports that are attached to the port-channel and actively carrying data traffic on the link.
Link selection policy to be used by the port-channel. The selection policies based on the IP address can be set if and only if hardware is present and supported.
The ifIndex of the default port that gets attached to the aggregator. A value of 0 means there is no default port for this port-channel. If this object is set to 0, it will remove the current default port from the aggregator. To change the default port of ...
A table that contains objects to set the port lacp mode of dot3adAggPortTable.
Each entry in this table is for each physical port that participates in Link Aggregation which can be either aggregatable or individual. This table is indexed by the PortIndex.
The ifIndex of the port
This object is used to enable LACP, disable LACP or manually aggregate a port
This read-only object is used to display the port state in aggregation upInBndl(0) - The port is operationally up and actively takes part in aggregation. standby(1) - The port is capable of joining in aggregation group, when any of the ports in ...
A string of 8 bits,corresponding to the administrative values of Actor_State as transmitted by the Actor in LACPDUs. The first bit corresponds to bit 0 of Actor_State (LACP_Activity), the second bit corresponds to bit 1 (LACP_Timeout),the third bit corres ...
Duration of the port to attach to the PortChannel.
A string of 8 bits,corresponding to the administrative values of Partner_State.The first bit corresponds to bit 0 of Partner_State (LACP_Activity),the second bit corresponds to bit 1 (LACP_Timeout), the third bit corresponds to bit 2 (Aggregation),the fou ...
The port number used as dot3adAggPortActorPort and is communicated in LACPDUs as the Actor_Port.
The Restore mtu stores the original MTU of the port before getting aggregated to port channel. A SET on the MIB object is not allowed for SNMP users. This operation is allowed only during config-save-restore operation , during system initialization.
This read-only object is used to display whether the port participates in dynamic aggregator selection. The default will be static aggregation selection. static(0) - The port is involved only in static aggregation. i.e. the port can be a member of on ...
Starts or shutdowns PNAC Module in the system. When set as 'start',resources required by PNAC module are allocated & PNAC module starts running. When shutdown, all resources used by PNAC module will be released to the system.
This object is used to configure for the choice of local or remote Authentication Server to be used by the Authenticator for its authentication services.
This object is the Network Access Server Identifier to be presented before the remote Authentication Server.
A table of system level information for each port supported by the EnterprisePNAC. An entry appears in this table for each port of this system. This table is an extension of dot1xPaePortTable of IEEE 802.1x MIB.
Configuration as port based or MAC based authentication and Supplicant count on a port. Index to this table is same as that of the dot1xPaePortTable, which is the InterfaceIndex.
The port number associated with this port.
The value of the combined Port status.
This object indicates dot1x multi hsot is enabled or disabled.
This object indicates mode is 802.1x or mac based.
This object indicates piggyback mode is enabled or disabled.
This object indicates vlan assignment is enabled or disabled.
This object indicates Secure vlan is enabled or disabled.
This read only objects gives actual status of the PNAC Module (Operational status of module). When Module is enabled PNAC protocol starts functioning. When the module is disabled all the dynamically allocated memory will be freed and PNAC protocol stops f ...
This table contains authentication related User configuration information maintained by PNAC local Authentication Server.
Each entry contains User name, Password, Authentication protocol used, Authenticated session timeout and Access ports list of the User seeking authentication.
Identity of the User seeking authentication. A string of not more than 20 printable characters.
The secret Password of the User. A string of not more than 20 printable characters. When read, this always returns a String of length zero.
The Authentication protocol supported for the User.
The time in seconds after which the Authentication offerred to the User ceases. Maximum value of the object can be 7200 seconds. When the object value is 0, the ReAuthPeriod of the Authenticator port is used by Authenticator.
The complete set of ports of Authenticator to which the User is allowed or denied access, on the basis of setting of 'sysPnacASUserConfigPermission' object.
For the set of ports indicated by 'sysPnacASUserConfigPortList' object, the User is allowed access when this object is set 'allow' and is denied access when this object is set 'deny'.
Dynamic Vlan ID is assigned by Switch in local mode
This object indicates the status of this entry. An entry is created in this table when this object is SET to 'createAndWait'. The entry in this table is used when the status of this object is SET 'active'. The entry in this table is not used when this obj ...
This table contains authentication session information associated with each Guest vlan while Authenticator operates in port based authentication mode.
Guest Vlan ID assign with each port.
The port number associated with this port.
specify the guest vlan tag.0 for non exiting
System name used for identification of the device. The following characters are allowed to input. 0 ~ 9 / a ~ z / A ~ Z Special character: ( ) A!V + _ = .
Version number of the Hardware.
Version number of the Firmware.
Specifies the means by which the default interface in the device gets the IP address. If 'manual' mode is selected, the default interface takes the 'sysDefaultIpAddr' configured in the system. If 'dynamic' mode is selected, the default interface gets the ...
Default IP Address of the system. This IP address, if modified, will take effect only when the configuration is stored & restored.
IP subnet mask for the default IP address. This subnet mask, if modified, will take effect only when the configuration is stored & restored.
This object allows the user to restart the Switch (i.e)the entire switch will operationally go down and start again. Setting a value of 'true' causes the switch to be restarted. When the switch operationally goes down, configuration save operation is i ...
Specifies whether the configurations of the switch has to be saved or not. The value 'noSave' specifies that the configurations need not be saved. The value 'flashSave' specifies that the configurations need to be saved in flash in the specified file name ...
IP Address of the remote system to which the switch configurations have to be saved. This object is valid only if 'sysConfigSaveOption' is chosen to be 'remoteSave'.
Name of the file in which the switch configurations are to be saved. This object is valid only if 'sysConfigSaveOption' is chosen to be 'flashSave' or 'remoteSave'.
When set as 'true' switch configurations save operation is initiated. As soon as the configuration save operation is completed, the value of this object reverts back to 'false'. All the configurations made via the three interfaces viz. -> commandline inte ...
Status of configuration save operation.
Specifies whether the switch configurations have to be restored or not. The value 'noRestore' specifies that the switch configurations need not be restored when the system is restarted. The value 'restore' specifies that the configurations need to be rest ...
IP Address of the remote system from where the switch configurations have to be downloaded to the 'Startup Configuration File' in the flash.
The configuration file name in the remote system which has to be downloaded to the 'Startup Configuration File' and set this name to 'Startup Configuration Restire File Name' in the flash.
When set as 'true', the switch configurations will be downloaded from the specified remote system to the 'Startup Configuration File' in the flash. As soon as the configuration download operation is completed, the value of this object reverts back to 'fal ...
The status of the switch configuration restore operation.
The Ip Address of machine from where the firmware has to be downloaded.
The firmware name which is to be downloaded to the switch.
Initiates the firmware Download operation.
The option specifies whether the debug logging messages is to be sent to console or to a file(system buffer) in the system.
The Ip address of TFTP server to which the log file is to be uploaded.
The file name to be used for uploading the logs to the remote system.
Initiates uploading of log file to the specified IP address in 'sysUploadLogFileToIp'. The logs will be uploaded and saved in a file using the file name which was specified in 'sysLogFileName'.
The textual identification of the contact person for this managed node, together with information on how to contact this person. If no contact information is known, the value is the zero-length string.
The physical location of this node (e.g., `telsyshone closet, 3rd floor'). If the location is unknown, the value is the zero-length string.
The mechanism by which the user login to access the GUI for configuration has to be authenticated. Authentication is done either locally or in the remote side through a RADIUS Server.
Ethernet address (base address) of the Switch. This base Mac Address, if modified, will take effect only when the Switch is restarted.
The date is display in the switch in the format, Hours:Minutes:Seconds Day Month Year e.g 19:10:31 11 08 2005 01-12 Month - beginning from January to December The railway time 00 to 24 hours can be displayed. The Display of the date is in the format , W ...
The port to be used by the hosts/PC to configure ISS using the Web Interface The HTTP server must be disabled before this configuration is done
This object is for enabling or disabling HTTP in the system.
The Default VLAN Identifier to be used at system startup. The VLAN Module creates this vlan as the default vlan. The Default VLAN Identifier, if modified, will take effect only when the switch is restarted
This time interval to be used at counting time seconds to logout web interface automatically.
This time interval to be used at counting time seconds to logout command interface automatically.
This object is for enabling or disabling cpu policer in the system.
This object is for enabling or disabling LED ECO mode in the system.
This object is for enabling or disabling powersaving in the system.
This object is for enabling or disabling DHCP auto configuration in the system.
This object is for set asyvlan to ivl or svl in the system.
This object is for enabling or disabling COS in the system.
This object is for enabling or disabling Trap in the system.
Enable/Disable Factory Default Reset function. The Factory Default Reset function is used to enable or disable the push button and reset function on the device. When the user wants to disable reset function that must be configure a password to lock it. On ...
Input a password first and then the sysFDResetStateEnable can work correctly.
A table to control device features like egress traffic control, stats collection, etc. either for the entire switch or for each interface in the switch.
An entry appears in this table for each interface in the system. In addition to that an entry with index '0' is created in this table by default. If 'sysConfigCtrlStatus' of the entry '0' is made 'valid', then global control is chosen and the values again ...
Interface index of the port for which the configuration in this entry applies. If any configuration is made in this table for the index '0', that configuration will be considered as global configuration and is applicable for all the interfaces of the swit ...
Controls the transmission of egress traffic over this interface. This value for entry '0' controls the egress traffic over all interfaces.
Enables or disables statistics collection for this interface. This value for entry '0' controls the stats collection for all interfaces.
Speficies the validity of the entry. If the 'Config Control Status' for entry '0' is made 'valid', then global control is chosen in the system. It signifies that the values against entry '0' is applicable for all the interfaces of the switch. If the 'Conf ...
A table to control the port specific parameters of the device like speed, duplex mode, etc.
An entry appears in this table for each interface in the system. Index to the table is the interface index of the port.
Interface index of the port for which the configuration in this entry applies.
Speficies the mode in which the speed, duplex modes and flow control of the interface is determined. If set as 'auto', the hardware senses speed and negotiates with the port on the other end of the link for data transfer operation as 'full-duplex' or 'hal ...
Configures interface data transfer mode as full-duplex or half-duplex. This object can be configured only if the 'PortCtrlMode' is 'nonegotiation'. If the 'PortCtrlMode' is 'auto', it obtains the value from Hardware after negotiating with its peer
Configures interface speed. This object can be configured only if the 'PortCtrlMode' is 'nonegotiation'. If the 'PortCtrlMode' is 'auto', it obtains the value from Hardware after negotiating with its peer
Enables / disables flow control for the interface. This object be configured only if the 'PortCtrlMode' is 'nonegotiation'. If the 'PortCtrlMode' is 'auto', it obtains the value from Hardware after negotiating with its peer
Sets the auto/mdi/mdix of the copper interface. Fiber media is not support.
Gigabit Web Smart Switches support jumbo frames (frames larger than the Ethernet frame size of 1522 bytes) of up to 10,000 bytes (tagged). Default jumbo frame is disabled.
Gigabit Web Smart Switches support jumbo frames (frames larger than the Ethernet frame size of 1522 bytes) of up to 10,000 bytes (tagged). Default jumbo frame MTU is 10000.
Enables / disables dot1x EAP packet pass through for the interface. This object be configured only if the dot1x is disabled.
Enables / disables STP BPDU passthrough for the interface. This object be configured only if the RSTP/MSTP is disabled.
Provides control over the mirroring feature in the switch.
Specifies the port to which the mirrored traffic in the system is to be copied.
A table to control mirroring features either for the entire switch or for each interface in the switch. Parameters in this table are valid only when the 'sysMirrorStatus' for the switch is not 'disabled'.
An entry appears in this table for each interface in the system.
The interface index of the port for which the configuration in this entry applies.
Provides control to enable or disable mirroring of ingress traffic over this interface to the mirrored-to port.
Provides control to enable or disable mirroring of egress traffic over this interface to the mirrored-to port.
Provides control to enable or disable mirroring of egress traffic over this interface to the mirrored-to port.
Provides control over the Ip authentication management feature in the switch.
A table to configure IP authorized managers in the system.
Each entry in this table rsysresents rules for particular IP authorized manager.
Specifies either the Network or Host address from which the switch can be managed. An address indicates 'Any Manager'.
Specifies the IP address mask to be applied on sysIpAuthMgrIpAddr. Value indicates mask for 'Any Manager'.
Specifies the port numbers through which the authorized manager can access the switch. By default the authorized manager is allowed to access the switch through all the ports. If a set of ports are configured in the 'PortList', the manager can access the ...
Specifies the Vlan's in which the IP authorized manager can reside. By default the manager is allowed to reside in any vlan. If a set of vlans are configured in the 'VlanList', the manager can reside only in the configured vlan set. Access to the switch ...
Specifies the allowed services through which the authorized manager can access the switch. This object takes bit mask values. The services rsysresented by each bit position is as given below: With bit 0 being the Least Significant Bit, Bit0 --> snmp Bit1 ...
This object indicates the status of this entry.
Enable/Disable Loopback detection function. The Loopback Detection function is used to detect the loop created by a specific port while Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) is not enabled in the network, especially when the down links are hubs or unmanaged switch ...
Set a Loop detection Interval between 1 and 32767 seconds. The default is 2 seconds. This time interval to be used at counting time seconds to resend the CTP packet automatically.
This time interval to be used at counting time seconds to recover the disabled port automatically. The Loop Detection Recover Time can be set at 0 seconds, or 60 to 1000000 seconds. Entering 0 will disable the Loop Detection Recover Time. The default is 6 ...
A table to control Loopback detection features either for the entire switch or for each interface in the switch.
An entry appears in this table for each interface in the system.
The interface index of the port for which the configuration in this entry applies.
Provides control to per port enable or disable the loopback detection function. Default is disabled.
The loop status for this port.
A table to control the rate limiting parameters either for the entire switch or for each interface in the switch.
An entry appears in this table for each physical interface in the switch.
The interface index for which the configuration in this entry applies.
Configures interface Rate Limit (Packet that can be transferred on a port at a particular second). This object's value will take effect on the interface speed. Based on the operating speed of the port, the rate limit will be applied. This value can also b ...
Allows to configure the limiting value for the maximum number of receive packets that can be transmitted per second over this interface. Setting this object to the value zero disables rate limiting for receive packets on this interface. The value that can ...
A table to control the rate limiting parameters either for the entire switch or for each interface in the switch.
An entry appears in this table for each physical interface in the switch.
The interface index for which the configuration in this entry applies.
This object indicates unknown unicast storm control function is enabled or disabled for device. When you enable unknown unicast storm control function, it will allowed you to limit the number of unknown unicast packets per second going through device.
This object indicates broadcast storm control function is enabled or disabled for device. When you enable broadcast storm control function, it will allowed you to limit the number of broadcast packets per second going through device.
This object indicates multicast storm control function is enabled or disabled for device. When you enable multicast storm control function, it will allowed you to limit the number of multicast packets per second going through device.
Allows to configure the limiting value for the maximum number of packets that can be transmitted per second over this interface. Setting this object to the value zero disables rate limiting on this interface. The value that can be set for this object is l ...
*This object indicates the status of this entry. An entry is created in this table when this object is SET to 'createAndWait'. The entry in this table is used when the status of this object is SET 'active'. The entry in this table is not used when this ob ...
A table to configure user authorized managers in the system.
User tabale entry.
User ID used for administration of this device.
User Name used for administration of this device.
This object indicates the status of this entry. An entry is created in this table when this object is SET to 'createAndWait'. The entry in this table is used when the status of this object is SET 'active'. The entry in this table is not used when this obj ...
This table contains the Multifield Classifier details. (In WEB, it means Class Map)
An IP Multi-field Classifier entry describes a single MF Classifier.
An index that enumerates the MultiField Classifier filter.
This Object specifies the ID of the filter the details of which should be matched against the incoming packet
This Object specifies the type of the filter
The status of this concsystual row. All writable objects in this row may be modified only when the row status is not active.
This table contains the Multifield filter details. (In WEB, it means Policy Map)
An entry in the classifier table describes a single classifier. All classifier elements belonging to the same classifier use the classifier's sysDfsClfrId as part of their index.
An index that enumerates the classifier entries.
The Object refers to a MultiField Classifier Id which is the index for the MF Classifier table. A Valid value of this object is not mandatory for the creation of an entry in this table. Need to map a Class ID (sysDfsMultiFieldClfrId)
The Object refers to a In Profile Action Id which is the index for the InProfile Action Table. A Valid value of this object is not mandatory for the creation of an entry in this table. Must the same with sysDfsClfrId.
The Object refers to a Out Profile Action Id which is the index for the OutProfile Action Table. A Valid value of this object is not mandatory for the creation of an entry in this table. Must the same with sysDfsClfrId.
The status of this concsystual row. The objects sysDfsClfrInProActionId and sysDfsClfrOutProActionId can be modified at any time. But the other Objects can not be modified when the RowStatus is 'active'for the particular entry. when the Row Status is set ...
The Action Table enumerates actions that can be performed to a stream of traffic which is inprofile.For example, traffic exiting from a meter may be counted, marked, and potentially dropped before entering a queue.
Each entry in the action table allows description of one of action to be applied to traffic dsysending upon the treatment selected by sysDfsInProfileActionFlag.
An index that enumerates the In Profile Action entries. Must be match the Policy ID.
This Object defines the action to be performed on the packet, when the packets are found to be In profile. Default Priority = 1 (0x0001), TOS = 4 (0x0004), DSCP = 1024 (0x0400)
This Object kesyss the new priority value in case the action selected by sysDfsInProfileActionFlag is to assign a new priority/COS value.
This Object kesyss the new DSCP value in case the action selected by sysDfsInProfileActionFlag is to assign a new DSCP value.
The status of this concsystual row. All writable objects in this row may be modified only when the row status is not active.
The Action Table enumerates actions that can be performed to a stream of traffic which is out of profile.For example, traffic exiting from a meter may be counted, marked, and potentially dropped before entering a queue.
Each entry in the action table allows description of one of action to be applied to traffic dsysending upon the treatment selected by sysDfsOutProfileActionFlag.
An index that enumerates the Out Profile Action entries. Must the same with sysDfsClfrId.
This Object defines the action to be performed on the packet when the packets are found to be out of profile. Drop = 2 (0x0002) DSCP = 4 (0x0004)
This Object kesyss the Meter Id to be added to the DataPath to which this particular OutProfileAction is applicable. Must the same with sysDfsClfrId.
The status of this concsystual row. All writable objects in this row may be modified only when the row status is not active. The row comprises of an Meter Id which is an index to the Meter Table.
The Meter Table has the number of token with it and refreshCount value for associated with the meter.
An entry in the Meter Table describing a single instance of a Metering Unit.
An index that enumerates the Meter entries. Must the same with sysDfsClfrId.
This values specifies the number of tokens to be added to the meter bucket after each 8 usec. (Threshold kbps)
The status of this concsystual row. All writable objects in this row may be modified only when this rowstatus in not active.
A table containing the scheduling algorithm applied to a particular port.
An entry in this table gives mapping of a Port to user defined scheduled algorithm.
Port identifier to which scheduling algorightm is set.
Sets the packet scheduling algorithm for the port The default is strictPriority(1).
This object is for enabling or disabling syslog alert features in the system.
This object is for enabling or disabling timestamp option. When enabled, the messages (log alert messages) will hold the time stamp information. When disabled, the time stamp information will not be carried with the messages sent to the log servers.
Number of log buffers to be allocated in the system
Clears the buffered logs. This object is set to 'false' by default. When set to 'True', the buffered logs will be cleared and the value of this object will become 'false' again.
A table for configuring module specific log levels.
An entry containing logging level options for a particular module.
Specifies the module for which the log level option has to be configured.
Specifies the log level option to be set for a specific module.
The Syslog standard facilities. The facility to be used when sending Syslog messages to this server.
Specifies the syslog server IP to be used for remote logging. When configured, a new socket will be opened for this address. When the address is changed, the socket opened for the previous address will be closed and a new socket will be opened for this ad ...
A list of port default priority Entries.
A list of port default priority priorities.
The interface index for which the configuration in this entry applies.
The security state on specific port.
The max. learning number of MAC entries on specific port
This object is for enabling or disabling secure HTTP in the system.
This object is to configure the SSL port.
Set the trace level for SSL. BIT 0 - Initialisation and Shutdown Trace. BIT 1 - Management trace. BIT 2 - Data path trace. BIT 3 - Control Plane trace. BIT 4 - Packet Dump. BIT 5 - OS Resource trace. BIT 6 - All Failure trace (All failures including Packe ...
This object is to configure the cipher-suites list. This field is a bit mask, setting a bit indicates that the corresponding cipher-list will be involved in the server authentication. BIT 0 - RSA-NULL-MD5 BIT 1 - RSA-NULL-SHA1 BIT 2 - RSA-DES-SHA1 BIT 3 - ...
This object is to set the default cipher-suites list in 'sysSslCipherList'. Setting DefaultCipherList to TRUE would set the following cipher-list for authentication: - RSA_3DES_SHA1 - RSA_DES_SHA1 - RSA_EXP1024_DES_SHA1 The value of this object reverts ba ...
This object is to configure the SSH version compatibility mode. When set to TRUE, both SSH version-1 and SSH Version-2 will be supported. When set to FALSE, SSH version-2 only will be supported. By default SSH version-2 is supported.
This object is to configure the cipher-suites list. This object takes values as bit mask. Setting a bit indicates that the corresponding cipher-list will be used for Encryption. The value of each bit position is as given below with bit 0 being the least ...
This object is to configure the MAC-list. This object takes values as bit mask. Setting a bit indicates that the corresponding MAC-list will be used for authentication. The value of each bit position is as given below with bit 0 being the least significa ...
Set the trace level for SSH. BIT 0 - Initialisation and Shutdown Trace. BIT 1 - Management trace. BIT 2 - Data path trace. BIT 3 - Control Plane trace. BIT 4 - Packet Dump. BIT 5 - OS Resource trace. BIT 6 - All Failure trace (All failures including Packe ...
This object is for enabling or disabling ssh in the system.
This object is for enabling or disabling SNTP Client feature in the system.
The SNTP server polling interval in seconds.
This object is for setting the system time in seconds from Epoch (00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970).
Specifies the primary SNTP server IP to be used for network time syncronization. When configured, a new socket will be opened for this address. When the address is changed, the socket opened for the previous address will be closed and a new socket will be ...
Specifies the secondary SNTP server IP to be used for network time syncronization. If the primary SNTP server fail, the system will try secondary SNTP server. When configured, a new socket will be opened for this address. When the address is changed, the ...
This object is used for distinguishing areas in the same time zone.
This object is for enabling or disabling Time Zone Daylight Saving Time feature in the system.
Specifies the Time Zone Offset from GMT in +/- Minutes.
The start month of Daylight Saving Time.
The start day of Daylight Saving Time.
The start hour of Daylight Saving Time.
The start minutes of Daylight Saving Time.
The end month of Daylight Saving Time.
The end day of Daylight Saving Time.
The end hour of Daylight Saving Time.
The end minutes of Daylight Saving Time.
The adjusted time of Daylight Saving Time.
Enable / Disable DiffServ function
DiffServ Type 01 : IP ToS value = 0
DiffServ Type 02 : IP ToS value = 4
DiffServ Type 03 : IP ToS value = 8
DiffServ Type 04 : IP ToS value = 12
DiffServ Type 05 : IP ToS value = 16
DiffServ Type 06 : IP ToS value = 20
DiffServ Type 07 : IP ToS value = 24
DiffServ Type 08 : IP ToS value = 28
DiffServ Type 09 : IP ToS value = 32
DiffServ Type 10 : IP ToS value = 36
DiffServ Type 11 : IP ToS value = 40
DiffServ Type 12 : IP ToS value = 44
DiffServ Type 13 : IP ToS value = 48
DiffServ Type 14 : IP ToS value = 52
DiffServ Type 15 : IP ToS value = 56
DiffServ Type 16 : IP ToS value = 60
DiffServ Type 17 : IP ToS value = 64
DiffServ Type 18 : IP ToS value = 68
DiffServ Type 19 : IP ToS value = 72
DiffServ Type 20 : IP ToS value = 76
DiffServ Type 21 : IP ToS value = 80
DiffServ Type 22 : IP ToS value = 84
DiffServ Type 23 : IP ToS value = 88
DiffServ Type 24 : IP ToS value = 92
DiffServ Type 25 : IP ToS value = 96
DiffServ Type 26 : IP ToS value = 100
DiffServ Type 27 : IP ToS value = 104
DiffServ Type 28 : IP ToS value = 108
DiffServ Type 29 : IP ToS value = 112
DiffServ Type 30 : IP ToS value = 116
DiffServ Type 31 : IP ToS value = 120
DiffServ Type 32 : IP ToS value = 124
DiffServ Type 33 : IP ToS value = 128
DiffServ Type 34 : IP ToS value = 132
DiffServ Type 35 : IP ToS value = 136
DiffServ Type 36 : IP ToS value = 140
DiffServ Type 37 : IP ToS value = 144
DiffServ Type 38 : IP ToS value = 148
DiffServ Type 39 : IP ToS value = 152
DiffServ Type 40 : IP ToS value = 156
DiffServ Type 41 : IP ToS value = 160
DiffServ Type 42 : IP ToS value = 164
DiffServ Type 43 : IP ToS value = 168
DiffServ Type 44 : IP ToS value = 172
DiffServ Type 45 : IP ToS value = 176
DiffServ Type 46 : IP ToS value = 180
DiffServ Type 47 : IP ToS value = 184
DiffServ Type 48 : IP ToS value = 188
DiffServ Type 49 : IP ToS value = 192
DiffServ Type 50 : IP ToS value = 196
DiffServ Type 51 : IP ToS value = 200
DiffServ Type 52 : IP ToS value = 204
DiffServ Type 53 : IP ToS value = 208
DiffServ Type 54 : IP ToS value = 212
DiffServ Type 55 : IP ToS value = 216
DiffServ Type 56 : IP ToS value = 220
DiffServ Type 57 : IP ToS value = 224
DiffServ Type 58 : IP ToS value = 228
DiffServ Type 59 : IP ToS value = 232
DiffServ Type 60 : IP ToS value = 236
DiffServ Type 61 : IP ToS value = 240
DiffServ Type 62 : IP ToS value = 244
DiffServ Type 63 : IP ToS value = 248
DiffServ Type 64 : IP ToS value = 252
This table contains multicast forwarding mode configuration for each instance running in the snooping switch
This table contains instance number and the multicast forwarding mode configuration for the particular instance
Instance ID pertaining to the global configuration entry.
Snooping module is shutdown or started through this object. When set to 'start', resources required by the Enterprise SNOOP module is allocated and the module starts running. When set to 'shutdown', all the resources are released back to the system and th ...
This table contains global configuration of snooping for each instance running in switch
This table contains instance number, address type and the list of global configuration for the particular instance and address type
Instance ID pertaining to the global configuration entry. Currently only one instance is supported so it is always 1
Inet Address Type corresponding to the global configuration entry. This indicates whether the row is for IGMP/MLD Snooping
Enables or disables IGMP/MLD snooping in the system. When set to 'enabled', the Enterprise IGS/MLDS module starts protocol operations. When set to 'disabled', the IGS/MLDS module stops performing protocol operations.
This is the interval (in seconds) after which a learnt router port entry will be purged. For each router port learnt, this timer runs for 'RouterPortPurgeInterval' seconds.When the timer expires, the learnt router port entry is purged. However if control ...
This is the interval (in seconds) after which a learnt port entry will be purged. For each port on which rsysort has been received this timer runs for 'PortPurgeInterval' seconds. This timer will be restarted whenever a rsysort message is received from a ...
This timer is used when proxy-reporting is disabled,the switch then has to suppress multiple IGMPv2/ MLDv1 report messages for the same group from being forwarded to the router. This is the interval (in seconds) within which report messages for the same m ...
When the switch receives leave message on a port, it sends group specific query to check if there are any other interested receivers for the group. This attribute defines the maximum number of queries sent by the switch before deleting the port from the g ...
The value of this attribute defines the time period with which the switch will send group specific queries on a port to check if there are any intersted receivers. The switch will send 'sysSnoopRetryCount' queries before removing the port from the group m ...
Snooping module will forward reports only on router ports by default, to enable forwarding on all other ports this object to provide a administrative control to forward the reports on all the member ports of the VLAN
The operational status of the IGS/MLDS protocol. The value enabled(1) indicates the IGS/MLDS module is currently enabled in the system. The value disable(1) indicates the IGS/MLDS module is currently disabled in the system.
The Snooping Switch can be configured to send IGMP/MLD General queries on all non router ports when spanning tree topology change occurs in a network. If the spanning tree mode is RSTP, IGMP/MLD general queries will be sent on all the non router ports pre ...
This is the interval (in seconds) for which the switch sends general queries when it is configured as a querier. A switch should be configured as a querier for a VLAN only when there are no queriers in the network.
This table contains MAC based multicast forwarding information. This information is applicable only if the 'sysSnoopMcastForwardingMode' is set to 'macbased'
This table contains VLAN ID, multicast group MAC address and the list of ports onto which the multicast data packets for group should be forwarded.
Instance ID pertaining to the Multicast forwarding entry. Currently only one instance is supported so it is always 1
VLAN ID pertaining to the Multicast forwarding entry
InetAddressType pertaining to the Multicast forwarding entry
Multicast group MAC address.
List of ports onto which the multicast data packets destined for this group will be forwarded.
This table contains the list of ports through which a router, in a particular VLAN is reachable.
Contains the VLAN ID and list of ports on which routers are present in the VLAN.
Instance ID pertaining to the router port entry. Currently only one instance is supported so it is always 1
VLAN ID of the ports through which router is reachable.
It indicates whether the row belongs to IGMP / MLD snooping.
List of ports on which routers are present. These router ports are learnt through control messages received from routers, and can also be configured statically.
This table contains configuration of snooping on specific Vlans. This Table is valid only when VLAN is enabled in the system.
Contains snooping status , version and fast leave configuration for a specific VLAN.
Instance ID pertaining to VLAN filter table entry. Currently only one instance is supported so it is always 1
VLAN ID for which snooping configuration is to be done.
Indicates whether the row belongs to IGS/MLD snooping
Enables or disables IGS/MLDS on that specific VLAN
Indicates the operating version of the IGS/MLDS switch for a specific VLAN. The default operating mode on a specific VLAN is IGMP version 2 i.e, V2(2) or MLD version 1 i.e, V1(1)
Enables or disables fast leave for the VLAN. When it is 'disabled',on reception of a leave message the switch checks if they are any interested receivers for the group by sending a group specific query before removing the port from the forwarding table. I ...
Indicates whether the switch is configured as a querier in the VLAN
The snooping switch can be configured to send IGMP/MLD queries when IGMP/MLD routers are not present in the VLAN. When set to 'enabled' the switch will generate general query messages.
This is the interval (in seconds) for which the switch sends general queries when it is configured as a querier for the VLAN. A switch should be configured as a querier for a VLAN only when there are no queriers in the network.
List of ports which are configured statically as router ports
The status of a row in the VLAN filter table. By 'sysSnoopVlanRowStatus' new entries can be created in the VLAN filter table and the existing entries can be removed from the VLAN filter table
This table contains snooping statistics maintained by the switch. The statistics are maintained on a per VLAN basis.
Contains snooping statistics for a particular VLAN.
Instance ID pertaining for the statistics entry. Currently only one instance is supported so it is always 1
VLAN ID for which snooping statistics are displayed
Indicates whether the statistics are for IGS/MLDS
Provides the statistics of General Queries received by the snooping switch.
Provides the statistics of Group Specific Queries received by the snooping switch.
Provides the statistics of IGMPv1/IGMPv2 Membership reports received by the snooping switch. In case of MLDS, it provides the statistics of MLDv1 membership reports.
Provides the statistics of IGMPv2/MLDv1 Leave messages received by the snooping switch.
Provides the statistics of General Queries transmitted by the snooping switch when it is act as a querier.
Provides the statistics of Group Specific Queries transmitted by the snooping switch.
Provides the statistics of IGMPv1/IGMPv2 Membership reports transmitted by the snooping switch.
Provides the statistics of IGMPv2/MLDv1 Leave messages transmitted by the snooping switch.
Provides the number of erroneous IGMP/MLD packets dropped by the snooping switch due to failure in checksum calculation.
List of per Virtual Bridge Module Parameters.
Virtual Bridge Rst Module Parameters.
Virtual Bridge number
The MAC address used by this bridge when it must be referred to in a unique fashion. It is recommended that this be the numerically smallest MAC address of all ports that belong to this bridge. However it is only required to be unique. When concatenate ...
The number of ports controlled by this bridging entity.
Indicates what type of bridging this bridge can perform. If a bridge is actually performing a certain type of bridging this will be indicated by entries in the port table for the given type.
A table that contains generic information about every port that is associated with this bridge. Transparent, source-route, and srt ports are included.
A list of information for each port of the bridge.
The port number of the port for which this entry contains bridge management information.
The value of the instance of the ifIndex object, defined in MIB-II, for the interface corresponding to this port.
For a port which (potentially) has the same value of dot1dBasePortIfIndex as another port on the same bridge, this object contains the name of an object instance unique to this port. For example, in the case where multiple ports correspond one- to-one wi ...
The number of frames discarded by this port due to excessive transit delay through the bridge. It is incremented by both transparent and source route bridges.
The number of frames discarded by this port due to an excessive size. It is incremented by both transparent and source route bridges.
Table of StpScalars per virtual bridge
Per bridge StpScalars
Virtual Bridge number
An indication of what version of the Spanning Tree Protocol is being run. The value 'decLb100(2)' indicates the DEC LANbridge 100 Spanning Tree protocol. IEEE 802.1d implementations will return 'ieee8021d(3)'. If enterprise versions of the IEEE Spannin ...
The value of the write-able portion of the Bridge ID, i.e., the first two octets of the (8 octet long) Bridge ID. The other (last) 6 octets of the Bridge ID are given by the value of dot1dBaseBridgeAddress.
The time (in hundredths of a second) since the last time a topology change was detected by the bridge entity.
The total number of topology changes detected by this bridge since the management entity was last reset or initialized.
The bridge identifier of the root of the spanning tree as determined by the Spanning Tree Protocol as executed by this node. This value is used as the Root Identifier parameter in all Configuration Bridge PDUs originated by this node.
The cost of the path to the root as seen from this bridge.
The port number of the port which offers the lowest cost path from this bridge to the root bridge.
The maximum age of Spanning Tree Protocol information learned from the network on any port before it is discarded, in units of hundredths of a second. This is the actual value that this bridge is currently using.
The amount of time between the transmission of Configuration bridge PDUs by this node on any port when it is the root of the spanning tree or trying to become so, in units of hundredths of a second. This is the actual value that this bridge is currently u ...
This time value determines the interval length during which no more than two Configuration bridge PDUs shall be transmitted by this node, in units of hundredths of a second.
This time value, measured in units of hundredths of a second, controls how fast a port changes its spanning state when moving towards the Forwarding state. The value determines how long the port stays in each of the Listening and Learning states, which p ...
The value that all bridges use for MaxAge when this bridge is acting as the root. Note that 802.1D-1990 specifies that the range for this parameter is related to the value of dot1dStpBridgeHelloTime. The granularity of this timer is specified by 802.1D-1 ...
The value that all bridges use for HelloTime when this bridge is acting as the root. The granularity of this timer is specified by 802.1D- 1990 to be 1 second. An agent may return a badValue error if a set is attempted to a value which is not a whole nu ...
The value that all bridges use for ForwardDelay when this bridge is acting as the root. Note that 802.1D-1990 specifies that the range for this parameter is related to the value of dot1dStpBridgeMaxAge. The granularity of this timer is specified by 802. ...
A table that contains port-specific information for the Spanning Tree Protocol.
A list of information maintained by every port about the Spanning Tree Protocol state for that port.
The port number of the port for which this entry contains Spanning Tree Protocol management information.
The value of the priority field which is contained in the first (in network byte order) octet of the (2 octet long) Port ID. The other octet of the Port ID is given by the value of dot1dStpPort.
The port's current state as defined by application of the Spanning Tree Protocol. This state controls what action a port takes on reception of a frame. If the bridge has detected a port that is malfunctioning it will place that port into the broken(6) s ...
The enabled/disabled status of the port.
The contribution of this port to the path cost of paths towards the spanning tree root which include this port. 802.1D-1990 recommends that the default value of this parameter be in inverse proportion to the speed of the attached LAN.
The unique Bridge Identifier of the Bridge recorded as the Root in the Configuration BPDUs transmitted by the Designated Bridge for the segment to which the port is attached.
The path cost of the Designated Port of the segment connected to this port. This value is compared to the Root Path Cost field in received bridge PDUs.
The Bridge Identifier of the bridge which this port considers to be the Designated Bridge for this port's segment.
The Port Identifier of the port on the Designated Bridge for this port's segment.
The number of times this port has transitioned from the Learning state to the Forwarding state.
Table of Tp per virtual bridge
Per bridge TpScalars
The total number of Forwarding Database entries, which have been or would have been learned, but have been discarded due to a lack of space to store them in the Forwarding Database. If this counter is increasing, it indicates that the Forwarding Database ...
The timeout period in seconds for aging out dynamically learned forwarding information. 802.1D-1990 recommends a default of 300 seconds.
A table that contains information about unicast entries for which the bridge has forwarding and/or filtering information. This information is used by the transparent bridging function in determining how to propagate a received frame. This table maintains ...
Information about a specific unicast MAC address for which the bridge has some forwarding and/or filtering information.
A unicast MAC address for which the bridge has forwarding and/or filtering information.
Either the value '0', or the port number of the port on which a frame having a source address equal to the value of the corresponding instance of dot1dTpFdbAddress has been seen. A value of '0' indicates that the port number has not been learned but that ...
The status of this entry. The meanings of the values are: other(1) : none of the following. This would include the case where some other MIB object (not the corresponding instance of dot1dTpFdbPort, nor an entry in the dot1dStaticTable) is being used ...
A table that contains information about every port that is associated with this transparent bridge.
A list of information for each port of a transparent bridge.
The port number of the port for which this entry contains Transparent bridging management information.
The maximum size of the INFO (non-MAC) field that this port will receive or transmit.
The number of frames that have been received by this port from its segment. Note that a frame received on the interface corresponding to this port is only counted by this object if and only if it is for a protocol being processed by the local bridging fun ...
The number of frames that have been transmitted by this port to its segment. Note that a frame transmitted on the interface corresponding to this port is only counted by this object if and only if it is for a protocol being processed by the local bridgin ...
Count of valid frames received which were discarded (i.e., filtered) by the Forwarding Process.
A table containing filtering information configured into the bridge by (local or network) management specifying the set of ports to which frames received from specific ports and containing specific destination addresses are allowed to be forwarded. The v ...
Filtering information configured into the bridge by (local or network) management specifying the set of ports to which frames received from a specific port and containing a specific destination address are allowed to be forwarded.
The destination MAC address in a frame to which this entry's filtering information applies. This object can take the value of a unicast address, a group address or the broadcast address.
Either the value '0', or the port number of the port from which a frame must be received in order for this entry's filtering information to apply. A value of zero indicates that this entry applies on all ports of the bridge for which there is no other app ...
This object indicates the status of the AllowedToGoTo PortList to which a frame with a specific unicast address will be flooded in the event that it has not been learned. To fill the AllowedToGoTo portlist, we have to set the rowstatus as 'NOT_IN_SERVICE' ...
This object indicates the status of this entry. The default value is permanent(3). other(1) - this entry is currently in use but the conditions under which it will remain so are different from each of the following values. invalid(2) - writing this value ...
A table containing the information of AllowedToGoTo ports for each static unicast entry. This table maintains context ID as one more index to support Multiple Instances.
Information about a port, Whether it is an AllowedToGoTo member or not.
Indicates whether the port is an allowedToGoTo member.
Table of ExtStpScalars per Virtual Context.
Per Virtual Context Stp Scalars
The version of Spanning Tree Protocol the bridge is currently running. The value 'stpCompatible(0)' indicates the Spanning Tree Protocol specified in IEEE 802.1D and 'rstp(2)' indicates the Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol specified in IEEE 802.1w. New valu ...
The value used by the Port Transmit state machine to limit the maximum transmission rate.
The version of the Spanning Tree default Path Costs that are to be used by this Bridge. A value of 8021d1998(1) uses the 16-bit default Path Costs from IEEE Std. 802.1D-1998. A value of stp8021t2001(2) uses the 32-bit default Path Costs from IEEE Std. 80 ...
A table that contains port-specific Rapid Spanning Tree information.
A list of Rapid Spanning Tree information maintained by each port.
When operating in RSTP (version 2) mode, writing TRUE(1) to this object forces this port to transmit RSTP BPDUs. Any other operation on this object has no effect and it always returns FALSE(2) when read.
The administrative value of the Edge Port parameter. A value of TRUE(1) indicates that this port should be assumed as an edge-port and a value of FALSE(2) indicates that this port should be assumed as a non-edge-port.
The operational value of the Edge Port parameter. The object is initialized to the value of dot1dStpPortAdminEdgePort and is set FALSE on reception of a BPDU.
The administrative point-to-point status of the LAN segment attached to this port. A value of forceTrue(0) indicates that this port should always be treated as if it is connected to a point-to-point link. A value of forceFalse(1) indicates that this por ...
The operational point-to-point status of the LAN segment attached to this port. It indicates whether a port is considered to have a point-to-point connection or not. The value is determined by management or by auto-detection, as described in the dot1dStp ...
List of dot1dExtBase group objects that can be configured per virtual context in the system.
dot1dExtBase group objects per virtual context.
Identifies the virtual context.
Indicates the optional parts of IEEE 802.1D and 802.1Q that are implemented by this device and are manageable through this MIB. Capabilities that are allowed on a per-port basis are indicated in dot1dPortCapabilities.
The value true(1) indicates that Traffic Classes are enabled on this bridge. When false(2), the bridge operates with a single priority level for all traffic.
The administrative status requested by management for GMRP. The value enabled(1) indicates that GMRP should be enabled on this device, in all VLANs, on all ports for which it has not been specifically disabled. When disabled(2), GMRP is disabled, in all ...
A table that contains capabilities information about every port that is associated with this bridge.
A set of capabilities information about this port indexed by dot1dBasePort.
Indicates the parts of IEEE 802.1D and 802.1Q that are optional on a per-port basis that are implemented by this device and are manageable through this MIB.
A table that contains information about every port that is associated with this transparent bridge.
A list of Default User Priorities for each port of a transparent bridge. This is indexed by dot1dBasePort.
The default ingress User Priority for this port. This only has effect on media, such as Ethernet, that do not support native User Priority.
The number of egress traffic classes supported on this port. This object may optionally be read-only. The value of this object MUST be retained across reinitializations of the management system.
A list of Regenerated User Priorities for each received User Priority on each port of a bridge. The Regenerated User Priority value may be used to index the Traffic Class Table for each input port. This only has effect on media that support native User ...
A mapping of incoming User Priority to a Regenerated User Priority.
The User Priority for a frame received on this port.
The Regenerated User Priority that the incoming User Priority is mapped to for this port. The value of this object MUST be retained across reinitializations of the management system.
A table mapping evaluated User Priority to Traffic Class, for forwarding by the bridge. Traffic class is a number in the range (0..(dot1dPortNumTrafficClasses-1)).
User Priority to Traffic Class mapping.
The Priority value determined for the received frame. This value is equivalent to the priority indicated in the tagged frame received, or one of the evaluated priorities, determined according to the media-type. For untagged frames received from Ethernet m ...
The Traffic Class the received frame is mapped to.
A table mapping Regenerated User Priority to Outbound Access Priority. This is a fixed mapping for all port types, with two options for 802.5 Token Ring.
Regenerated User Priority to Outbound Access Priority mapping.
The Outbound Access Priority the received frame is mapped to.
A table of GARP control information about every bridge port. This is indexed by dot1dBasePort.
GARP control information for a bridge port.
The GARP Join time, in centiseconds.
The GARP Leave time, in centiseconds.
The GARP LeaveAll time, in centiseconds.
A table that contains information about every high capacity port that is associated with this transparent bridge.
Statistics information for each high capacity port of a transparent bridge.
The number of frames that have been received by this port from its segment. Note that a frame received on the interface corresponding to this port is only counted by this object if and only if it is for a protocol being processed by the local bridging fu ...
The number of frames that have been transmitted by this port to its segment. Note that a frame transmitted on the interface corresponding to this port is only counted by this object if and only if it is for a protocol being processed by the local bridgin ...
Count of valid frames that have been received by this port from its segment which were discarded (i.e., filtered) by the Forwarding Process.
A table that contains the most-significant bits of statistics counters for ports that are associated with this transparent bridge that are on high capacity interfaces, as defined in the conformance clauses for this table. This table is provided as a way t ...
The most significant bits of statistics counters for a high capacity interface of a transparent bridge. Each object is associated with a corresponding object in dot1dTpPortTable which indicates the least significant bits of the counter.
The number of times the associated dot1dTpPortInFrames counter has overflowed.
The number of times the associated dot1dTpPortOutFrames counter has overflowed.
The number of times the associated dot1dTpPortInDiscards counter has overflowed.
A collection of objects indicating the optional capabilities of the device.
A collection of objects providing device-level control for the Multicast Filtering extended bridge services.
A collection of objects providing device-level control for the Priority services.
A collection of objects defining the User Priority applicable to each port for media which do not support native User Priority.
A collection of objects defining the User Priorities applicable to each port for media which support native User Priority.
A collection of objects defining the traffic classes within a bridge for each evaluated User Priority.
A collection of objects defining the media dependent outbound access level for each priority.
A collection of objects providing port level control and status information for GARP operation.
A collection of objects providing 64-bit statistics counters for high capacity bridge ports.
A collection of objects providing overflow statistics counters for high capacity bridge ports.
List of dot1qBase objects that can be configured per virtual context in the system.
Virtual context dot1qBase objects.
Identifies a virtual context.
The version number of IEEE 802.1Q that this device supports.
The maximum IEEE 802.1Q VLAN ID that this device supports.
The maximum number of IEEE 802.1Q VLANs that this device supports.
The current number of IEEE 802.1Q VLANs that are configured in this device.
The administrative status requested by management for GVRP. The value enabled(1) indicates that GVRP should be enabled on this device, on all ports for which it has not been specifically disabled. When disabled(2), GVRP is disabled on all ports and all ...
A table that contains configuration and control information for each Filtering Database currently operating on this device. Entries in this table appear automatically when VLANs are assigned FDB IDs in the dot1qVlanCurrentTable. This table maintains cont ...
Information about a specific Filtering Database.
The identity of this Filtering Database.
The current number of dynamic entries in this Filtering Database.
A table that contains information about unicast entries for which the device has forwarding and/or filtering information. This information is used by the transparent bridging function in determining how to propagate a received frame. This table maintains ...
Information about a specific unicast MAC address for which the device has some forwarding and/or filtering information.
A unicast MAC address for which the device has forwarding and/or filtering information.
Either the value '0', or the port number of the port on which a frame having a source address equal to the value of the corresponding instance of dot1qTpFdbAddress has been seen. A value of '0' indicates that the port number has not been learned but that ...
The status of this entry. The meanings of the values are: other(1) - none of the following. This may include the case where some other MIB object (not the corresponding instance of dot1qTpFdbPort, nor an entry in the dot1qStaticUnicastTable) is being us ...
Either the value '0', or the pseudowire number on which a frame having a source address equal to the value of the corresponding instance of dot1qTpFdbAddress has been seen. A value of '0' indicates that the entry was learned via the layer2 port. Non-zero ...
A table containing filtering information for Unicast MAC addresses for each Filtering Database, configured into the device by (local or network) management specifying the set of ports to which frames received from specific ports and containing specific un ...
Filtering information configured into the device by (local or network) management specifying the set of ports to which frames received from a specific port and containing a specific unicast destination address are allowed to be forwarded.
The destination MAC address in a frame to which this entry's filtering information applies. This object must take the value of a unicast address.
Either the value '0', or the port number of the port from which a frame must be received in order for this entry's filtering information to apply. A value of zero indicates that this entry applies on all ports of the device for which there is no other ap ...
This object indicates the status of the AllowedToGoTo PortList to which a frame with a specific unicast address will be flooded in the event that it has not been learned. To fill the AllowedToGoTo portlist, we have to set the rowstatus as 'NOT_IN_SERVICE' ...
This object indicates the status of this entry. other(1) - this entry is currently in use but the conditions under which it will remain so differ from the following values. invalid(2) - writing this value to the object removes the corresponding entry. per ...
A table containing the information of AllowedToGoTo ports for each static unicast entry. This table maintains context ID as one more index to support Multiple Instances.
Information about a port, Whether it is an AllowedToGoTo member or not.
Indicates whether the port is an allowedToGoTo member.
The port number of the port for which this entry applies.
A table containing filtering information for Multicast and Broadcast MAC addresses for each VLAN, configured into the device by (local or network) management specifying the set of ports to which frames received from specific ports and containing specific ...
Filtering information configured into the device by (local or network) management specifying the set of ports to which frames received from this specific port for this VLAN and containing this Multicast or Broadcast destination address are allowed to be f ...
The destination MAC address in a frame to which this entry's filtering information applies. This object must take the value of a Multicast or Broadcast address.
Either the value '0', or the port number of the port from which a frame must be received in order for this entry's filtering information to apply. A value of zero indicates that this entry applies on all ports of the device for which there is no other ap ...
This object indicates the status of the PortLists (Eggress, Forbidden) used in the static multicast table. To fill the eggress and forbidden portlist, we have to set the rowstatus as 'NOT_IN_SERVICE' and set the appropriate port in the dot1qForwardUnregPo ...
This object indicates the status of this entry. other(1) - this entry is currently in use but the conditions under which it will remain so differ from the following values. invalid(2) - writing this value to the object removes the corresponding entry. per ...
A table containing egress and forbidden ports for static multicast entry. This table maintains context ID as one more index to support Multiple Instance.
Information about a port, Whether it is a member or a forbidden member.
Indicates whether the port is a member or a forbidden member in the static multicast entry. 'addMember' - to add the port in the egress member-list. 'addForbidden' - to add the port in the forbidden member-list. 'delMember' - to remove the port from ...
The VLAN-ID or other identifier referring to this VLAN.
Table containing number of VLAN deletions in the VLAN current database. This table maintains context ID as index to support Multiple Instances.
Entry for a virtual context.
The number of times a VLAN entry has been deleted from the dot1qVlanCurrentTable (for any reason). If an entry is deleted, then inserted, and then deleted, this counter will be incremented by 2.
A table containing current configuration information for each VLAN currently configured into the device by (local or network) management, or dynamically created as a result of GVRP requests received. This table maintains context ID as one more index to su ...
Information for a VLAN configured into the device by (local or network) management, or dynamically created as a result of GVRP requests received.
A TimeFilter for this entry. See the TimeFilter textual convention to see how this works.
The Filtering Database used by this VLAN. This is one of the dot1qFdbId values in the dot1qFdbTable. This value is allocated automatically by the device whenever the VLAN is created: either dynamically by GVRP, or by management, in dot1qVlanStaticTable. ...
This object indicates the status of this entry. other(1) - this entry is currently in use but the conditions under which it will remain so differ from the following values. permanent(2) - this entry, corresponding to an entry in dot1qVlanStaticTable, is c ...
The value of sysUpTime when this VLAN was created.
A table containing the information of egress ports for each VLAN. This table maintains context ID as one more index to support Multiple Instance.
Information about a port, Whether it is a tagged or an untagged member.
Indicates whether the port is a tagged or a untagged member in the VLAN. 'tagged' - to add the port in the tagged portlist. 'untagged' - to add the port in the untagged portlist.
A table containing static configuration information for each VLAN configured into the device by (local or network) management. All entries are permanent and will be restored after the device is reset. This table maintains context ID as one more index to ...
Static information for a VLAN configured into the device by (local or network) management.
An administratively assigned string, which may be used to identify the VLAN.
This object indicates the status of this entry.
A table containing the information of tagged, untagged and forbidden ports for each VLAN. This table maintains context ID as one more index to support Multiple Instance.
Forwarding information about a port, Whether it is a member or a forbidden member.
Indicates whether the port is a member or a forbidden member in the forwarding information for this VLAN. 'addTagged' - to add the port in the tagged portlist. 'addUntagged' - to add the port in the untagged portlist. 'addForbidden' - to add the port ...
A table containing per port control and status information for VLAN configuration in the device.
Information controlling VLAN configuration for a port on the device. This is indexed by dot1dBasePort.
The PVID, the VLAN ID assigned to untagged frames or Priority-Tagged frames received on this port.
When this is admitOnlyVlanTagged(2) the device will discard untagged frames or Priority-Tagged frames received on this port. When admitAll(1), untagged frames or Priority-Tagged frames received on this port will be accepted and assigned to the PVID for t ...
When this is true(1) the device will discard incoming frames for VLANs which do not include this Port in its Member set. When false(2), the port will accept all incoming frames. This control does not affect VLAN independent BPDU frames, such as GVRP and ...
The state of GVRP operation on this port. The value enabled(1) indicates that GVRP is enabled on this port, as long as dot1qGvrpStatus is also enabled for this device. When disabled(2) but dot1qGvrpStatus is still enabled for the device, GVRP is disable ...
The total number of failed GVRP registrations, for any reason, on this port.
The Source MAC Address of the last GVRP message received on this port.
The state of Restricted VLAN Registration on this port. If the value of this control is true(1), then creation of a new dynamic VLAN entry is permitted only if there is a Static VLAN Registration Entry for the VLAN concerned, in which the Registrar Admini ...
List of per Virtual Context Mst Module Parameters.
Virtual Context Mst Module Parameters.
Identifies the Virtual Context.
The administrative shutdown status requested by management for the MST feature. The value start (1) indicates that MST should be active in the device on all ports. The value shutdown (2) indicates that MST should be shutdown in the device on all ports. Al ...
The administrative status requested by management for the MST feature. The value enabled(1) indicates that Mst should be enabled in the device on all ports. The value disabled(2) indicates that Mst should be disabled in the device on all ports. The object ...
The Maximun number of spanning trees to be allowed. A User may limit the Number of Spanning Tree instance to be allowed in the Bridge.
Indicates Maximum number of spanning tree Instances supported.
Indicates the Maximum Hop Count value. The granularity of this timer is specified to be 1 second. An agent may return a badValue error if a set is attempted to a value which is not a whole number of seconds.
The MAC address used by this bridge when it must be referred to in a unique fashion. It is recommended that this be the numerically smallest MAC address of all ports that belong to this bridge. However it is only required to be unique. When concatenate ...
The bridge identifier of the Root of the common spanning tree as determined by the Spanning Tree Protocol as executed by this node. This value is used as the CIST Root Identifier parameter in all Configuration Bridge PDUs originated by this node.
The bridge identifier of the Root of the Multiple spanning tree region as determined by the Spanning Tree Protocol as executed by this node. This value is used as the CIST Regional Root Identifier parameter in all Configuration Bridge PDUs originated by ...
The Cost of the path to the CIST Root as seen from this bridge.
The Cost of the path to the CIST Regional Root as seen from this bridge.
The Port Number of the Port which offers the lowest path cost from this bridge to the CIST Root Bridge.
The Value of the writable portion of the Bridge Identifier comprising of the first two octets. The values that are set for Bridge Priority must be in steps of 4096.
The value that all bridges use for MaxAge when this bridge is acting as the root. The granularity of this timer is specified to be 1 second. An agent may return a badValue error if a set is attempted to a value which is not a whole number of seconds.
The value that all bridges use for ForwardDelay when this bridge is acting as the root. Note that 802.1D specifies that the range for this parameter is related to the value of BridgeMaxAge. The granularity of this timer is specified to be 1 second. An a ...
This time value determines the interval length during which no more than two Configuration bridge PDUs shall be transmitted by this node, in units of hundredths of a second.
The maximum age of Spanning Tree Protocol information learned from the network on any port before it is discarded, in units of hundredths of a second. This is the actual value that this bridge is currently using.
This time value, measured in units of hundredths of a second, controls how fast a port changes its spanning state when moving towards the Forwarding state. The value determines how long the port stays in a particular state before moving to the next state ...
The number of times MSTP Module has been enabled.
The number of times MSTP Module has been disabled.
The version of the Spanning Tree default Path Costs that are to be used by this Bridge. A value of 8021d1998(1) uses the 16-bit default Path Costs from IEEE Std. 802.1D-1998. A value of stp8021t2001(2) uses the 32-bit default Path Costs from IEEE Std. 80 ...
This object is used to enable Trace Statements in the MSTP Module. A FOUR BYTE integer is used for enabling the level of tracing. Each BIT in the four byte integer, represents a particular level of Trace. The mapping between the bit positions & the level ...
This object is used to enable Debug Statements in the MSTP Module. A FOUR BYTE integer is used for enabling the level of debugging. Each BIT in the four byte integer, represents a particular level of Debug. The mapping between the bit positions & the leve ...
The version of Spanning Tree Protocol the bridge is currently running. The value 'stpCompatible(0)' indicates the Spanning Tree Protocol specified in IEEE 802.1D and 'rstp(2)' indicates the Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol specified in IEEE 802.1w and 'mstp( ...
The value used by the Port Transmit state machine to limit the maximum transmission rate.
The Configuration Identifier Format Selector used by the Bridge. This has a fixed value of 0 to indicate RegionName, RegionVersion are specified as in Standard.
The Name for the Region's configuration. By Default Region Name will be equal to the Bridge Mac Address.
Version of the MST Region.
The Configuration Digest value for this Region.
The number of times Buffer overflows/failures have occured. A Trap is generated on the occurence of this event.
The number of times memory allocation failures have occured. A Trap is generated on the occurence of this event.
The number of times a Region Configuration Identifier Change was detected. A Trap is generated on the occurence of this event.
Current state of the Port Role Selection State Machine of this bridge in Common Spanning Tree context
The time (in hundredths of a second) since the TcWhile Timer for any port in this Bridge was non-zero for Common Spanning Tree context.
The number of times that there have been atleast one non-zero TcWhile Timer on this Bridge for Common Spanning Tree context.
The number of times this Bridge has detected a Root Bridge change for Common Spanning Tree context. A Trap is generated on the occurence of this event.
This time value, measured in units of hundredths of a second, specifies the amount of time between the transmission of configuration BPDUs by this node on any port when it is the root of the spanning tree or trying to become so.
The amount of time between the transmission of Configuration bridge PDUs by this node in units of hundredths of a second.
This object is used to determine whether dynamic pathcost calculation is allowed or not.The value is determined by management. If set to true, pathcost is calculated dynamically from port speed, otherwise the link speed at the time of port creation is use ...
This object is used to identity the context-name.
Table containing Bridge Information specific to Spanning Tree Instance. This table maintains context ID as one more index to support Multiple Instances.
Entry indicating the Bridge Information.
Spanning Tree Instance to which the information belongs.
MSTI Regional Root Identifier value for the Instance. This value is used as the MSTI Regional Root Identifier parameter in all Configuration Bridge PDUs originated by this node
The writable portion of the MSTI Bridge Identifier. comprising of the first two octets. The values that are set for Bridge Priority must be in steps of 4096.
The Cost of the path to the MSTI Regional Root as seen by this bridge.
The Port Number of the Port which offers the lowest path cost from this bridge to the MSTI Region Root Bridge.
The time (in hundredths of a second) since the TcWhile Timer for any port in this Bridge was non-zero for this spanning tree instance.
The number of times that there have been atleast one non-zero TcWhile Timer on this Bridge for this spanning tree instance.
The number of times this Bridge has detected a Root Bridge change for this spanning tree instance. A Trap is generated on the occurence of this event.
Current state of the Port Role Selection State Machine for this spanning tree instance for this bridge.
The number of times a new spanning tree instance has been created. A Trap is generated on the occurence of this event.
The number of times a spanning tree instance has been deleted. A Trap is generated on the occurence of this event.
The bridge identifier of the old root of the spanning tree instance as determined by the Spanning Tree Protocol as executed by this node.
This table contains one entry for each instance of MSTP. This table maintains context ID as one more index to support Multiple Instances.
A conceptual row containing the status of the MSTP instance.
An arbitrary integer within the range from 1 to the value of Max Instance Number that uniquely identifies an instance.
The VlanId will get mapped to the spanning tree instance specified. All the Instance Specific information for the Member ports of the Vlan will be created.This object is used only for SET operation.GET Operation returns null values. If the VlanId to Insta ...
The VlanId will get unmapped from spanning tree instance to which it it mapped. All the Instance Specific information for the Member ports of the Vlan will get released.This object is used only for SET operation.GET Operation returns null values.
A string of octets containing one bit per VLAN. The first octet corresponds to VLANs with VlanIndex values 1 through 8; the second octet to VLANs 9 through 16 etc. The most significant bit of each octet corresponds to the lowest VlanIndex value in that o ...
A string of octets containing one bit per VLAN. The first octet corresponds to VLANs with VlanIndex values 1 through 8; the second octet to VLANs 9 through 16 etc. The most significant bit of each octet corresponds to the lowest VlanIndex value in that o ...
A string of octets containing one bit per VLAN. The first octet corresponds to VLANs with VlanIndex values 1 through 8; the second octet to VLANs 9 through 16 etc. The most significant bit of each octet corresponds to the lowest VlanIndex value in that o ...
A string of octets containing one bit per VLAN for VLANS with VlanIndex values 1024 through 2047. The first octet corresponds to VLANs with VlanIndex values 1024 through 1031; the second octet to VLANs 1032 through 1039 etc. The most significant bit of e ...
A string of octets containing one bit per VLAN for VLANS with VlanIndex values 2048 through 3071. The first octet corresponds to VLANs with VlanIndex values of 2048 through 2055; the second octet to VLANs 2056 through 2063 etc. The most significant bit o ...
A string of octets containing one bit per VLAN for VLANS with VlanIndex values 3072 through 4095. The first octet corresponds to VLANs with VlanIndex values 3072 through 3079; the second octet to VLANs 3080 through 3087 etc. The most significant bit of e ...
This table contains Common Spanning Tree Port Information.
A list of information maintained by every port for Common Spanning tree.
The Port number of the port for which this entry contains spanning tree information.
The contribution of this port to the path cost of paths towards the CIST Root which include this port.
The four most significant bits of the Port Identifier of the Spanning Tree instance can be modified by setting the CistPortPriority value. The values that are set for Port Priority must be in steps of 16.
The unique Bridge Identifier of the bridge recorded as the CIST Root in the configuration BPDUs transmitted.
The unique Bridge Identifier of the bridge which this port considers to be the Designated Bridge for the port's segment.
The Port identifier of the port on the Designated Bridge for this port's segment.
The administrative point-to-point status of the LAN segment attached to this port. A value of forceTrue(0) indicates that this port should always be treated as if it is connected to a point-to-point link. A value of forceFalse(1) indicates that this por ...
The operational point-to-point status of the LAN segment attached to this port. It indicates whether a port is considered to have a point-to-point connection or not. The value is determined by management or by auto-detection, as described in the dot1sCis ...
The administrative value of the Edge Port parameter. A value of TRUE(1) indicates that this port should be assumed as an edge-port and a value of FALSE(2) indicates that this port should be assumed as a non-edge-port.
The operational value of the Edge Port parameter. The object is initialized to the value of dot1sCistPortAdminEdgeStatus and is set FALSE on reception of a BPDU.
Indicates the Protocol migration state of this Port. When operating in RSTP/MSTP (version >= 2) mode, writing TRUE(1) to this object forces this port to transmit MSTP BPDUs without instance information. Any other operation on this object has no effect and ...
Current state of the Port as defined by the Common spanning tree protocol.
Current state of the Port which can be changed to either Disabled or Enabled for ALL spanning tree instances. Setting this object will override the port's status in any of the MSTI contexts
Number of times this port has transitioned to the Forwarding State.
Number of MST BPDUs received on this port.
Number of RST BPDUs received on this port.
Number of Configuration BPDUs received on this port.
Number of TCN BPDUs received on this port.
Number of MST BPDUs Transmitted from this port.
Number of RST BPDUs Transmitted from this port.
Number of Configuration BPDUs Transmitted from this port.
Number of TCN BPDUs Transmitted from this port.
Number of Invalid MST BPDUs Received on this port.
Number of Invalid RST BPDUs Received on this port.
Number of Invalid Configuration BPDUs Received on this port.
Number of Invalid TCN BPDUs Received on this port.
Indicates current State of the Port Transmit state machine.
Indicates current State of the Port Receive state machine.
Indicates current State of the Port Protocol Migration State machine.
The number of times this Port has migrated from one STP protocol version to another. The relevant protocols are STP-COMPATIBLE and RSTP/MSTP. A Trap is generated on the occurence of this event.
The path cost of the Designated Port of the segment connected to this port.
The unique Bridge Identifier of the bridge recorded as the CIST Regional Root Identifier in the configuration BPDUs transmitted.
The contribution of this port to the path cost of paths towards the CIST Regional Root which include this port.
Selected Port Role of the port for this spanning tree instance.
Current Port Role of the port for this spanning tree instance.
Current state of the Port Information State Machine for this port in this spanning tree context.
Current state of the Port Role Transition State Machine for this port in this spanning tree context.
Current state of the Port State Transition State Machine for this port in this spanning tree context.
Current state of the Topology Change State Machine for this port in this spanning tree context.
The amount of time between the transmission of Configuration bridge PDUs by this node on this port in units of hundredths of a second.
This indicates whether the Port is operationally in the Mstp mode, Rstp mode or the Stp-compatible mode i.e., whether the Port is transmitting MST BPDUs, RST BPDUs or Config/TCN BPDUs.
The effective operational state of the port for CIST. This will TRUE only when the port is operationally up in the Interface level and Protocol level for CIST. This is will be set to False for all other times.
This parameter when TRUE(1) indicates that detection of a port as Edge Port happens automatically and FALSE(2) indicates that this feature is disabled.
A Boolean value set by management. If TRUE causes the Port not to be selected as Root Port for the CIST or any MSTI, even it has the best spanning tree priority vector. Such a Port will be selected as an Alternate Port after the Root Port has been selecte ...
A Boolean value set by management. If TRUE causes the Port not to propagate received topology change notifications and topology changes to other Ports. This parameter should be FALSE by default. If set it can cause temporary loss of connectivity after cha ...
This table contains Spanning Tree Instance Specific Port Information.
A list of information maintained by every port for each and every spanning tree instance.
The Port number of the port for which this entry contains spanning tree information.
The contribution of this port to the path cost of paths towards the MSTI Root which include this port.
The four most significant bits of the Port Identifier for a given Spanning Tree instance can be modified independently for each Spanning Tree instance supported by the Bridge. The values that are set for Port Priority must be in steps of 16.
The unique Bridge Identifier of the bridge recorded as the MSTI Regional Root in the configuration BPDUs transmitted.
The unique Bridge Identifier of the bridge which this port considers to be the Designated Bridge for the port's segment.
The Port identifier of the port on the Designated Bridge for this port's segment.
Current state of the Port as defined by the Multiple spanning tree protocol. Port which is Forwarding state in one instance can be in Discarding (Blocking) state in another instance.
Current state of the Port which can be changed to either Disabled or Enabled for the specific spanning tree instance. This object can be set to enabled only if the 'dot1sCistForcePortState' is set to 'enabled' for this port
Number of times this port has transitioned to the Forwarding State for specific instance.
Number of BPDUs received by this port for this spanning tree instance.
Number of BPDUs transmitted on this port for this spanning tree instance.
Number of Invalid BPDUs received on this Port for this spanning tree instance.
The path cost of the Designated Port of the segment connected to this port.
Selected Port Role of the port for this spanning tree instance.
Current Port Role of the port for this spanning tree instance.
Current state of the Port Information State Machine for this port in this spanning tree context.
Current state of the Port Role Transition State Machine for this port in this spanning tree context.
Current state of the Port State Transition State Machine for this port in this spanning tree context.
Current state of the Topology Change State Machine for this port in this spanning tree context.
The effective operational stae of the port for specific instance. This is will be TRUE only when the port is operationally up in the interface level and Protocol level for the specific instance. This is will be set to false at all other times.
This object is used to enable and disable MSTP traps for memory failure or buffer failure irrespective of the context in which the failure occurs. 0 - Traps are not enabled. 1 - Memory and buffer failure traps enabled
Used within the Trap Notification PDU. It returns the following values none - none of the below values memfail - memory allocation failure bufffail - buffer allocation failure
List of per virtual bridge Trap Control Info.
Virtual bridge TrapsControl information.
This object is used to enable and disable context-specific MSTP traps. Currently the following are defined 0 - Traps are not enabled. 1 - General Traps like protocol up or down 2 - Exception Traps like port protocol migration or invalid packet rcvd in po ...
Used within the Trap Notification PDU. It denotes general events like none - none of the below values up - protocol UP, down - protocol DOWN
This table is used to store the notification information occured in each of the port for protocol migration and invalid packet received. This table is maintained per virtual context in the system.
This entry is used to store the notification information
A unique value, greater than zero, indicating the Port number.
Port Protocol migration type occured in the port
Type of invalid packet received in each of the port
Packet error value corresponding to the above type
This table is used to store the notification information occured in each of the port for its role change. This table is maintained per virtual context in the system.
This entry is used to store the notification information
Particular Role Selected for the Port
Particular Role which is existing for the Port
List of per virtual context RstModule Parameters
Virtual Bridge RstModule Parameters.
Identifies the Virtual Bridge Context.
The administrative system control status requested by management for the RSTP feature. The value 'start'(1) indicates that all resources required by RSTP should be allocated and RSTP should be supported in the device on all ports. The value shutdown(2) in ...
The administrative module status requested by management for the RSTP Module. This enables or disables RSTP in the system. A value of 'enabled' (1) indicates that RSTP must be enabled in the device on all the ports. A value of 'disabled'(2) indicates that ...
This object is used to enable Trace Statements in the RSTP Module. A FOUR BYTE integer is used for enabling the level of tracing. Each BIT in the four byte integer, represents a particular level of Trace. The mapping between the bit positions & the level ...
This object is used to enable Debug Statements in the RSTP Module. A FOUR BYTE integer is used for enabling the level of debugging. Each BIT in the four byte integer, represents a particular level of Debug. The mapping between the bit positions & the leve ...
The number of times RSTP Module has been enabled.
The number of times RSTP Module has been disabled.
The number of times buffer overflows/failures have occurred. A Trap is generated on the occurrence of this event.
The number of times memory allocation failures have occurred. A Trap is generated on the occurrence of this event.
The number of times this Bridge has detected a new Root in the topology. A Trap is generated on the occurrence of this event.
This indicates the current state of the Port Role Selection State Machine. This object will hold the value 'initbridge' when the Port Role Selection state machine is in the INIT_BRIDGE state and the value of 'roleselection' when the state machine is in th ...
The bridge identifier of the old root of the spanning tree as determined by the Spanning Tree Protocol as executed by this node.
This object is used to determine whether dynamic pathcost calculation is allowed or not.The value is determined by management. If set to true, pathcost is calculated dynamically from port speed, otherwise the link speed at the time of port creation is use ...
This object is used to identity the context-name.
This is a table that is an extension to the dot1dStpExtPortTable. This contains object(s) that are Port-based.
Each entry in this table is for each port present in the system. This table is indexed by the dot1wPort.
A unique value, greater than zero, indicating the Port number.
This indicates the current Port Role assumed by this Port.
This indicates whether the Port is operationally in the Rstp mode or the Stp-compatible mode i.e., whether the Port is transmitting RST BPDUs or Config/TCN BPDUs.
This indicates the current state of the Port Information state machine. This object will hold the value 'disabled' when the Port Information state machine is in the DISABLED state, the value 'aged' when the state machine is in the AGED state, the value 'u ...
This indicates the current state of the Port Protocol Migration state machine. This object will hold the value 'checkingrstp' when the Protocol Migration state machine is in the CHECKING_RSTP state, the value 'selectingstp' when the state machine is in th ...
This indicates the current state of the Port Role Transition state machine. This object will hold the value 'init' when the Port Role Transition state machine is in the INIT state, the value 'disableport' when the state machine is in the DISABLE_PORT stat ...
This indicates the current state of the Port State Transition state machine. This object will hold the value 'discarding' when the Port State Transition state machine is in the DISCARDING state, the value 'learning' when the state machine is in the LEARNI ...
This indicates the current state of the Topology Change state machine. This object will hold the value 'inactive' when the Topology Change state machine is in the INACTIVE state, the value 'learning' when the state machine is in the LEARNING state, the va ...
This indicates the current state of the Port Transmit state machine. This object will hold the value 'transmitinit' when the Port Transmit state machine is in the TRANSMIT_INIT state, the value 'transmitperiodic' when the state machine is in the TRANSMIT_ ...
The number of RST BPDUs that have been received on this Port.
The number of Config BPDUs that have been received on this Port.
The number of TCN BPDUs that have been received on this Port.
The number of RST BPDUs that have been transmitted by this Port.
The number of Config BPDUs that have been transmitted by this Port.
The number of TCN BPDUs that have been transmitted by this Port.
The number of invalid RSTP BPDUs that have been received on this Port. A Trap is generated on the occurrence of this event.
The number of invalid Configuration BPDUs that have been received on this Port. A Trap is generated on the occurrence of this event.
The number of invalid TCN BPDUs that have been received on this Port. A Trap is generated on the occurrence of this event.
The number of times this Port has migrated from one STP protocol version to another. The relevant protocols are STP-COMPATIBLE and RSTP. A Trap is generated on the occurrence of this event.
The effective Operational state of the port. This object will be set to TRUE only when the port is operationally up in the interface manager and the force Port State for this port and specified port state is enabled. Otherwise this object is set to FALSE.
This parameter when TRUE(1) indicates that detection of a port as Edge Port happens automatically and FALSE(2) indicates that this feature is disabled.
A Boolean value set by management. If TRUE causes the Port not to be selected as Root Port for the CIST or any MSTI, even it has the best spanning tree priority vector. Such a Port will be selected as an Alternate Port after the Root Port has been selecte ...
A Boolean value set by management. If TRUE causes the Port not to propagate received topology change notifications and topology changes to other Ports. This parameter should be FALSE by default. If set it can cause temporary loss of connectivity after cha ...
This object is used to enable and disable RSTP traps for memory failure or buffer failure irrespective of the context in which the failure occurs. 0 - Traps are not enabled. 1 - Memory and buffer failure traps enabled
Used within the Trap Notification PDU. It returns the following values none - none of the below values memfail - memory allocation failure bufffail - buffer allocation failure
List of per virtual bridge TrapsControl Info.
Virtual bridge TrapsControl information.
This object is used to enable and disable context-specific RSTP traps. Currently the following are defined 0 - Traps are not enabled. 1 - Protocol up or down traps. 2 - Exception Traps like port protocol migration or invalid packet rcvd in port 3 - All t ...
Used within the Trap Notification PDU. It denotes general events like none - none of the below values up - protocol UP, down - protocol DOWN
This table is used to store the notification information occurred in each of the port for protocol migration and invalid packet received
This entry is used to store the notification information
A unique value, greater than zero, indicating the Port number.
Port Protocol migration type occurred in the port
Type of invalid packet received in each of the port
Packet error value corresponding to the above type
Particular Role Selected for the Port
Particular Role which is existing for the Port
Enable/Disable the global trace in VLAN.
List of per virtual context Vlan Module Parameters.
Per virtual context Vlan module parmaters.
Identifies the virtual context in the system.
The administrative status requested by management for GARP The value true(1) indicates that GARP should be shutdown in the device on all ports. All memory will be released. The value false(2) indicates that GARP should be active in the device on all ports ...
Enables the tracing in the selected submodule in VLAN. A 32 bit integer is used to store the Tracing level in the specified module. Different Tracing Levels - BIT 0 - Initialisation and Shutdown Trace. BIT 1 - Management trace. BIT 2 - Data path trace. BI ...
The type of VLAN learning mode.
The operational status of the Vlan module. The value enabled(1) indicates that Vlan module is currently enabled in the device. The value disabled(2) indicates that Vlan module is currently disabled in the device.
The operational status of the GVRP module. The value enabled(1) indicates that GVRP module is currently enabled in the device. The value disabled(2) indicates that GVRP module is currently disabled in the device.
The set of ports which are in port-based VLAN mode.
A table containing current configuration information for each VLAN currently configured into the device by (local or network) management, or dynamically created as a result of GVRP requests received.
Information for a VLAN configured into the device by (local or network) management, or dynamically created as a result of GVRP requests received.
The VLAN-ID or other identifier referring to this VLAN.
The VLAN-Name referring to this VLAN.
The set of ports which are transmitting traffic for this VLAN as either tagged or untagged frames.
This object indicates the status of this entry. other(1) - this entry is currently in use but the conditions under which it will remain so differ from the following values. permanent(2) - this entry, corresponding to an entry in portBaseVlanStaticTable, i ...
The value of sysUpTime when this VLAN was created.
The status of this concsystual row. All writable objects in this row may be modified only when the row status is not active.
A table containing filtering information for Unicast MAC addresses for each Filtering Database, configured into the device by (local or network) management specifying the set of ports to which frames received from specific ports and containing specific un ...
Filtering information configured into the device by (local or network) management specifying the set of ports to which frames received from a specific port and containing a specific unicast destination address are allowed to be forwarded.
The index of entries int this table.
The VLAN-ID or other identifier referring to this VLAN.
The destination MAC address in a frame to which this entry's filtering information applies. This object must take the value of a unicast address.
The set of ports for which a frame with a specific unicast address will be flooded in the event that it has not been learned. It also specifies the set of ports a specific unicast address may be dynamically learnt on. The portBaseTpFdbTable will have an ...
This object indicates the status of this entry. other(1) - this entry is currently in use but the conditions under which it will remain so differ from the following values. invalid(2) - writing this value to the object removes the corresponding entry. per ...
The status of this concsystual row. All writable objects in this row may be modified only when the row status is not active.
A table containing filtering information for Multicast and Broadcast MAC addresses for each VLAN, configured into the device by (local or network) management specifying the set of ports to which frames received from specific ports and containing specific ...
Filtering information configured into the device by (local or network) management specifying the set of ports to which frames received from this specific port for this VLAN and containing this Multicast or Broadcast destination address are allowed to be f ...
The index of entries int this table.
The VLAN-ID or other identifier referring to this VLAN.
The destination MAC address in a frame to which this entry's filtering information applies. This object must take the value of a Multicast or Broadcast address.
The set of ports to which frames received from a specific port and destined for a specific Multicast or Broadcast MAC address must be forwarded, regardless of any dynamic information e.g. from GMRP. A port may not be added in this set if it is already a ...
This object indicates the status of this entry. other(1) - this entry is currently in use but the conditions under which it will remain so differ from the following values. invalid(2) - writing this value to the object removes the corresponding entry. per ...
The status of this concsystual row. All writable objects in this row may be modified only when the row status is not active.
The administrative system control status of LLDP module. The value 'start' (1) indicates that all resources required by LLDP module should be allocated and LLDP should be supported in the device on all ports. The value 'shutdown' (3) indicates that LLDP s ...
The administrative module status of LLDP module. This enables or disables LLDP in the system. A value of 'enabled' (1) indicates that LLDP is enabled in the device and can be enabled port-wise. A value of 'disabled' (2) indicates that LLDP is disabled in ...
This object stores the trace option string input given by the user. To enable particular trace the user has to enter the corresponding string(given below) assigned for that. And for enabling more than once traces the user has to enter the corresponding st ...
This object is used to store the trace options that are enabled by the user. The bit positions of the traces is shown below Bit 0 - init-shut Bit 1 - mgmt Bit 2 - data Bit 3 - ctrl Bit 4 - pkt-dump Bit 5 - resource Bit 6 - all-fail Bit 7 - buf Bit ...
The type of encoding used to identify the chassis component associated with the local system. When chassis id subtype is configured as chassiscomp/portcomp/local it is mandatory to configure the fsLldpLocChassisId object. If fsLldpLocChassisId object is n ...
The string value used to identify the chassis component associated with the local system. Write operation to this object is allowed only when the chassis id subtype is configured as chassiscomp/portcomp/local. When chassis id subtype is configured as ifal ...
This table contains one or more rows per port information associated with the local system known to this agent.
Information about a particular port component. Entries may be created and deleted in this table by the agent.
The type of port identifier encoding used to identify the port component associated with the local port. When port id subtype is configured as portcomp/local it is mandatory to configure the fsLldpLocPortId object. If fsLldpLocPortId object is not configu ...
TThe string value used to identify the port component associated with the local port. Write operation to this object is allowed only when the chassis id subtype is configured as chassiscomp/portcomp/local. When chassis id subtype is configured as ifalias/ ...
This object is used to set the notification type. If the associated fsLldpNotificationType object has a value of remTabChg (1),then LLDP agent sends trap notification to NMS whenever remote table change occurs. If the associated fsLldpNotificationType obj ...
This object gives the count of total memory allocation failures
This object gives the count of total input queue overflows
The number of times any information advertised by a particular MSAP is updated in tables contained in lldpRemoteSystemsData and lldpExtensions objects.
Voice VLAN is a feature that allows you to automatically place the voice traffic from IP phone to an assigned VLAN to enhance the VoIP service. This object is for enabling or disabling Voice Vlan function in the system. If the Vlan mode is in Asymmetric V ...
The ID of VLAN that you want the voice traffic to be in. It must be a exist vlan id.
A period of time in hour to remove a port from voice VLAN if the port is an automatic VLAN member. The Timeout range is 1~120 hours. Default aging time is 1 hour.
The 802.1p priority levels of the traffic in the Voice VLAN.
A table that contains Voice Vlan Port Control configuration information.
A list of Voice Vlan Control configuration parameters for each Port on this device.
The voice vlan port index.
This object is for enabling or disabling Voice Vlan Auto Detection in the port. If the auto detection is enable, switch will add this port to the voice VLAN automatically if it detects the device OUI matches the Telephony OUI. If the port is a static memb ...
This object indicates Voice vlan state to this Port. manual - this port is a static member of voice vlan. dynamic - this port is a dynamic member of voice vlan. none - this port is not a member of voice vlan.
A voice vlan OUI entry containing the description and mac.
A voice vlan OUI entry containing the description and mac.
An Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI) is a 24-bit number that is purchased from the IEEE Registration Authority. This identifier uniquely identifies a vendor, manufacturer, or other organization. This object indicates the voice traffic's OUI that us ...
The Description for the OUI.
Voice vlan OUI Mask. Always be FF:FF:FF:00:00:00.
This object indicates the status of this entry. To create a new entry, you must set the voicevlanOUIStatus to be CreateAndGo, then this entry will turn to be Active.
A Port-channel is created through ifMain table. After the creation of the port-channel, corresponding logical interface will be created in the ifMain table. This Port-channel table is indexed through Key values and allows to configure link selection polic ...
There is one entry in this table for each created port-channel port
The ifIndex of the port-channel(Aggregator's interface index).
List of the member port of the port-channel.
ACL Classifier entry table.
Classifier is used to specify a packet type for Policies.
The index of the Classifier entry.
Source MAC address.
Source MAC mask length. 1-48: length in bits 0: Ignored
Destination MAC address.
Destination MAC mask length. 1-48: length in bits 0: Ignored
802.1Q Vlan Id. 1-4000: Vlan Id -1: Ignored
802.1p priority. 0-7: 802.1p priority value -1: Ignored
EtherType. 0-65535: EtherType number -1: Ignored
Source IP address.
Source IP mask length. 1-32: length in bits 0: Ignored
Destination IP address.
Destination IP mask length. 1-32: length in bits 0: Ignored
Differentiated Services Code Point. 0-63: DSCP value -1: Ignored
Layer 4 protocol type. 0-255: Layer 4 protocol number -1: Ignored
TCP/UDP Source port. 0-65535: port number -1: Ignored
TCP/UDP Destination port. 0-65535: port number -1: Ignored
The row status of the entry. 1: write - enable the entry read - entry is enabled 2: write - disable the entry read - entry is disabled 3: read - entry is not ready 5: write - create the entry 6: write - delete the entry
ACL Profile Action entry table.
Profile Action is used to manipulate the DSCP or CoS values in a packet.
The index of the Action entry.
Policied-Cos. 0-7: 802.1p priority value -1: Ignored
Policied-DSCP. 0-63: DSCP value -1: Ignored
The row status of the entry. 1: write - enable the entry read - entry is enabled 2: write - disable the entry read - entry is disabled 3: read - entry is not ready 5: write - create the entry 6: write - delete the entry
ACL In-Profile Action entry table.
In-Profile Action is used to assign an action to a policy.
The index of the In-Profile Action entry.
Permit/Deny action. 0: Permit 1: Deny
The index of Action entry used by this In-Profile entry. 1-72: Action entry index 0: Ignored
The row status of the entry. 1: write - enable the entry read - entry is enabled 2: write - disable the entry read - entry is disabled 3: read - entry is not ready 5: write - create the entry 6: write - delete the entry
ACL Out-Profile Action entry table.
Out-Profile Action is used to assign a classifier index to a profile action ID as well as a committed rate and a burst size
The index of the Out-Profile Action entry.
Permit/Deny action. 0: Permit 1: Deny
Committed rate in Kbps.
Max burst size which is the maximum amount of data in KB.
The index of Action entry used by this Out-Profile entry. 1-72: Action entry index 0: Ignored
The row status of the entry. 1: write - enable the entry read - entry is enabled 2: write - disable the entry read - entry is disabled 3: read - entry is not ready 5: write - create the entry 6: write - delete the entry
ACL Port-List entry table.
Port-List is used to specify a list of ports.
The index of the Port-List entry.
Port-list string. e.g. 1,3,5-8
The row status of the entry. 1: write - enable the entry read - entry is enabled 2: write - disable the entry read - entry is disabled 3: read - entry is not ready 5: write - create the entry 6: write - delete the entry
ACL Policy entry table.
Policy controls the ingress traffic on a port. It defines a category of traffic and the action of the port when it receives packets of the category.
The index of the Policy entry.
The index of Classifier entry used by this Policy entry.
The sequence of the Policy entry.
The index of In-Profile entry used by this Policy entry.
The index of Out-Profile entry used by this Policy entry. 0: Ignored
The index of Port-List entry used by this Policy entry.
The row status of the entry. 1: write - enable the entry read - entry is enabled 2: write - disable the entry read - entry is disabled 3: read - entry is not ready 5: write - create the entry 6: write - delete the entry
DstMacFilter entry table.
DstMacFilter is used to filter the packets by the specific Destination MAC.
The index of the DstMacFilter entry.
Destnation MAC address
The row status of the entry. 1: write - enable the entry read - entry is enabled 2: write - disable the entry read - entry is disabled 3: read - entry is not ready 5: write - create the entry 6: write - delete the entry
Enable/Disable DHCP Snooping.
Determine if to insert DHCP option 82 into packets.
Determine if to pass through DHCP packets with option 82.
Determine if to verify MAC address for incoming DHCP packets.
Determine if to backup database to flash memory.
Determine the period to backup database.
A table of DHCP snooping VLAN settings.
The entry of DHCP snooping VLAN setting table.
The VLAN status.
A table of DHCP snooping port settings.
The entry of DHCP snooping port setting table.
The port number.
The port status.
A table of DHCP snooping bindind database.
The entry of DHCP snooping bindind database table.
The MAC address.
The IP address.
The port number.
The entry type.
The DHCP lease time.
The entry row status.

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