

AT-ISDN-MIB Download

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This MIB file contains definitions of managed objects for the CC module.

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OID list for AT-ISDN-MIB

The table of call details parameters.
A single entry of ISDN call details. This contains the parameters of a single ISDN call details.
The index of the call details entry in the call details table. When an entry is created in this table, the index does not have to be written. However, to reference the values that are written, an unused index must be found by reading the index values of t ...
The name of the ISDN call details. This must be unique for all ISDN call details, when comparisons are done ignoring the case of letters. Valid characters in the ISDN call name include 0-9, a-z, A-Z and '_'. A name consisting of all digits is not valid. S ...
The remote ISDN call name. This name can be referenced by certain other call details parameters related with setting up the Q.931 SETUP message for outgoing calls, or searching for calls for incoming calls. Valid characters in the ISDN remote call name in ...
The number called when this call details is activated. The number should include all telephone network access codes, country codes and area codes required to make a call from the particular ISDN interface. Setting this object is current on row creation.
The number used as the calling number when this call is activated. The calling number can optionally be placed in the outgoing SETUP message.
The number called when all retries with the main called number have failed. In this event, the router tries once with the alternate number, then checks the ccDetailsKeepup object to determine whether to try again with the main number.
Whether this ISDN call is enabled or disabled for incoming and outgoing calls. If the call details entry is disabled, all existing active calls based on this call details entry are left active.
The direction for which calls may be made or received using this call details entry.
The precedence of this call details entry in the event of call collision. Call collision occurs when an incoming call for a given details entry is detected while an outgoing call is waiting to complete. This object configures whether the router treats the ...
The time, in seconds, that active calls created from this call details should be held up after initial activation. The call will be held up for at least this time, unless cleared from the network. Thus, for example, PPP idle timeouts will not bring the ca ...
The ifIndex of an ISDN interface on this router which is the preferred ISDN interface on which to make an outgoing call using this call details entry. The ifIndex, if not 0, should reference the ifEntry which contains information about the entire ISDN int ...
The ifIndex of an ISDN interface on this router which is the required ISDN interface on which to make an outgoing call using this call details entry. The ifIndex, if not 0, must reference the ifEntry which contains information about the entire ISDN interf ...
The priority of calls generated from this call details entry. The priority determines whether calls can be bumped for higher priority calls. The value of priority falls into ranges: 0-19 - call bumped by incoming or outgoing, voice or data calls 20-39 - c ...
The time in seconds between retries of calls generated from this call details entry.
The number of retries in a retry group for calls generated from this call details entry. Note that the default value means that by default the call will not be retried.
The time in seconds between retry groups for retries of calls generated from this call details entry.
The number of retry groups for calls generated from this call details entry. Note that the default value means that by default no retry groups will be attempted.
A flag indicating whether calls generated from this call details entry should be kept up always. Inspection of this flag takes place when a call is cleared from an external source. If set to 'yes', the call will be retried.
The CLI information placed into outgoing SETUP messages when this call details is used to generate an outgoing call. The value 'off' means that no CLI information in placed in the SETUP message. The value 'calling' means that the calling number from the c ...
The user-user information placed into outgoing SETUP messages when this call details is used to generate an outgoing call. The value 'off' means that no user-user information in placed in the SETUP message. The value 'local' means that the call name from ...
The called subaddress information placed into outgoing SETUP messages when this call details is used to generate an outgoing call. The value 'off' means that no called subaddress information in placed in the SETUP message. The value 'local' means that the ...
This object gives a way to override the called subaddress information placed into outgoing SETUP messages when this call details is used to generate an outgoing call, as given by the ccDetailsOutSetupCalledSub object. The object is an arbitrary string of ...
A flag indicating whether or not to call back the caller when an incoming call is generated from this call details entry. If set to 'yes', the incoming call will be cleared, and after a short delay, an outgoing call will be activated for this call details ...
The time, in tenths of a second, which the router will wait after clearing an incoming call whose call details entry specified that the caller should be called back before making the return call. The purpose of this object is to allow the user to specify ...
Determines whether this call details entry is used in a search of call details for an incoming call based on the contents of the called subaddress information in the incoming SETUP message. The value 'off' means that this call details entry is not used in ...
Determines whether this call details entry is used in a search of call details for an incoming call based on the contents of the user-user information in the incoming SETUP message. The value 'off' means that this call details entry is not used in the sea ...
Determines whether this call details entry is used in a search of call details for an incoming call based on the contents of the calling number information in the incoming SETUP message. The value 'off' means that this call details entry is not used in th ...
If the ccDetailsInSetupCliSearch object is set to 'list', this object gives the index of the CLI list to search. The value of CLI list indices is 1..100. The value 0 is returned when the ccDetailsInSetupCliSearch object is not set to 'list'. If the value ...
Determines whether this call details entry will match any incoming call. After all searched for incoming calls have been carried out based on called subaddress, user-user information and calling number, a search is carried out for the first call found wit ...
Determines whether to perform a check when an incoming call matches this call details entry based on the contents of the called subaddress information in the incoming SETUP message. The value 'off' means that the check is not carried out. The value 'local ...
Determines whether to perform a check when an incoming call matches this call details entry based on the contents of the user-user information in the incoming SETUP message. The value 'off' means that the check is not carried out. The value 'local' means ...
Determines whether to perform a check and which check to perform when an incoming call matches this call details entry based on the contents of the calling number information in the incoming SETUP message. The value 'off' means that the check is not carri ...
If the ccDetailsInSetupCliCheck object is set to 'present' or 'required', this object gives the index of the CLI list to check against. The value of CLI list indices is 1..100. The value 0 means that no list to check against is defined and the check immed ...
The type of user of this call. The value 'attach' means that users have to attach to this call before the call can be used for outgoing or incoming calls. The value 'ppp' means that for incoming calls only dynamic PPP interfaces will be created whenever t ...
The type of login for calls generated using this call details entry, for incoming calls only. Incoming calls can be configured to go through a logging in phase before the call is brought up. This object defines which login types are used. The value 'none' ...
The source of the username when the ccDetailsLoginType object has a value of 'userdb', 'radius', 'tacacs' or 'all'. The value 'none' means no username is defined. The value 'cli' means take the username from the calling number information in the SETUP mes ...
The source of the password when the ccDetailsLoginType object has a value of 'userdb', 'radius', 'tacacs' or 'all'. The value 'none' means no password is defined. The value 'cli' means take the password from the calling number information in the SETUP mes ...
The time, in tenths of a second, which the router will wait after clearing an existing call which has been bumped to make way for a call based on this call details entry.
The data rate to use for active calls based on this call details entry. The actual data rate for outgoing calls is determined by both this object and the data rate parameter for the Q.931 interface chosen for the call. If either this object or the interfa ...
The PPP template to use when creating dynamic PPP interfaces for calls generated from this call details entry. The value 33 represents a default PPP template, the values 1 to 32 represent PPP templates that are currently defined in the router. Note that w ...
The module ID of the user module currently attached to this ISDN call details entry.
The number of attachments from the user module currently attached to this call details entry. The ccAttachmentsTable gives the actual attachments for each call details entry.
The table of CLI list entries.
A single entry in the CLI list table. This contains a single number, as well as index information.
The index of the CLI list. CLI lists from 1 to 100 are defined in the router.
The index of the CLI list entry within the CLI list. The minimum CLI list entry is 1. CLI lists are unlimited in length, although internal memory requirements could result in failure to create a given entry. When creating a row in this table, the entry in ...
The number for this CLI list entry. Setting the number to a zero length string removes the entry from the CLI list, with consequent reshuffling of CLI entry indices. Thus the easiest way to delete an entire CLI list is to repeatedly set the first element ...
The table of ISDN active calls.
A single entry in the active call table.
The index of the active call. There are 128 possible active calls in the router simultaneously.
The index of the call details entry which generated this active call. Thus the index into the ccDetailsTable for this call.
The interface index of the interface on which this active call is being made or received. A value of zero indicates that the active has not yet had an interface assigned to it. The ifEntry indexed by this object is the ifEntry for the entire ISDN interfac ...
The data rate in use for this active call. This is determined by the call details setting of data rate, the ISDN interface setting for data rate, and the contents of the bearer capability information in the incoming SETUP message.
The state of this active call. The value 'null' indicates that this active call does not actually exist, in other words it is in the process of being created or destroyed. The value 'off' means that the active call is just being activated. The value 'try' ...
The direction of this active call. The value 'in' indicates that this active call is an incoming call, the value 'out' indicates that the active call is an outgoing call. The value 'undefined' indicates that the active call has just been created and a dir ...
The module ID of the user module attached to this ISDN active call.
The instance of the user module attached to this ISDN active call.
The B channel number for this active entry. BRI interfaces have B channels in the range 1..2, PRI interfaces have B channels in the range 1..31, excluding a channel which is the D channel. A value of 0 for this entry means that either a B channel is not c ...
The table of ISDN call log entries.
A single entry in the ISDN call log table.
The index of the call log entry. Since the call log table is dynamic, there is no guarantee that this index will continue to refer to the same log entry over time.
The name of the call details entry which generated the active call for which this is the log entry.
The state of the log entry. The value 'initial' means that the call is being established. The value 'active' means that the call is currently established. The value 'disconnected' means that the call was disconnected after being established for some time. ...
A string in the format 'dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm:ss' which gives the start time of the call for which this is the log entry. If the call never reached or has not yet reached the active state, this object will be a zero-length string.
The direction of the call for which this is the log entry.
The duration in seconds, of the call for which this is the log entry. A value of 0 in this field means either that the call has just started, that the call was cleared before becoming established, or that the call is still active. In other words, a non-ze ...
For incoming calls, the calling number, if this was made available in the SETUP message. For outgoing calls, the number dialed. If the number was not available, this object is a zero length string.
The table of call detail attachment entries.
A single entry in the attachment table.
The index of the call details entry to which this attachment entry belongs.
The index of the attachment entry within the attachment list.
The index of the active call for this attachment. A value of 0 indicates that there is currently no active call for this attachment. A value of 1 to 128 references the active call currently in place for this attachment.
The instance of the user module attached to the ISDN active call for this attachment. This object should return the same value as the object ccActiveCallUserInstance for the active call indexed by ccAttachmentActiveCallIndex, if this is not 0.
The table of B channel attachment entries.
A single entry in the B channel attachment table.
The interface index of the interface which this B channel entry is on. The ifEntry indexed by this object is the ifEntry for the entire ISDN interface, not the ifEntry for the active call's B channel.
The B channel number for this B channel entry. BRI interfaces have B channels in the range 1..2, PRI interfaces have B channels in the range 1..31, excluding a channel which is the D channel.
A flag indicating whether this B channel is actually allocated to a call or not.
The type of call on this B channel. If the B channel is not allocated, the call type will be undefined.
The index of the active call which is currently attached to this B channel. If the value of this object is 0 the channel is either not allocated, or is not allocated to a data call.
The priority of the call which has this B channel allocated to it. This is in the range 0..99 for data calls, 150 for voice calls and 200 for emergency voice calls. A B channel which is not allocated will have a priority of 0.
The direction of the call which has this B channel allocated to it. If this B channel is not allocated the value will be 'unallocated'.

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