AT-LB-MIB Download
This MIB file contains definitions of managed objects for the
LB module.
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OID list for AT-LB-MIB
- lbShowGlobalTable
- General configuration and status of all of the virtual balancers configured on the router.
- lbShowGlobalEntry
- An entry in the global table.
- lbGlobalIndex
- The index for the global table.
- lbAffinityTimeOut
- The length of time in seconds that a resource can be associated to a source IP address or Cookie after the connection has been closed.
- lbOrphanTimeOut
- The length of time in seconds that a connection can exist without having any data traversing it, before being declared an orphan and closed by the router.
- lbCriticalRst
- The ratio of total messages received from a resource that can be TCP RST messages represented as a percentage.
- lbTotalResources
- The total number of resources configured on the router.
- lbTotalResPools
- The total number of resource pools configured on the router.
- lbTotalVirtBals
- The total number of virtual balancers configured on the router.
- lbCurrentConnections
- Displays the current total number of connections to all resources in every resource pool on the router.
- lbShowResTable
- A list about the general information about for a given resource.
- lbShowResEntry
- An entry in the resource table.
- lbResIndex
- The index for the resource table.
- lbResource
- The name of the resource.
- lbResIp
- The IP address that a virtual balancer uses to accesses the resource.
- lbResPort
- The port that the service that the resource offer is accessed on.
- lbResState
- The current state of the resource, either UP, DOWN, or CLOSING.
- lbResWeight
- The weight that the virtual balancer will apply to the resource when selecting resources to try a connection to from a resource pool using either the WEIGHTEDLEASTCONNECT or WEIGHTEDLOTTERY selection algorithms.
- lbResTotalConnections
- The total number of successful connections that have been made to this resource while it has been in the UP state.
- lbResCurrentConnections
- The total number of connections currently made to the resource.
- lbShowResPoolTable
- A list about the general information about for a given resource pool.
- lbShowResPoolEntry
- An entry in the resource pool table.
- lbResPoolIndex
- The index for the resource pool table.
- lbResPoolResourceIndex
- The index for the resource table.
- lbResPool
- The name of the resource pool.
- lbResPoolSelectionAlg
- The selection algorithm that ius employed by this resource pool when a resource has been selected for a connection. The options are ROUNDROBIN, WEIGHTEDLEASTCONNECT, WEIGHTEDLOTTERY and FASTESTRESPONSE.
- lbResPoolFailOnLast
- Indicates whether or not the resource pool will fail a resource if it is the last resource in the resource pool.
- lbResPoolTotalConnections
- The total number of successful connections that have been made to the resources in the resource pool over the lifetime of the resource pool.
- lbResPoolResources
- The name of the resource that is currently allocated to the resource pool.
- lbShowVirtBalTable
- A list about the general information about for a given virtual balancer.
- lbShowVirtBalEntry
- An entry in the virtual balancer table.
- lbVirtBalIndex
- The index for the virtual balancer table.
- lbVirtBal
- The name of the virtual balancer.
- lbVirtBalPublicIp
- The IP address on which the virtual balancer will receive requests for the service provided by the resource pool associated with it.
- lbVirtBalPublicPort
- The port on which the virtual balancer will receive requests for the service provided by the resource pool associated with it.
- lbVirtBalState
- The current state of the virtual balancer, can either be UP, CLOSING, or DOWN.
- lbVirtBalResPool
- The name of the resource pool that is associated with the virtual balancer.
- lbVirtBalType
- The type of load balancer that this virtual balancer currently is, can be either TCP, HTTP, or ROUTE.
- lbVirtBalTotalConnections
- The total number of stateful connections currently running through this virtual balancer.
- lbVirtBalAffinity
- Indicates whether or not entries will be made in a virtual balancers' affinity table for each stateful connection to a resource in its' resource pool (TCP and ROUTE type) or for cookies received from clients (HTTP type).
- lbVirtBalHttpErrorCode
- A list of the HTTP server error status code added.
- lbShowAffTable
- A list of affinity tables for all configured virtual balancers on the router.
- lbShowAffEntry
- An entry in the affinity table.
- lbAffIndex
- The index for the affinity table.
- lbAffVirtBal
- The name of the virtual balancer whose affinity table is being displayed.
- lbAffClientIp
- The IP address that has affinity to the given resource.
- lbAffCookie
- The cookie that has affinity to the given resource.
- lbAffResource
- The name of the resource that the Client IP/Cookie has an affinity for.
- lbAffExpiry
- The amount of seconds left before this entry expires, and is removed from the affinity table.
- lbShowConTable
- A list about all of the TCP connections currently open to a given virtual balancer.
- lbShowConEntry
- An entry in the connections table.
- lbConIndex
- The index for the connections table.
- lbConVirtBal
- The name of the virtual balancer the listed connections are to.
- lbConClientIp
- The IP address of that originated the connection.
- lbConPort
- The port on the originating system that represents the other end of the connection.
- lbConResource
- The name of the resource that the connection has been made to.
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