IPHost Network Monitor offer an easy way of SNMP monitoring your D-Link Servers, Routers, Switches, Bridges,
Firewalls, Repeaters.
- swEquipmentCapacity
- Indicates the equipment capability supported in the system.
- swPowerTable
- A list of power information values.
- swPowerEntry
- An entry of power information values.
- swPowerUnitIndex
- Indicates the unit ID in the System.
- swPowerID
- Indicates ID of the power 1 : main power 2 : redundant power .
- swPowerStatus
- Indicates the current power status. lowVoltage : The voltage of the power unit is too low. overCurrent: The current of the power unit is too high. working : The power unit is working normally. fail : The power unit has failed. connect : The po ...
- swFanTable
- A list of fan information values.
- swFanEntry
- An entry of fan information values.
- swFanUnitIndex
- Indicates the unit ID in the System.
- swFanID
- Indicates the unit ID.
- swFanStatus
- Indicates the current fan status. speed-0 : If the fan function is normal and the fan does not spin due to the temperature not reaching the threshold, the status of the fan is speed 0. speed-low : Fan spin using the lowest speed. speed-middle: Fan ...
- swFanPostion
- Indicates the position of the fan.
- swFanNumber
- Indicates the fan number.
- swFanSpeed
- Indicates the fan work speed(RPM).
- swTemperatureTable
- A list of temperature values.
- swTemperatureEntry
- An entry of temperature values.
- swTemperatureUnitIndex
- Indicates the unit ID in the System.
- swTemperatureCurrent
- The shelf current temperature.
- swTemperatureHighThresh
- The high threshold of shelf temperature.
- swTemperatureLowThresh
- The low threshold of shelf temperature.
- swUnitStackingVersion
- This object indicates the version of this stacking system.
- swUnitMaxSupportedUnits
- The maximum number of units that are supported in the system.
- swUnitNumOfUnit
- The current number of units.
- swUnitMgmtTable
- This table contains the unit information.
- swUnitMgmtEntry
- A list of management information for each unit in the system.
- swUnitMgmtId
- This object indicates the specific entry in the stacking/chassis table.
- swUnitMgmtMacAddr
- The MAC address of this unit.
- swUnitMgmtStartPort
- This object indicates the starting port of this unit.
- swUnitMgmtPortRange
- This object indicates the total ports of this unit.
- swUnitMgmtFrontPanelLedStatus
- This object is a set of system LED indicators. The first four octets are defined as a system LED. The first LED is a power LED. The second LED in the stacking module is a master LED but in the chassis is a status LED. The third LED is a console LED. The f ...
- swUnitMgmtCtrlMode
- This object indicates the stacking mode the user configured for the unit. This object can only be configured when the device is in standalone mode. other (1) - This object indicates the stacking mode that the user has configured for the unit. This object ...
- swUnitMgmtCurrentMode
- The current stacking role of this unit.
- swUnitMgmtVersion
- This object indicates the version of this stacking unit.
- swUnitMgmtModuleName
- A textual string containing the stacking unit module name.
- swUnitMgmtPromVersion
- A textual string containing the PROM version of the stacking unit.
- swUnitMgmtFirmwareVersion
- A textual string containing the firmware version of the stacking unit.
- swUnitMgmtHardwareVersion
- A textual string containing the hardware version of the stacking unit.
- swUnitMgmtPriority
- The Priority of the stacking unit.
- swUnitMgmtUserSetState
- This object indicates the user set state of this unit.
- swUnitMgmtExistState
- The state of existence of this unit.
- swUnitMgmtBoxId
- The box ID of the stacking unit. When show, it shows the current box ID of this unit; When set, it sets the new box ID, and the new box ID will take effect after the next boot.
- swUnitMgmtSerialNumber
- A text string containing the serial number of the stacking unit.
- swUnitTopology
- The stacking topology state.
- swUnitStackMode
- Indicates the stacking mode supported in the system.
- swUnitStackForceMasterRole
- Indicates the stack force master role mode supported in the system.
- swExternalAlarmTable
- A list of the status of each of the alarm channels by this agent.
- swExternalAlarmEntry
- An entry containing objects with the status of each alarm channel.
- swExternalAlarmChannel
- The number of the alarm channel.
- swExternalAlarmMessage
- Used to configure the alarm message when an alarm occurs on this channel. If no alarm message is configured on this channel, a default alarm message will be generated.
- swExternalAlarmStatus
- Shows the current status of each alarm channel.
- swEquipmentPowerSavingState
- Indicates the equipment reduced power consumption state.
- swEquipPowerSavingLenDetect
- Indicates the equipment reduced power consumption state with a link partner.
- swTemperatureTrapState
- This object can enable or disable the warning temperature trap.
- swTemperatureLogState
- This object can enable or disable the warning temperature log.
- swUnitInsertSeverity
- Indicates the swUnitInsert detection level.
- swUnitRemoveSeverity
- Indicates the swUnitRemove detection level.
- swUnitFailureSeverity
- Indicates the swUnitFailure detection level.
- swPowerStatusChgSeverity
- Indicates the swPowerStatusChg detection level.
- swPowerFailureSeverity
- Indicates the swPowerFailure detection level.
- swPowerRecoverSeverity
- Indicates the swPowerRecover detection level.
- swFanFailureSeverity
- Indicates the swFanFailure detection level.
- swFanRecoverSeverity
- Indicates the swFanRecover detection level.
- swHighTemperatureSeverity
- Indicates the swHighTemperature detection level.
- swHighTemperatureRecoverSeverity
- Indicates the swHighTemperatureRecover detection level.
- swLowTemperatureSeverity
- Indicates the swLowTemperature detection level.
- swLowTemperatureRecoverSeverity
- Indicates the swLowTemperatureRecover detection level.
- swTemperSensorID
- This object indicates the ID of the temperature sensor in the unit.
- swStackTopologyType
- This object indicates the MAC address of the switch.
- swStackRoleChangeType
- This object indicates the role information of the switch.
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