HUAWEI-FRC-MA5100-MIB Download
IPHost Network Monitor offer an easy way of SNMP monitoring your Huawei Servers, Routers, Switches, Bridges,
Firewalls, Repeaters.
OID list for HUAWEI-FRC-MA5100-MIB
- hwMusaFrcBoardTable
- Musa Frc board configuration table.
- hwMusaFrcBoardEntry
- This list contains Musa Frc Board variables.
- hwMusaFrcPvcAlarmEnable
- The Frc PVC alarm enable or disable.
- hwMusaFrcBoardClearStatistic
- Clear the Frc board statisitcs.
- hwMusaFrcClockMode
- The phy port Clock Mode.
- hwMusaFrcPhyPortId
- the index of the port.
- hwMusaFrcPhyPortType
- physical port type.
- hwMusaFrcPhyPortLineIfTable
- Musa Frc phy port line Interface table.
- hwMusaFrcPhyPortLineIfEntry
- This list contains Musa Frc phy port line If variables.
- hwMusaFrcMainClock
- The main clock. local,backplate,line.
- hwMusaFrcT1HaulMode
- The T1 short/long haul mode.
- hwMusaFrcT1E1Crc
- The T1 crc, when T1 is ESF frame format.
- hwMusaFrcT1FrameFormat
- The T1 frame format.
- hwMusaFrcT1LineCode
- The T1 line code.
- hwMusaFrcV35ClockMode
- The V35 clock mode.
- hwMusaFrcT1E1TsBitMap
- The TS bit map.
- hwMusaFrcClockLoopMode
- The phy port Clock loop mode.
- hwMusaFrcLoopState
- The phy port Clock loop state.
- hwMusaFrcV35InvertTxClock
- The V35 port Clock invert phase.
- hwMusaFrcSingleTimeSlotId
- The timeslot id of single timeslot loopback.
- hwMusaFrcPhyPortAlarmTable
- Musa Frc phy port alarm table.
- hwMusaFrcPhyPortAlarmEntry
- This list contains Musa Frc phy port Alarm variables.
- hwMusaFrcAlarmSw
- The phy port alarm switch.
- hwMusaFrcRACTS
- The E1/T1 phy port remote alarm or V35 phy port CTS alarm.
- hwMusaFrcLFADSR
- The E1/T1 phy port LFA or V35 phy port DSR alarm.
- hwMusaFrcLOSPLL
- The E1/T1 phy port LOS alarm or V35 phy port PLL alarm.
- hwMusaFrcAISDCD
- The E1/T1 phy port AIS alarm OR V35 phy port DCD alarm.
- hwMusaFrcAlarmCount
- The phy port alarm count.
- hwMusaFrcDTR
- The V35 phy port DTR alarm.
- hwMusaFrcRTS
- The V35 phy port RTS alarm.
- hwMusaFrcSCOL
- The phy port SCOL alarm.
- hwMusaFrcLogicPortTable
- Musa Frc logic port table.
- hwMusaFrcLogicPortEntry
- This list contains Musa Fr logic port variables.
- hwMusaFrcLogicPortId
- The Fr Logical Port ID.
- hwMusaFrcPhyPort
- The Fr phy Port.
- hwMusaFrcE1T1TsBitMapV35NValue
- The E1/T1 TS bit Map or V35 N value.
- hwMusaFrcDlciType
- The DLCI type.
- hwMusaFrcFreeBandwidth
- The free bandwidth.
- hwMusaFrcServiceFlag
- The service FLAG.
- hwMusaFrcPortActivate
- The active flag.
- hwMusaFrcLogicPortOperate
- The operat.
- hwMusaFrcLogPortSigTable
- This table contains information of system pvc
- hwMusaFrcLogPortSigEntry
- This list contains FR port information parameters.
- hwMusaFrcLogPortSigSide
- Singnalling port side
- hwMusaFrcLogPortSigProtocalType
- hwMusaFrcLogPortSigPortType
- hwMusaFrcLogPortSigN391
- N391
- hwMusaFrcLogPortSigUserN392
- UserN392
- hwMusaFrcLogPortSigUserN393
- UserN393
- hwMusaFrcLogPortSigNetN392
- NetN392
- hwMusaFrcLogPortSigNetN393
- NetN393
- hwMusaFrcLogPortSigT391
- T391
- hwMusaFrcLogPortSigT392
- T392
- hwMusaFrcLogPortSigOper
- Signalling port operation
- hwMusaFrcIwfTable
- This table contains Fr Iwf
- hwMusaFrcIwfEntry
- This list contains Fr Iwf.
- hwMusaFrcIwfCcid
- hwMusaFrcConnectMode
- FR connect mode
- hwMusaFrcLogicPort
- logical port
- hwMusaFrcDlci
- logical port dlci
- hwMusaFrcAtmVcc
- atm vcc
- hwMusaFrcAtmDlci
- atm vcc
- hwMusaFrcEfci
- atm efci
- hwMusaFrcDe
- atm de
- hwMusaFrcClp
- atm clp
- hwMusaFrcCir
- atm cir
- hwMusaFrcEir
- atm eir
- hwMusaFrcServiceMode
- atm eir
- hwMusaFrcOperate
- iwf operate
- hwMusaFrcLogicPortStatisTable
- This table contains LogicPortStatis
- hwMusaFrcLogicPortStatisEntry
- This list contains Logical Port Statistic.
- hwMusaFrcLogicPortActive
- Active state.
- hwMusaFrcCongestState
- Congest state.
- hwMusaFrcInFrameCount
- In frame count.
- hwMusaFrcInByteCount
- In BYTE count.
- hwMusaFrcInLossParkageC
- IN parkage count.
- hwMusaFrcOutFrameCount
- Output frame count.
- hwMusaFrcOutByteCount
- Output BYTE count.
- hwMusaFrcOutLossParkageC
- Output loss parkage count.
- hwMusaFrcAtmPortStatisTable
- This table contains Atm PortStatis
- hwMusaFrcAtmPortStatisEntry
- This list contains Atm Port Statistic.
- hwMusaFrcAtmPortActive
- Active state.
- hwMusaFrcAtmCongestState
- Congest state.
- hwMusaFrcAtmInFrames
- In loss parkage count.
- hwMusaFrcAtmInBytes
- Output loss parkage count.
- hwMusaFrcAtmInDiscards
- In loss parkage count.
- hwMusaFrcAtmOutFrames
- Output loss parkage count.
- hwMusaFrcAtmOutBytes
- In loss parkage count.
- hwMusaFrcAtmOutDiscards
- Output loss parkage count.
- hwMusaFrcSigPortStatisTable
- This table contains signal Port Statis
- hwMusaFrcSigPortStatisEntry
- This list contains Sig Port Statistic.
- hwMusaFrcSigType
- signal port type.
- hwMusaFrcSigPortSide
- signal port side.
- hwMusaFrcUserLinkC
- User link error count.
- hwMusaFrcUserProtocalC
- User protocal error count.
- hwMusaFrcUserDeactC
- User port deactive count.
- hwMusaFrcNetworkLinkC
- Network link error count.
- hwMusaFrcNetworkProtocalC
- Network protocal error count.
- hwMusaFrcNetworkDeactC
- Network port deactive count.
- hwMusaFrcSendFrameC
- The number of sended frames.
- hwMusaFrcRecvFrameC
- The number of received frames.
- hwMusaFrcIwfStatisTable
- This table contains Iwf Statis
- hwMusaFrcIwfStatisEntry
- This list contains Iwf Statistic.
- hwMusaFrcPvcType
- pvc type.
- hwMusaFrcPortId
- Fr Port type.
- hwMusaFrcPortDlci
- Fr Port DLCI.
- hwMusaFrcUpInFrames
- Fr in package.
- hwMusaFrcUpInBytes
- Fr Port DLCI.
- hwMusaFrcUpInDiscards
- Fr Port DLCI.
- hwMusaFrcUpOutFrames
- Fr in package.
- hwMusaFrcUpOutBytes
- Fr Port DLCI.
- hwMusaFrcUpOutDiscards
- Fr Port DLCI.
- hwMusaFrcAtmPort
- Atm port.
- hwMusaFrcAtmPortDlci
- Atm port.
- hwMusaFrcDownInFrames
- Atm port.
- hwMusaFrcDownInBytes
- Atm port.
- hwMusaFrcDownInDiscards
- Atm port.
- hwMusaFrcDownOutFrames
- Atm port.
- hwMusaFrcDownOutBytes
- Atm port.
- hwMusaFrcDownOutDiscards
- Atm port.
- hwMusaFrcIwfActive
- Iwf active.
- hwMusaFrcPhyMCCStatisTable
- This table contains Phy-MCC Statis
- hwMusaFrcPhyMCCStatisEntry
- This list contains Phy-MCC Statistic.
- hwMusaMccType
- MCC type.
- hwMusaFrcMccTxSucc
- The frames of MCC send successfully.
- hwMusaFrcMccRxSucc
- The frames of MCC reveiced successfully.
- hwMusaFrcMccRxQOV
- MCC reveice queue overflow.
- hwMusaFrcMccRxMRF
- The frames MCC reveiveed over the max length.
- hwMusaFrcMccRxLRF
- The frames of MCC reveiveed underlength.
- hwMusaFrcMccRxIDL
- The first IDELE-frame head in many frames.
- hwMusaFrcMccRxBSY
- MCC has no idle BD when reveice frame.
- hwMusaFrcMccRxLG
- The frames of MCC reveiveed overlength.
- hwMusaFrcMccRxNO
- MCC½ÓÊÕµ½·Ç×Ö½Ú¶ÔÆëÖ¡.
- hwMusaFrcMccRxAB
- MCCÁ¬ÐøÊÕµ½7¸ö±ÈÌصÄ1.
- hwMusaFrcMccRxCR
- hwMusaFrcMccTxRxNID
- hwMusaFrcMccTxQOV
- MCC·¢ËÍÖж϶ÓÁÐÒç³ö.
- hwMusaFrcMccTxGUN
- MCC·¢Ë͵͸ººÉ.
- hwMusaFrcMccTxGOV
- MCC½ÓÊÕ³¬¸ººÉ.
- hwMusaFrcMccTxUN
- CPָʾÎÞÊý¾Ý·¢ËÍ.
- hwMusaFrcMccTxNoBD
- ·¢ËÍÊý¾ÝʱËùÓÐBDÂú.
- hwMusaFrcMccRxNoBuff
- Êý¾Ý½ÓÊÕʱ·ÖÅä²»µ½Buffer.
- hwMusaFrcPhySARStatisTable
- This table contains Phy-SAR Statis
- hwMusaFrcPhySARStatisEntry
- This list contains Phy-SAR Statistic.
- hwMusaFrcSarSendSucc
- SAR·¢Ëͳɹ¦.
- hwMusaFrcSarRecvSucc
- SAR½ÓÊճɹ¦.
- hwMusaFrcSarRxErrBSY
- hwMusaFrcSarRxErrTBNR
- SAR·¢ËÍʱBD Bufferδ׼±¸ºÃ.
- hwMusaFrcSarRxErrGRLI
- È«¾ÖBuffer·ÖÅäµ½´ï¾¯¸æÏß(ÖжϷ½Ê½).
- hwMusaFrcSarRxErrGBPB
- È«¾ÖBuffer·ÖÅäBusy.
- hwMusaFrcSarRxErrINTO
- Öж϶ÓÁÐÒç³ö.
- hwMusaFrcSarRxErrABRT
- ½ÓÊÕµ½Êý¾Ý³¤¶ÈΪ0µÄÊý¾ÝÖ¡.
- hwMusaFrcSarRxErrLNE
- ½ÓÊÕµ½µÄAAL5Êý¾ÝÖ¡PDU³¤¶È·Ç·¨.
- hwMusaFrcSarRxErrCRE
- ½ÓÊÕµ½µÄÊý¾ÝÖ¡CRCУÑé´í.
- hwMusaFrcSarRxErrCLP
- hwMusaFrcSarRxErrCNG
- ½ÓÊÕµ½µÄÖÃÓµÈûλµÄÊý¾ÝÖ¡.
- hwMusaFrcSarRxErrCPUU
- hwMusaFrcSarRxErrRedLine
- È«¾ÖBuffer·ÖÅäµ½´ï¾¯¸æÏß(·ÇÖжϷ½Ê½).
- hwMusaFrcSarRxErrNoBuff
- ½ÓÊÕÊý¾Ý֡ʱ·ÖÅä²»µ½Buffer.
- hwMusaFrcSarTxErrTIRU
- ÄÚ²¿µ÷¶ÈģʽÏ£¬·¢ËÍËÙÂʵ͸ººÉ.
- hwMusaFrcSarTxErrNoBD
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