IPHost Network Monitor offer an easy way of SNMP monitoring your Huawei Servers, Routers, Switches, Bridges,
Firewalls, Repeaters.
- hwMusaSysDate
- the system date,include year,month,day.
- hwMusaSysTime
- the system time,include hours,minutes,seconds.
- hwMusaSysCpuRatio
- the musa system cpu ratio.
- hwMusaHostVersion
- the musa system host software version.
- hwMusaResetSys
- Reset Musa device.
- hwMusaIpAddr
- The Musa device's Ethernet IP address.
- hwMusaIpMask
- The Musa IP SubNet Mask.
- hwMusaGatewayIpAddr
- The Musa gateway's IP address.
- hwMusaMacAddr
- The Musa Mac address.
- hwMusaIpAddrPermitTable
- This table contains IP Addr scope that Musa device permit access.
- hwMusaIpAddrPermitEntry
- This list contains IP addr scope.
- hwMusaIpPermitTableId
- The IP Address table ID that permit access the Musa device.
- hwMusaIpAddrPermitOper
- The operation that permit access the Musa device.
- hwMusaPermitBeginIp
- The begin IP Address that permit access the Musa device.
- hwMusaPermitEndIp
- The end Ip address that permit access the Musa device.
- hwMusaPermitIpMask
- The Ip address subnet mask that permit access the Musa device.
- hwMusaIpAddrRejectTable
- This table contains IP Addr scope that Musa device reject access.
- hwMusaIpAddrRejectEntry
- This list contains IP addr scope.
- hwMusaIpRejectTableId
- The IP Address table ID that reject access the Musa device.
- hwMusaIpAddrRejectOper
- The operation that reject access the Musa device.
- hwMusaRejectBeginIp
- The begin IP Address that reject access the Musa device.
- hwMusaRejectEndIp
- The end Ip address that reject access the Musa device.
- hwMusaRejectIpMask
- The Ip address subnet mask that reject access the Musa device.
- hwMusaAtmIpAddr
- The Musa device's IP address.
- hwMusaAtmIpMask
- The Musa IP SubNet Mask.
- hwMusaMtu
- The Musa Mtu value.
- hwMusaOpticConvergentRate
- The bandwidth convergentrate.
- hwMusaCellbusID
- The Cellbus ID.
- hwMusaResetSlaveMMX
- Reset SLAVE MMX.
- hwMusaBiosVersion
- MMX Bios Version.
- hwMusaEthernetFirewall
- MMX ethernet firewall switch.
- hwMusaNmsPvcConfTable
- Musa Nms PVC configuration table.
- hwMusaNmsPvcConfEntry
- This list contains Musa Nms Pvc Configuration parameters and variables.
- hwMusaNmsPvcIndex
- Nms Pvc index.
- hwMusaNmsRelayVpi
- Nms Relay Pvc Vpi index.
- hwMusaNmsRelayVci
- Nms Relay Pvc Vci index.
- hwMusaNmsIp
- Nms IP address.
- hwMusaNmsPvcOper
- Nms operate state,include:add/del.
- hwMusaNmsRxTraffic
- Nms PVC's receive traffic index.
- hwMusaNmsTxTraffic
- Nms PVC's transmit traffic index.
- hwMusaNmsSarVci
- hwMusaNmsLLCVC
- 1483B encapsulation state,include:llc/vc.
- hwMusaNmsENCAP
- Nms encapsulation type,include:ipoa/1483B.
- hwMusaNmsFrameId
- Nms PVC's DstFrameId.
- hwMusaNmsSlotId
- Nms PVC's DstSlotId.
- hwMusaNmsPortVlanId
- Nms PVC's DstPortVlanId.
- hwMusaNmsParaConfTable
- Musa Nms PVC configuration table.
- hwMusaNmsParaConfEntry
- This list contains Musa Nms Para Configuration parameters and variables.
- hwMusaNmsID
- Nms ID,from 0 to 7.
- hwMusaNmsOperState
- Nms operate state,include:add/del/modify/act/deact.
- hwMusaNmsName
- Nms name.
- hwMusaNmsIpAddr
- Nms IP address.
- hwMusaGetCommunity
- Snmp get community name.
- hwMusaSetCommunity
- Snmp set community name.
- hwMusaTrapPort
- Snmp trap port.
- hwMusaGetSetPort
- Snmp get/set port.
- hwMusaNmsStatus
- Nms status.
- hwMusaNmsStyle
- Nms admin style in-band or out-band.
- hwMusaShelfNumber
- Musa shelf numbers.
- hwMusaShelfConfTable
- This table contains Musa slot configuration parameters, one entry per Musa slot.
- hwMusaShelfConfEntry
- This list contains Musa shelf configuration parameters and status variables.
- hwMusaShelfIndex
- the Musa shelf number.
- hwMusaShelfType
- The Musa shelf type.
- hwMusaShelfName
- The Musa shelf name.
- hwMusaFrameNumbers
- The frame numbers belong to this shelf.
- hwMusaFrameNumber
- Musa frame numbers.
- hwMusaFrameConfTable
- This table contains Musa Frame configuration parameters.
- hwMusaFrameConfEntry
- This list contains Musa Frame configuration parameters and status variables.
- hwMusaFrameIndex
- The Musa Frame number.
- hwMusaFrameType
- The Musa Frame type.
- hwMusaFrameName
- The Musa Frame name.
- hwMusaSlotNumbers
- The Slot numbers belong to this frame.
- hwMusaFrameBandWidth
- The bandwidth(kpbs) of frame's backplane.
- hwMusaFrameUsedBandWidth
- The current used bandwidth(kpbs) of frame's backplane.
- hwMusaSlotNumber
- Musa slot numbers.
- hwMusaSlotConfTable
- This table contains Musa slot configuration parameters, one entry per Musa slot.
- hwMusaSlotConfEntry
- This list contains Musa slot configuration parameters and status variables.
- hwMusaSlotIndex
- the Musa slot number.
- hwMusaSlotCardType
- the Musa slot card type. The whole 16 bits is distributed to two parts. The whole low 8 bits is the type of board. In the high 8 bits, the whole high 4 bits is the type of the first subboard, the whole low 4 bits is the type of the second subboard. The su ...
- hwMusaSlotCardSerial
- The Musa slot card serial.
- hwMusaSlotCardVersion
- The Musa slot card version.
- hwMusaSlotIpAddress
- The Musa slot card Ip address.
- hwMusaSlotCardAdminStatus
- The Musa slot card State.
- hwMusaSlotCardOperStatus
- The slot card operate status.
- hwMusaSlotDescript
- The sl1ot card description.
- hwMusaBoardCellLossPriority
- The board service priority.
- hwMusaBoardMaxBandwidth
- The board Max outburst cell rate.
- hwMusaCpuOccupyRate
- The board cpu occupy rate.
- hwMusaQueryMemory
- Query the board memory.
- hwMusaLoadProtocol
- The protocal of load file:tftp.
- hwMusaLoadContent
- The type of load file:program or data.
- hwMusaLoadTftpServerIp
- The NMS IP address.
- hwMusaLoadFileName
- The load file name.
- hwMusaLoadOperType
- The type of back data.
- hwMusaSlotUpBandWidth
- The bandwidth(kpbs) of Up slot.
- hwMusaSlotDownBandWidth
- The main bandwidth(kpbs) of Down slot.
- hwMusaSlotUsedUpBandWidth
- The current used up bandwidth(kpbs) of slot.
- hwMusaSlotUsedDownBandWidth
- The current used down bandwidth(kpbs) of slot.
- hwMusaSlotUpPracticalBandWidth
- The practical up bandwidth(kpbs) of slot.
- hwMusaSlotDownPracticalBandWidth
- The practical down bandwidth(kpbs) of slot.
- hwMusaOimPhyTable
- Musa OIM physical table.
- hwMusaOimPhyEntry
- This list contains Musa OIM physical variables.
- hwOIMPortIndex
- the Musa OIM number.(0--1)
- hwMusaSetSrcLoop
- set source loop.
- hwMusaSetLineLoop
- set line loop.
- hwMusaSetUtopiaLoop
- set Utopia loop.
- hwMusaInsertLOF
- insert LOF warning at the optic port.
- hwMusaInsertLOS
- insert LOS warning at the optic port.
- hwMusaInsertBIP1
- Insert BIP1(SBIP) errorcode at the optic port.
- hwMusaInsertBIP2
- Insert BIP2(LBIP) errorcode at the optic port.
- hwMusaInsertBIP3
- Insert BIP3(PBIP) errorcode at the optic port.
- hwMusaInsertLAIS
- Insert LAIS warning at the optic port.
- hwMusaInsertPAIS
- Insert PAIS warning at the optic port.
- hwMusaInsertLRDI
- Insert LRDI warning at the optic port.
- hwMusaOimOpticTable
- Musa OIM optical performance table.
- hwMusaOimOpticEntry
- This list contains Musa OIM optical performance variables.
- hwMusaQueryCurBIP1
- Query current BIP1 errorcode since last query.
- hwMusaQueryCurBIP2
- Query current BIP2 errorcode since last query.
- hwMusaQueryCurBIP3
- Query current BIP3 errorcode since last query.
- hwMusaQueryCurLFEBE
- Query current LFEBE errorcode since last query.
- hwMusaQueryCurPFEBE
- Query current PFEBE errorcode since last query.
- hwMusaQueryCurSendCellNum
- Query current send cell numbers since last query.
- hwMusaQueryCurReceiveCellNum
- Query current receive cell numbers since last query.
- hwMusaQueryCurCorrectHECNum
- Query current can correct HEC numbers since last query.
- hwMusaQueryCurNonCorrectHECNum
- Query current cannot correct HEC numbers since last query.
- hwMusaQueryCurLOCDNum
- Query current LOCD numbers since last query.
- hwMusaQueryCurUnmatchCellNum
- Query current Unmatch cell numbers since last query.
- hwMusaQueryCurOOFNum
- Query current OOF numbers since last query.
- hwMusaClearAllAlarmStat
- Clear port cell statistics.
- hwMusaClearOIMErrEventStat
- Clear all OIM alarm statistics.
- hwMusaWarningCtrlTable
- Musa warning control table.
- hwMusaWarningCtrlEntry
- This list contains Musa warning Control parameters.
- hwMusaWarningID
- The MUSA Warning ID.
- hwMusaWarningLevel
- The MUSA Warning level.
- hwMusaWarningNmsCtrl
- The MUSA Warning NMS filter.
- hwMusaWarningTerminalCtrl
- The MUSA Warning NMS filter.
- hwMusaWarningIsCount
- The Warning is statics or not.
- hwMusaWarn15MinThreshold
- The Warning 15 Minute threshold.
- hwMusaWarn24HourThreshold
- The Warning 24 Hour threshold.
- hwMusaWarningDesc
- The MUSA Warning Chinese description.
- hwMusaWarningEngDesc
- The MUSA Warning English description.
- hwMusaSysRouteTable
- Musa sys route table.
- hwMusaSysRouteEntry
- This list contains Musa Sys Route Configuration parameters and variables.
- hwMusaSysRouteIndex
- Sys Route index.
- hwMusaDstIp
- Destination IP address.
- hwMusaDstIpMask
- Destination IP address Mask.
- hwMusaGateIp
- Gateway ipaddree.
- hwMusaSysRouteOper
- Sys route operate state,include:add/del.
- hwMusaLoadRateTable
- This table contains Musa slot load rate.
- hwMusaLoadRateEntry
- This list contains Musa slot Load rate variables.
- hwMusaLoadRate
- Load progress.
- hwMusaLoadType
- Load type.
- hwMusaTrafficTable
- Musa Pvc Traffic table.
- hwMusaTrafficEntry
- This list contains Musa Pvc Traffic Configuration parameters and variables.
- hwMusaTrafficIndex
- Musa Traffic Table Index.
- hwMusaTrafficType
- hwMusaServiceClass
- Musa Traffic service class.(1:other,2:CBR,3:rtVBR,4:nrtVBR,5:ABR:6:UBR)
- hwMusaRefCount
- Musa Traffic Traffic Record reference count.
- hwMusaRecordState
- Musa Traffic table record state. disable(0),enable(1),module(2).
- hwMusaClp01pcr
- Musa Traffic table parameter Clp01pcr.
- hwMusaClp0pcr
- Musa Traffic table parameter Clp0pcr.
- hwMusaClp01scr
- Musa Traffic table parameter Clp01scr.
- hwMusaClp0scr
- Musa Traffic table parameter Clp0scr.
- hwMusaMbs
- Musa Traffic table parameter Mbs.
- hwMusaMcr
- Musa Traffic table parameter Mcr.
- hwMusaCDVT
- Musa Traffic table parameter CDVT
- hwMusaOperat
- Musa Traffic table operat.(0:add,1:del)
- hwMusaNextTrafficIndex
- Musa Traffic table next traffic index
- hwMusaCampusPvcConfTable
- Musa campus pvc configuration table.
- hwMusaCampusPvcConfEntry
- This list contains Musa campus pvc Configuration parameters and variables.
- hwMusaVlanId
- Musa campus VLan Id.
- hwMusaVlanIciIndex
- Musa campus VLanIciIndex.
- hwMusaAdlPortCount
- Musa campus adsl port counter.
- hwMusaAdlFrameId
- Musa campus ADL frame ID.
- hwMusaAdlSlotId
- Musa campus ADL slot ID.
- hwMusaAdlPortId
- Musa campus ADL port ID.
- hwMusaAdlVpi
- Musa campus VPI.
- hwMusaAdlVci
- Musa campus VCI.
- hwMusaToLanTrafficId
- Musa campus to lan board traffic index.
- hwMusaFromLanTrafficId
- Musa campus from lan board traffic index.
- hwMusaAdlPortOperat
- Musa campus pvc Operat
- hwMusaOpticBandwidthTable
- Musa Optic port bandwidth configuration table.
- hwMusaOpticBandwidthEntry
- This list contains Musa optic port bandwidth Configuration.
- hwMusaUpOpticMainBandWidth
- The main bandwidth(kpbs) of Up optic port.
- hwMusaDnOpticMainBandWidth
- The main bandwidth(kpbs) of Down optic port.
- hwMusaCurUsedUpBandWidth
- The current used up bandwidth(kpbs) of the optic port.
- hwMusaCurUsedDownBandWidth
- The current used down bandwidth(kpbs) of the optic port.
- hwMusaUpReservedBandWidth
- The up reserved bandwidth of the optic port.
- hwMusaDownReservedBandWidth
- The down reserved bandwidth of the optic port.
- hwMusaUpPracticalBandWidth
- The up practical bandwidth of the optic port.
- hwMusaDownPracticalBandWidth
- The down practical bandwidth of the optic port.
- hwMusaTrafficCbrPcrTable
- CBR traffic PCR parameter table.
- hwMusaTrafficCbrPcrEntry
- This list contains CBR traffic's PCR parameter.
- hwMusaCbrPcrIndex
- The index of CBR traffic PCR parameter table.
- hwMusaCbrPcrValue
- The CBR traffic PCR parameter value.
- hwMusaCbrPcrRefCount
- The CBR traffic PCR parameter reference count.
- hwMusaTrafficRtvbrScrTable
- rtVbr traffic SCR parameter table.
- hwMusaTrafficRtvbrScrEntry
- This list contains rtVbr traffic's SCR parameter.
- hwMusaRtvbrScrIndex
- The index of rtVbr traffic SCR parameter table.
- hwMusaRtvbrScrValue
- The rtVbr traffic SCR parameter value.
- hwMusaRtvbrScrRefCount
- The rtVbr traffic SCR parameter reference count.
- hwMusaPvcTrafficStatisTable
- PVC traffic statistics table.
- hwMusaPvcTrafficStatisEntry
- PVC traffic statistics table entry.
- hwMusaUpStreamTrafficRx
- Up stream traffic Rx(cells).
- hwMusaUpStreamTrafficTx
- Up stream traffic Tx(cells).
- hwMusaDownStreamTrafficRx
- Down stream traffic Rx(cells).
- hwMusaDownStreamTrafficTx
- Down stream traffic Tx(cells).
- hwMusaAllPvcConfTable
- The config talbe of all kinds of PVC.
- hwMusaAllPvcConfEntry
- This lists config variables of all kinds of PVC.
- hwMusaCidIndex
- The CID index.
- hwMusaSrcFrameId
- The Frame id of source board.
- hwMuasSrcSlotId
- The slot id of source board.
- hwMusaSrcPortVlanVccId
- The Port/VlanID/VCC Index of source board.
- hwMusaSrcOnuId
- The ONUID of source board.
- hwMusaSrcBoardVpi
- Src board Port vpi Index.
- hwMusaSrcBoardVci
- Src board VCI Index.
- hwMusaSrcPortType
- The type of CESC port.
- hwMusaSrcCescChannelId
- Cesc channel Id
- hwMusaSrcCescChannelBitmap
- Cesc channel Bitmap
- hwMusaSrcCescFillDegree
- Cesc fill degree(20-47)
- hwMusaSrcFrcDlciType
- The ATM Logical Port DLCI.
- hwMusaSrcFrcIwfType
- The ATM Logical Port have service.
- hwMusaSrcFrcActiveStatus
- The FRC ATM logical port BLOCK/UNBLOCK.
- hwMusaSrcFrcFreeBandwidth
- The ATM logical port free bandwidth.
- hwMusaSrcApcConnectAttribute
- The APC connection attribute of MMX(source) board.
- hwMusaSrcCescV35N
- The N value of V35 subboard of CESC.
- hwMusaDestFrameId
- Destination frame Index.
- hwMusaDestSlotId
- Destination slot Index.
- hwMusaDestPortVlanVccId
- Destination port Index.
- hwMusaDestOnuId
- Destination ONU Index.
- hwMusaDestBoardVpi
- Destination Port vpi Index.
- hwMusaDestBoardVci
- Destination VCI Index.
- hwMusaDestPortType
- The type of CESC port.
- hwMusaDestCescChannelId
- Cesc channelId
- hwMusaDestCescChannelBitmap
- Cesc channelbitmap
- hwMusaDestCescFillDegree
- Cesc fill degree(20-47)
- hwMusaDestFrcDlciType
- The ATM Logical Port DLCI.
- hwMusaDestFrcIwfType
- The ATM Logical Port have service.
- hwMusaDestFrcActiveStatus
- The FRC ATM logical port BLOCK/UNBLOCK.
- hwMusaDestFrcFreeBandwidth
- The ATM logical port free bandwidth.
- hwMusaDestApcConnectAttribute
- connect attribut of AIU to source board.
- hwMusaDestCescV35N
- The N value of V35 subboard of CESC.
- hwMusaSrcToDestTraffic
- The source board to destination traffic.
- hwMusaDestToSrcTraffic
- The destination to source board traffic.
- hwMusaAllPvcOperater
- Add or delete PVC.
- hwMusaTypeOfPvcPvp
- Identified type of Pvc or Pvp
- hwMusaPvcPvpState
- Pvc or Pvp state
- hwMusaPvcCidTable
- The CID talbe of all kinds of PVC.
- hwMusaPvcCidEntry
- This lists CID corresponding to the PVC.
- hwMusaPvcCid
- The CID corresponding to the PVC.
- hwMusaPatchOperateTable
- Musa Mmx patch table.
- hwMusaPatchOperateEntry
- This list contains Musa patch description variables.
- hwMusaPatchIdIndex
- The PatchId index.
- hwMusaPatchLoadProtocol
- The patch load protocol.
- hwMusaPatchLoadFilename
- The patch load filename.
- hwMusaPatchLoadSerIp
- The patch load server IP.
- hwMusaPatchOper
- The patch load operate type.
- hwMusaPatchTable
- Musa Mmx patch table.
- hwMusaPatchEntry
- This list contains Musa patch description variables.
- hwMusaPatchShowIdIndex
- The PatchId index.
- hwMusaPatchCRC
- The Patch CRC.
- hwMusaPatchType
- The Patch type.
- hwMusaPatchState
- The Patch state.
- hwMusaPatchCodeAddress
- The Patch code address.
- hwMusaPatchCodeLength
- The Patch code length.
- hwMusaPatchDataAddress
- The Patch data address.
- hwMusaPatchDataLength
- The Patch data length.
- hwMusaPatchFunctionNumber
- The Patch function number.
- hwMa5100EndOfMib
- End of HW MA5100 mib
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