IPHost Network Monitor offer an easy way of SNMP monitoring your LINKSYS Servers, Routers, Switches, Bridges,
Firewalls, Repeaters.
- commonModelId
- The hardware model ID of this managed node.
- commonSoftwareVer
- The software version of this managed node.
- commonFirmwareVer
- The firmware version of this managed node.
- mgtWarmStart
- mgtFactoryReset
- mgtAdministrator
- mgtBootStatus
- mgtRefreshMIB
- Refresh Enterprise MIB object data from RAM NV.
- mgtUpdateNV
- Save Enterprise MIB Object data to RAM NV and Flash, and reboot system.
- mgtCommunityTable
- Table of access community.
- mgtCommunityEntry
- An entry in the table, containing read/write community names.
- mgtCommunityIndex
- mgtCommunityName
- mgtCommunityType
- hostName
- domainName
- netAddressLAN
- physicalAddrLAN
- subnetMaskLAN
- dhcpStatusWAN
- netAddressWAN
- physicalAddrWAN
- subnetMaskWAN
- defaultbroadbandGatewayWAN
- loginStatus
- loginUserName
- loginPassword
- rasPlan
- connectedState
- connectedIdleTime
- dhcpStatusLAN
- dhcpStartNetAddr
- dhcpNumberUsers
- workingMode
- dynamicRoutingTX
- dynamicRoutingRX
- spiStatus
- wanReqBlockStatus
- ipSecPassThroughStatus
- pptpPassThroughStatus
- remoteMgtStatus
- remoteUpgradeStatus
- accessLogStatus
- Trap Status
- dmzHostIPAddress
- qosStatus
- dhcpActiveTable
- dhcpActiveEntry
- dhcpActiveIndex
- dhcpClientHostName
- dhcpNetAddress
- dhcpPhysicalAddress
- staticRoutingTable
- staticRoutingEntry
- staticRoutingIndex
- destinationNetAddress
- routingSubnetMask
- routingDefaultbroadbandGateway
- routingHopCount
- routingInterface
- nFlagStatus
- filterIPRangeTable
- filterIPRangeEntry
- filterIPRangeIndex
- filterIPStart
- filterIPEnd
- filterPortRangeTable
- filterPortRangeEntry
- filterPortRangeIndex
- filterPortProto
- filterPortStart
- filterPortEnd
- filterMACTable
- filterMACEntry
- filterMACIndex
- filterMAC
- forwardTable
- forwardEntry
- forwardIndex
- servicePortStart
- servicePortEnd
- servicePortProto
- forwardIPAddress
- dnsNetAddressWANTable
- dnsNetAddressWANEntry
- dnsNetAddressWANIndex
- dnsNetAddressWAN
- outgoingLogTable
- outgoingLogEntry
- outgoingLogIndex
- sourceIPLAN
- destinationIP
- servicePortNumber
- incomingLogTable
- incomingLogEntry
- incomingLogIndex
- sourceIP
- destinationPortNumber
- trapManagerTable
- trapManagerEntry
- trapManagerIndex
- trapMgrNetAddress
- qosAppTable
- qosAppEntry
- qosAppIndex
- appPort
- appPriority
- qosPortTable
- qosPortEntry
- qosPortIndex
- lanPort
- portPriority
- multicastPassStatus
- mtuStatus
- mtuSize
- redialPeriod
- portTriggering
- portTriggerEntry
- portTriggerIndex
- appName
- triggerPortStart
- triggerPortEnd
- incomingPortStart
- incomingPortEnd