- processes
- A set of information on running programs/daemons.
- processIndex
- Reference Index for each observed process.
- processNames
- The table of process names we're Counting.
- processMin
- The minimum number of processes that should be running. An error flag is generated if the number of running processes is < the minimum.
- processMax
- The maximum number of processes that should be running. An error flag is generated if the number of running processes is > the maximum.
- processCount
- The number of current processes running with the name in question.
- processErrorFlag
- A Error flag to indicate trouble with a process. It goes to 1 if there is an error, 0 if no error.
- processErrMessage
- An error message describing the problem (if one exists).
- processErrFix
- Setting this to one will try to fix the problem if possible.
- extensible
- Extensible commands returning output and result codes.
- extensibleIndex
- Reference Index for extensible calls.
- extensibleNames
- Short, one name descriptions of the extensible commands.
- extensibleCommand
- The command line to be executed.
- extensibleResult
- The result code from the executed command.
- extensibleOutput
- The output of the extensible command (top line only).
- extensibleErrFix
- Set to 1 to fix the problem, if possible.
- memory
- -- "Miscellanous stuff - memory related. -- "Generic Index. -- "Bogus Name (swap) for consistancy with the rest of the mibs. -- "Total Swap Size. -- "Available Swap Space. -- "Total Real/Physical Memory Size. -- "Available Re ...
- diskIndex
- Reference number for the Disk Mib.
- diskPath
- Path where disk is mounted.
- diskDevice
- Device path
- diskMinimum
- Minimum space required on the disk.
- diskMinPercent
- Minimum percentage of space required on the disk.
- diskTotal
- Total Disk Size (kbytes)
- diskAvail
- Available disk Space
- diskUsed
- Used Space on Disk
- diskPercent
- Percentage of space used on disk
- diskErrorFlag
- Error flag signaling disk is over minimum required space
- diskErrorMsg
- A text description of what caused the error flag to be set.
- loadaves
- Load average information.
- loadaveIndex
- Reference Index for each observed loadave.
- loadaveNames
- The list of loadave names we're Counting.
- loadaveLoad
- The 1,5 and 10 minute load averages.
- loadaveConfig
- The watch point for loadaverages to signal an error.
- loadaveErrorFlag
- A Error flag to indicate trouble with a loadave. It goes to 1 if there is an error, 0 if no error.
- loadaveErrMessage
- An error message describing the problem (if one exists).