ctron-sfps-eventlog-mib Download
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OID list for ctron-sfps-eventlog-mib
- sfpsEventLogStatsTable
- This table contains the event information produced by the Event Log Server object.
- sfpsEventLogStatsEntry
- Each entry contains event log data.
- sfpsEventLogStatsSwInst
- The switch instance of this Event Logger.
- sfpsEventLogWindowStart
- The index into the event log window.
- sfpsEventLogIndex
- The absolutue index into the event log window.
- sfpsEventLogClientName
- The name of the client who logged the event.
- sfpsEventLogLevel
- The log level of the logged event.
- sfpsEventLogMessageString
- The logged event message.
- sfpsEventLogTime
- The time when the event was logged.
- sfpsEventLogCallTag
- The call tag of the logged event (if applicable).
- sfpsEventLogInfo1
- A generic info field used to display information related to the logged event.
- sfpsEventLogInfo2
- A generic info field used to display information related to the logged event.
- sfpsEventLogGenConfigTable
- This table contains the general configuration parameters for the Event Log Server object.
- sfpsEventLogGenConfigEntry
- Each entry contains event log configuration parameters.
- sfpsEventLogGenConfigSwInst
- The switch instance of this Event Logger table.
- sfpsEventLogGenConfigWindowStart
- Represents the starting point of the Event Logger Window.
- sfpsEventLogGenConfigLoggingIndex
- Pointer to the next location where the event logger will log.
- sfpsEventLogGenConfigMessageFilter
- A string filter which allows only matching messages to be displayed.
- sfpsEventLogGenConfigCallTagFilter
- A filter which allows only messages with matching call tags to be displayed.
- sfpsEventLogGenConfigAdminStatus
- The administrative status of the event log.
- sfpsEventLogGenConfigOperStatus
- The operational status of the event log.
- sfpsEventLogGenConfigOperTime
- The amount of time that the event log has been in its current operational state.
- sfpsEventLogGenConfigAutoFreeze
- Allows events with the Freeze log level to automatically disable the operational status of the event log.
- sfpsEventLogGenConfigDisplayWrapDetect
- Allows the event log to not advance past a wrap-point determined by the event log's current logging point.
- sfpsEventLogGenConfigAdvertiseAddr
- The IP address of a remote event logging mechanism.
- sfpsEventLogClientConfigTable
- This table contains the client configuration parameters for the Event Log Server object.
- sfpsEventLogClientConfigEntry
- Each entry contains event log client configuration parameters.
- sfpsEventLogClientConfigId
- Represents the client ID of a client that is logging events.
- sfpsEventLogClientConfigName
- The name of the event log client.
- sfpsEventLogClientLogStatus
- Represents the logging status for this event log client.
- sfpsEventLogClientDisplayStatus
- Represents the display status for this event log client.
- sfpsEventLogClientFreezeLogStatus
- Represents the log status for the log level Freeze of this client.
- sfpsEventLogClientFreezeDisplayStatus
- Represents the display status for the log level Freeze of this client.
- sfpsEventLogClientErrorLogStatus
- Represents the log status for the log level Error of this client.
- sfpsEventLogClientErrorDisplayStatus
- Represents the display status for the log level Error of this client.
- sfpsEventLogClientCriticalLogStatus
- Represents the log status for the log level Critical of this client.
- sfpsEventLogClientCriticalDisplayStatus
- Represents the display status for the log level Critical of this client.
- sfpsEventLogClientInfoLogStatus
- Represents the log status for the log level Info of this client.
- sfpsEventLogClientInfoDisplayStatus
- Represents the display status for the log level Info of this client.
- sfpsEventLogClientDebugLogStatus
- Represents the log status for the log level Debug of this client.
- sfpsEventLogClientDebugDisplayStatus
- Represents the display status for the log level Debug of this client.
- sfpsEventLogClientConfigAPIVerb
- sfpsEventLogClientConfigAPIAdminStatus
- sfpsEventLogClientConfigAPIClientName
- sfpsEventLogClientConfigAPIClientID
- sfpsEventLogClientConfigAPILogDisplay
- sfpsFragStatsTotalFrags
- sfpsFragStatsNumLookupFail
- sfpsFragStatsAvgCompares
- sfpsFragStatsNumNodes
- sfpsFragStatsNumUsed
- sfpsFragStatsMaxNumUsed
- sfpsFragStatsNumStolen
- sfpsTrapAPIVerb
- sfpsTrapAPITrapId
- sfpsTrapAPITotalSent
- sfpsTrapTableTrapId
- sfpsTrapTableAdminStatus
- sfpsTrapTableNumSent
- sfpsTrapTableLastSent
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