ctron-sfps-resolve-mib Download
You can select a variable to monitor using the built-in IPHost MIB browser that provides you with all variables, their current values and descriptions taken from the
OID list for ctron-sfps-resolve-mib
- sfpsServiceCenterResolveTable
- This table gives resolve semantics to call processing.
- sfpsServiceCenterResolveEntry
- Each entry contains the configuration of the Resolve Entry.
- sfpsServiceCenterResolveHashLeaf
- Server hash, part of instance key.
- sfpsServiceCenterResolveMetric
- Defines order servers are called low to high.
- sfpsServiceCenterResolveName
- Server name.
- sfpsServiceCenterResolveOperStatus
- Operational state of entry.
- sfpsServiceCenterResolveAdminStatus
- Administrative State of Entry.
- sfpsServiceCenterResolveStatusTime
- Time Tick of last operStatus change.
- sfpsServiceCenterResolveRequests
- Requests made to server.
- sfpsServiceCenterResolveResponses
- GOOD replies by server.
- sfpsResolveStatsRequests
- sfpsResolveStatsResponses
- sfpsResolveStatsAcks
- sfpsResolveStatsNaks
- sfpsResolveStatsUnknowns
- sfpsResolveStatsNoAnswer
- sfpsResolveStatsTimeout
- sfpsResolveStatsAvgResponseTime
- sfpsResolveStatsTableSize
- sfpsResolveStatsTableHigh
- sfpsResolveStatsErrorCount
- sfpsResolveStatsStaleCount
- sfpsResolveStatsDupMsgCount
- sfpsResolveStatsReqRcvd
- sfpsResolveStatsRespAcksSent
- sfpsResolveStatsRespNaksSent
- sfpsResolveStatsRespUnknownsSent
- sfpsResolveStatsRespRecvd
- sfpsResolveStatsResolveMask
- sfpsResolveStatsINBMask
- sfpsResolveStatsFloodMask
- sfpsResolveStatsChangeCount
- sfpsResolveStatsChangeTime
- sfpsResolveStatsResetStats
- sfpsResolveStatsAnswerUnknown
- sfpsResolveStatsDisableProxy
- sfpsResolveStatsDisableLayer3
- sfpsResolveStatsCSPDaveMalPkts
- sfpsResolveStatsStaleTimeOut
- sfpsResolveStatsMaxResponseTime
- sfpsResolveStatsStaleEntryLost
- sfpsResolveStatsDaveEntryLost
- sfpsMobilityStatsOrigSendCount
- sfpsMobilityStatsOrigReceiveCount
- sfpsMobilityStatsOrigNUSendCount
- sfpsMobilityStatsOrigNASendCount
- sfpsMobilityStatsOrigNUASendReqCount
- sfpsMobilityStatsOrigRetrySendCount
- sfpsMobilityStatsOrigLocalMoveCount
- sfpsMobilityStatsOrigUnknownCount
- sfpsMobilityStatsOrigAckCount
- sfpsMobilityStatsOrigNakNodeCount
- sfpsMobilityStatsOrigNakAliasCount
- sfpsMobilityStatsErrorCount
- sfpsMobilityStatsGenRecCount
- sfpsMobilityStatsGenSendCount
- sfpsMobilityStatsGenReqRecCount
- sfpsMobilityStatsGenReqRetryCount
- sfpsMobilityStatsGenReqForwardCount
- sfpsMobilityStatsGenRespRecCount
- sfpsMobilityStatsGenRespSendCount
- sfpsMobilityStatsNUReqRecCount
- sfpsMobilityStatsNURespSendCount
- sfpsMobilityStatsNAReqRecCount
- sfpsMobilityStatsNARespSendCount
- sfpsMobilityStatsNUARespRecUnknownCount
- sfpsMobilityStatsNURespRecAckCount
- sfpsMobilityStatsNUARespRecAliasNakCount
- sfpsMobilityStatsNUARespRecNodeNakCount
- sfpsMobilityStatsNURespAliasNakSendCount
- sfpsMobilityStatsNURespNodeNakSendCount
- sfpsMobilityStatsNURespAckSendCount
- sfpsMobilityStatsNURespUnknownSendCount
- sfpsMobilityStatsInterNUARespRecCount
- sfpsMobilityStatsInterNUARespSendCount
- sfpsMobilityStatsInterNewUserRespRecCount
- sfpsMobilityStatsInterNewAliasRespRecCount
- sfpsMobilityStatsInterNewUserRespSendCount
- sfpsMobilityStatsInterNewAliasRespSendCount
- sfpsMobilityStatsInterRespNakNodeSendCount
- sfpsMobilityStatsInterRespNakAliasSendCount
- sfpsMobilityStatsInterRespUnknownSendCount
- sfpsMobilityStatsInterRespAckSendCount
- sfpsMobilityStatsAliasOnOfSwitch
- sfpsMobilityStatsResetCounters
- sfpsMobilityStatsRetryCount
- sfpsMobilityStatsRetryDrops
- sfpsMobilityStatsMaxRetryReached
- sfpsMobilityStatsNewUserRetryTime
- sfpsMobilityStatsMaxNewUserRetries
- sfpsMobilityStatsNewUserStaleTimeout
- (1/10) Seconds)
- sfpsMobilityStatsAvgResponseTime
- (msec)
- sfpsMobilityStatsMaxResponeTime
- (msec)
- sfpsUnresolveTable
- A table of address objects which went unresolved at some point in time.
- sfpsUnresolveTableEntry
- sfpsUnresolveTableHash
- A hash of the address object value contained in this entry's sfpsUnresolveTableAOValue
- sfpsUnresolveTableHashIndex
- An index into the hash bucket.
- sfpsUnresolveTableAOType
- The address object type of this entry
- sfpsUnresolveTableAOValue
- The address object value of the entry.
- sfpsUnresolveTableNumMisses
- The number of times an resolve request for this address object went unresolved.
- sfpsUnresolveTableLastMissTime
- The value of sysUpTime when the most recent resolve request for this address object went unresolved.
- sfpsUnresolveTableLastCallProc
- .
- sfpsUnresolveTableSrcMAC
- The MAC address of the most recent originator of a packet attempting to reach the address.
- sfpsUnresolveTableAvgPeriod
- The average number of seconds between resolve requests for this address object that went unresolved.
- sfpsUnresolveTableBlockFlag
- A flag indicating whether this address object was put in the Block Resolve Server's block table.
- sfpsUnresolveTableAPIVerb
- When set, the corresponding action is taken. For set-parameter, the most recent set to sfpsUnresolveTableAPIAgeOutTime takes affect. For reset, all entries in sfpsUnresolveTable are deleted.
- sfpsUnresolveTableAPIAgeOutTime
- The age out time in minutes in which entries in the sfpsUnresolveTable are deleted. Any entry in which sysUpTime minus last miss time is greater than this value is deleted from the table.
- sfpsUnresolveTableAPIBlockHoldDown
- sfpsUnresolveTableStatsNumEntries
- The number of entries currently in sfpsUnresolveTable.
- sfpsUnresolveTableStatsTableSize
- The maximum number of entries allowed in sfpsUnresolveTable
- sfpsUnresolveTableStatsTableFullCount
- The number of times an attempt to add an entry to the sfpsUnresolveTable failed because the table was full.
- sfpsUnresolveTableStatsTotalReqSeen
- The total number of requests seen by the Unresolve Server. This does not include inter-switch resolve requests.
- sfpsUnresolveTableStatsAvgReqTime
- The average time in 10 msec units between unresolved requests seen by the server.
- sfpsBlockResolveTable
- This table contains a list of address objects whose resolve requests are being blocked for a given time period by the Block Resolve Server. The Block Resolve Server is actually a 'leaky bucket' server that will slow down high frequency resolve requests fo ...
- sfpsBlockResolveTableEntry
- sfpsBlockResolveTableHash
- A hash of the address object value contained in this entry's sfpsBlockResolveTableAOValue
- sfpsBlockResolveTableHashIndex
- An index into the hash bucket
- sfpsBlockResolveTableAOType
- The address object type of this entry
- sfpsBlockResolveTableAOValue
- The address object value of the entry.
- sfpsBlockResolveTableStartTime
- The value of sysUpTime when blocking of this request object was started.
- sfpsBlockResolveTableNumBlocked
- The number of times a resolve request for this address object was blocked resulting in the deletion of the call.
- sfpsBlockResolveTableNumSent
- The number of times a resolve request for this address object was sent through the system.
- sfpsBlockResolveTableLastSeen
- The value of sysUpTime when the most recent resolve request was seen by the Block Resolve Server.
- sfpsBlockResolveTableAvgPeriod
- The average period in seconds between resolve requests for this address object since sfpsBlockResolveTableStartTime
- sfpsBlockResolveAPIVerb
- When set, the corresponding action is taken. For add-entry, an entry is added to sfpsBlockResolveTable for the given sfpsBlockResolveAPIAOType and sfpsBlockResolveAPIAOValue. For del-entry, an entry is deleted from the sfpsBlockResolveTable. For set-param ...
- sfpsBlockResolveAPIAOType
- The address object type specified by a well-known string to be used in the next Verb action.
- sfpsBlockResolveAPIAOValue
- The address object value to be used in the next Verb action.
- sfpsBlockResolveAPITestCount
- The number of unknown resolve requests seen before a test is made to determine whether further resolve requests should be blocked or not. Block tests are made on address objects every 'N' resolve requests that fail where 'N' equals the value of this objec ...
- sfpsBlockResolveAPIThreshold
- The average number of seconds per resolve request for a given address object that will trigger a block. This value is used in conjunction with sfpsBlockResolveAPITestCount to perform block tests on unresolved address objects. If the period between unresol ...
- sfpsBlockResolveAPISendPeriod
- The number of seconds between resolve requests that will be sent through the system.
- sfpsBlockResolveStatsNumEntries
- The number of entries in sfpsBlockResolveTable.
- sfpsBlockResolveStatsTableSize
- The maximum number of entries allowed in sfpsBlockResolveTable.
- sfpsBlockResolveStatsTotalReqSeen
- The total number of resolve requests the Block Resolve Server has seen. This value does not include inter-switch resolves.
- sfpsBlockResolveStatsTotalBlocked
- The total number of resolve requests that have been blocked by the server.
- sfpsBlockResolveStatsTotalSent
- The total number of requests sent through the system for address objects that are being blocked.
- sfpsBlockResolveStatsAvgReqTime
- The average time in 10 msec units between resolve requests seen by the server. It is computed by dividing sysUpTime by sfpsBlockResolveStatsTotalReqSeen.
- sfpsTableResolveTable
- sfpsTableResolveTableEntry
- sfpsTableResolveTag
- sfpsTableResolveHash
- sfpsTableResolveHashIndex
- sfpsTableResolveSrcType
- sfpsTableResolveSrcLoad
- sfpsTableResolveTrgType
- sfpsTableResolveTrgLoad
- sfpsTableResolveAPIVerb
- Action take as a result of setting this leaf
- sfpsTableResolveAPISrcAOType
- Source's type
- sfpsTableResolveAPISrcAOLoad
- Source's load
- sfpsTableResolveAPITrgAOType
- Destination's type
- sfpsTableResolveAPITrgAOLoad
- Destination's load
- sfpsTableResolveAPIVlanAOLoad
- Vlan's load
- sfpsTableResolveAPIDestSwMac
- sfpsTableResolveAPIScopeToVlan
- sfpsTableResolveAPINVRAMEntry
- sfpsTableResolveAPIMask
- sfpsTableResolveAPIResolveOption
- sfpsTableResolveAPIAdminStatus
- sfpsSubnetResolveStatsRequests
- sfpsSubnetResolveStatsAcks
- sfpsSubnetResolveStatsUnknowns
- sfpsSubnetResolveStatsInternalUnknowns
- sfpsSubnetResolveStatsGatewayAcks
- sfpsSubnetResolveStatsErrors
- sfpsSubnetResolveStatsMaxTblSize
- sfpsSubnetResolveStatsTableSize
- sfpsSubnetResolveAPIVerb
- Specifies the action to be initiated as a result of setting this leaf.
- sfpsSubnetResolveAPISrcAOType
- Specifies the source's desire AO type.
- sfpsSubnetResolveAPISrcAPLoad
- Specifies the source's load.
- sfpsSubnetResolveAPITrgAOType
- Specifies the destination's desired AO type.
- sfpsSubnetResolveAPITrgAOLoad
- Specifies the desination's load.
- sfpsSubnetResolveAPIRouteType
- Specifies whether the route is internal/external to the cloud.
- sfpsSubnetResolveAPINVRAMEntry
- Specifies whether to store the entry in NVRAM.
- sfpsSubnetResolveAPIAdminStatus
- Specifies whether this entry should be used or not. This allows the entry to remain in the table but be disabled.
- sfpsSubnetResolveAPIDefGateway
- Specified the router mac address to resolve any request if there is no internal or external mapping.
- sfpsSubnetResolveAPISubnetMask
- Specifies the subnet mask.
- sfpsSubnetResolveTable
- sfpsSubnetResolveEntry
- sfpsSubnetResolveTargetTag
- sfpsSubnetResolveSourceHash
- sfpsSubnetResolveHashIndex
- sfpsSubnetResolveSrcType
- sfpsSubnetResolveSrcLoad
- sfpsSubnetResolveTrgType
- sfpsSubnetResolveTrgLoad
- sfpsSubnetResolveRouteType
- sfpsSubnetResolveRelativeCnt
- sfpsSubnetResolveAbsoluteCnt
- sfpsSubnetResolveNVRAMEntry
- sfpsSubnetResolveAdminStatus
- sfpsSubnetResolveOperStatus
- sfpsRelayAgentResolveVlanName
- ::= { sfpsRelayAgentResolve 1 } SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION ::= { sfpsRelayAgentResolve 2 } -- SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION ::= { sfpsSubnetResolveNvram 1 } SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS r ...
- sfpsSwitchResolveTable
- sfpsSwitchResolveEntry
- sfpsSwitchResolveSwitch
- sfpsSwitchResolveCallTag
- sfpsSwitchResolvePortNum
- sfpsSwitchResolveNeighborSw
- sfpsSwitchResolveRequestCount
- sfpsSwitchResolveResponseCount
- sfpsSwitchResolveMobilityRetry
- sfpsSwitchResolveEventId
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