
fsLldpTraceInput - fs Lldp Trace Input

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With IPHost Network Monitor you can run simple snmp requests against a Huawei device in your network.


fs Lldp Trace Input

This object stores the trace option string input given by the user. To enable particular trace the user has to enter the corresponding string(given below) assigned for that. And for enabling more than once traces the user has to enter the corresponding strings with SPACE delimiter between each string. For example, to enable - Init and Shutdown traces - Management traces - Neighbor delete traces - LLDP Port-descr TLV traces and - LLDP Power-via-mdi TLV traces The input string is, enable init-shut mgmt neigh-del port-descr pwr-mdi For example to disable - Init and Shutdown traces - Management traces - Neighbor delete traces - LLDP Port-descr TLV traces and - LLDP Power-via-mdi TLV traces The input string is, disable init-shut mgmt neigh-del port-descr pwr-mdi first value should be either enable or disable. The entered input string is parsed to get the trace options. And the corresponding bits of the trace options are set in fsLldpTraceOption object. enable - Enables the corresponding option. disable - Disables the corresponding option. init-shut - Init and Shutdown traces mgmt - Management traces data - Data Path traces ctrl - Control Plane traces pkt-dump - Packet Dump traces resource - Traces related to all resources except buffers all-fail - All Failure traces buf - Buffer allocation/ release traces neigh-add - Neighbor add traces neigh-del - Neighbor delete traces neigh-updt - Neighbor update traces neigh-drop - Neighbor drop traces neigh-ageout - Neighbor ageout traces critical - LLDP Critical traces all-tlv - LLDP All TLV traces chassis-id - LLDP Chassis-id TLV traces port-id - LLDP Port-id TLV trace ttl - LLDP Ttl TLV trace port-descr - LLDP Port-descr TLV traces sys-name - LLDP Sys-name TLV traces sys-descr - LLDP Sys-descr TLV traces sys-capab - LLDP Sys-capab TLV traces mgmt-addr - LLDP Mgmt-addr TLV traces port-vlan - LLDP Port-vlan TLV traces ppvlan - LLDP Port-proto-vlan TLV traces vlan-name - LLDP Vlan-name TLV traces proto-id - LLDP Proto-id TLV traces mac-phy - LLDP Mac-phy TLV traces pwr-mdi - LLDP Power-via-mdi TLV traces lagg - LLDP Link-agg TLV traces max-frame - LLDP Max-frame-size TLV traces - - Reserved By default critical trace is enabled.

Back to AT-GS950-24-MIB MIB page.

IPHost Network monitor allows you to monitor fsLldpTraceInput on Allied Telesis device via the SNMP protocol. Download IPHost Network Monitor (500 monitors for 30 days, 50 monitors free forever) to start monitoring Allied Telesis iMAP chassis right now.

Easy monitoring of fsLldpTraceInput with IPHost tools

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