
ifMainRowStatus - if Main Row Status

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With IPHost Network Monitor you can run simple snmp requests against a Huawei device in your network.


if Main Row Status

A RowStatus variable for addition, deletion and in-activation of the interfaces. Specification of the object is mandatory for all interfaces. When the status is active, the interface is created and ready to use in the respective protocol modules. When the status is notInService, the interface has not been registered with the respective protocol modules and as such those modules are not aware of the existence of the interface - creation is hence, incomplete. Setting an active interface to notInService results in de-registration/deletion of the interface from the respective protocol modules and all the configurations associated with that interface in those modules may be lost. Deletion of an interface, may affect the status of other interfaces which are layered above or below it in the Interface Stack (ifStackTable) and may result in other interfaces being made notReady or notInService.

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IPHost Network monitor allows you to monitor ifMainRowStatus on Allied Telesis device via the SNMP protocol. Download IPHost Network Monitor (500 monitors for 30 days, 50 monitors free forever) to start monitoring Allied Telesis VPN routers right now.

Easy monitoring of ifMainRowStatus with IPHost tools

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