With IPHost Network Monitor you can run simple snmp requests against a Cisco device in your network.
Cisco Aps Chan Status Entry
A conceptual row in the cApsChanStatusTable. A row in this table is created as a side effect of row addition in the cApsChanConfigTable. The cApsChanStatusTable row exists as long as the cApsChanConfigTable entry exists, regardless of whether the associated cApsChanConfigRowStatus is active. INDEX { cApsChanConfigGroupName, cApsChanConfigNumber } ::= { cApsChanStatusTable 1 } CApsChanStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cApsChanStatusCurrent BITS, cApsChanStatusSignalDegrades Counter32, cApsChanStatusSignalFailures Counter32, cApsChanStatusSwitchovers Counter32, cApsChanStatusLastSwitchover TimeStamp, cApsChanStatusSwitchoverSeconds Counter32 } SYNTAX BITS { lockedOut(0), sd(1), sf(2), switched(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION Indicates the current state of the port. lockedOut This bit, when applied to a working channel, indicates that the channel is prevented from switching to the protection line. When applied to the null channel, this bit indicates that no working channel may switch to the protection line. sd A signal degrade condition is in effect. sf A signal failure condition is in effect. switched The switched bit is applied to a working channel if that channel is currently switched to the protection line. ::= { cApsChanStatusEntry 1 } SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION A count of Signal Degrade conditions. This condition occurs when the line Bit Error Rate exceeds the currently configured threshold.
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IPHost Network monitor allows you to monitor cApsChanStatusEntry on Cisco device via the SNMP protocol. Download IPHost Network Monitor (500 monitors for 30 days, 50 monitors free forever) to start monitoring Cisco mobile switches right now.