CISCO-CAC-SYSTEM-MIB - ccacSysRpHighThreshold

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With IPHost Network Monitor you can run simple snmp requests against a Cisco device in your network.


Cisco Call Admission Control Sys Rp High Threshold

The maximum utilization in percent or in absolute number allowed for this CAC resource. When the utilization of the resource reaches this value of the object, the action specified in ccacSysRpAction will be taken and the resource will be marked as unavailable and a trap of threshold exceed will be triggered if ccacSysNotifyEnable is 'true'. If ccacSysRpPercentOrAbsNum is unitPercent(1), the range of this object is from 0 to 100 percent. If it is unitAbsoluteNum(2), the range of this object is from 0 to 100000. The value of this object has to be greater than or equal to the value of ccacSysRpMedThreshold, and greater than the value of ccacSysRpLowThreshold. A SNMP SET to this object will be ignored if ccacSysRpUserTunable is set to 'false'. ::= { ccacSysResPolicyEntry 6 } SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION The utilization in percent or in absolute number of the resource reaches this value of the object, a trap of threshold warning will be triggered. If the value of this object is the same as the value of ccacSysRpHighThreshold, it means not to monitor medium utilization of the resource. If ccacSysRpPercentOrAbsNum is unitPercent(1), the range of this object is from 0 to 100 percent. If it is unitAbsoluteNum(2), the range of this object is from 0 to 100000. The value of this object has to be less than or equal to the value of ccacSysRpHighThreshold, but greater than the value of ccacSysRpLowThreshold. A SNMP SET to this object will be ignored if ccacSysRpUserTunable is set to 'false'. ::= { ccacSysResPolicyEntry 7 } SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION The utilization in percent or in absolute number of a currently unavailable resource falls below this value of the object, the action will be removed, the resource will be marked as available and a trap of threshold clear will be triggered if ccacSysNotifyEnable is set to 'true'. If ccacSysRpPercentOrAbsNum is unitPercent(1), the range of this object is from 0 to 100 percent. If it is unitAbsoluteNum(2), the range of this object is from 0 to 100000. The value of this object has to be less than the value of ccacSysRpMedThreshold. A SNMP SET to this object will be ignored if ccacSysRpUserTunable is set to 'false'. ::= { ccacSysResPolicyEntry 8 } SYNTAX Integer32 (10..300) UNITS "seconds This object sets the time interval over which the average utilization is computed for comparison with the ccacSysRpHighThreshold, ccacSysRpMedThreshold and ccacSysRpLowThreshold of the entry which ccacSysRpResType is cpuAvg(2), ioMem(3), procMem(4) or totMem(5). This object will be ignored if its ccacSysRpAvgUtilization is set to 'false'. The formula is used for computation is defined in TC CcacResourceType. The recommended value for this object is 60 seconds. DEFVAL { 60 } ::= { ccacSysResPolicyEntry 9 } SYNTAX INTEGER { none (1), busyout (2), treatment (3), busyoutAndTreatment (4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION The action to be taken when ccacSysRpHighThreshold is exceeded. The action will be reversed when the resource utilization falls below ccacSysRpLowThreshold. For instance, an entry with ccacSysRpHighThreshold 80, ccacSysRpLowThreshold 70, and ccacSysRpAction busyout. The busyout will be taken when the resource utilization exceeds 80 and a no busyout will be taken when the resource utilization below 70. none(1) - No action is taken. busyout(2) - Busyout the telephony ports after rejecting the current call treatment(3) - Apply the call treatment specified in ccacSysTreatment to the current call busyoutAndTreatment(4) - Apply the specified treatment to the current call and busyout the telephony ports ::= { ccacSysResPolicyEntry 10 } SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100000) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION The current utilization/number reading of the CAC resource in percent or in absolute number. If ccacSysRpPercentOrAbsNum is unitPercent(1), the range of this object is from 0 to 100. If it is unitAbsoluteNum(2), the range of this object is from 0 to 100000.


IPHost Network monitor allows you to monitor ccacSysRpHighThreshold on Cisco device via the SNMP protocol. Download IPHost Network Monitor (500 monitors for 30 days, 50 monitors free forever) to start monitoring Cisco wireless switches right now.

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