
cdaiVlanFilterArpAclStatic - Cisco Dynamic ARP Inspection Vlan Filter Arp Acl Static

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Cisco Dynamic ARP Inspection Vlan Filter Arp Acl Static

This object specifies whether the ARP ACL denoted by cdaiVlanFilterArpAclName is statically applied by Dynamic ARP Inspection feature. This object does not take effect if value of cdaiVlanFilterArpAclName on the row is an empty string. 'true' indicates that ARP ACL is applied statically. The action (denied or permitted) results from applying the ARP ACL is final and ARP packet is not compared against DHCP bindings information. 'false' indicates ARP ACL is not applied statically. If ARP packet is not explicitly classified by ARP ACL, it will be compared against DHCP bindings information.


IPHost Network monitor allows you to monitor cdaiVlanFilterArpAclStatic on Cisco device via the SNMP protocol. Download IPHost Network Monitor (500 monitors for 30 days, 50 monitors free forever) to start monitoring Cisco multiplexers right now.

Easy monitoring of cdaiVlanFilterArpAclStatic with IPHost tools

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