With IPHost Network Monitor you can run simple snmp requests against a Cisco device in your network.
Cisco Fibre Channel Multicast Multicast Root Table
This table allows the users to configure and monitor the FC Multicast parameters on all the VSANs configured on the local switch. An entry is automatically created in this table if there is an entry in the fspfTable (defined in CISCO-FSPF-MIB) and fspfOperStatus (defined in CISCO-FSPF-MIB) for that entry is 'up'. An entry is automatically deleted from this table if either : a) the fspfOperStatus in the fspfTable entry for the corresponding VSAN changes to 'down'. or b) the fspfTable entry for the corresponding VSAN is deleted. Entries in this table can be created via cfmMulticastRootRowStatus only as the means to specify non-default parameter values for a VSAN either because the VSAN is suspended or fspfOperStatus (defined in CISCO-FSPF-MIB) for that VSAN is 'down' (VSAN state is indicated by object vsanOperState which is defined in CISCO-VSAN-MIB). So an entry in this table exists when one or both of these conditions holds: - one or more configuration parameters have non-default values for a VSAN which is either suspended or the fspfOperStatus for that VSAN is down. - the fspfOperStatus for VSAN is 'up'. This has a number of consequences: - an entry exists for a suspended VSAN whenever that VSAN has non-default parameters. - an entry cannot be created (via cfmMulticastRootRowStatus) for a VSAN with default parameters; instead, the agent creates/deletes an entry for a VSAN with default parameters according to whether the fspfOperStatus is 'up' or 'down'. - an entry can not be created via cfmMulticastRootRowStatus unless non-default parameter values are (simultaneously) configured for a VSAN whose fspfOperStatus is 'down'. - deleting an entry via cfmMulticastRootRowStatus when either the VSAN is suspended and configured with non-default values or the VSAN is active, is equivalent to resetting its parameters to their default values. If an entry is configured with default-values and the VSAN is in suspended state, then the entry would be deleted.
IPHost Network monitor allows you to monitor cfmMulticastRootTable on Cisco device via the SNMP protocol. Download IPHost Network Monitor (500 monitors for 30 days, 50 monitors free forever) to start monitoring Cisco multiplexers right now.