
CISCO-IMAGE-CHECK-MIB - ciscoImageCheckOpTable

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With IPHost Network Monitor you can run simple snmp requests against a Cisco device in your network.


cisco Image Check Op Table

A table of Image check operation entries. Each entry represents an Image check operation that has been initiated. ::= { ciscoImageCheck 1 } SYNTAX CiscoImageCheckOpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION An Image check operation entry. Each entry consists of an image name, current status of the check operation and a row status. A management station wishing to create an entry should first generate a pseudo-random serial number to be used as the index to this sparse table. The station should then create the associated instance of the row status object. It must also, create the associated instance of the image name. This image is checked for compatibility with the image already running on the active supervisor. Once the appropriate instances of all the mandatory objects have been created, either by an explicit SNMP set request or by default, the row status should be set to active to initiate the operation. Note that this entire procedure may be initiated via a single set request which specifies a row status of createAndGo. Once an operation has been activated, it cannot be stopped. Once the operation completes, the management station should retrieve the value of the status object and delete the entry. In order to prevent old entries from clogging the table, entries will be aged out, but an entry will never be deleted within 5 minutes of completing. INDEX { ciscoImageCheckSerialNum } ::= { ciscoImageCheckOpTable 1 } CiscoImageCheckOpEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ciscoImageCheckSerialNum Integer32, ciscoImageCheckImageName SnmpAdminString, ciscoImageCheckStatus INTEGER, ciscoImageCheckEntryStatus RowStatus } SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION Object which specifies a unique entry in the table. A management station wishing to initiate a check operation should use a pseudo-random value for this object when creating or modifying an instance of a ciscoImageCheckOpEntry. ::= { ciscoImageCheckOpEntry 1 } SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (1..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION Image file name that needs the verification. If the Image name is NULL then it is assumed that the image check is to be done with the image on standby supervisor. ::= { ciscoImageCheckOpEntry 2 } SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1), inProgress(2), inCompatLoose(3), inCompatStrict(4), compatible(5), noStandby(6), pssErr(7), extractFail(8), fileParseErr(9), getIncompatErr(10) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION The current status of the image check operation. If the status is inCompatLoose(3) or inCompatStrict(4), one can look at the detail reasons of incompatibilities by looking at ciscoImgChkResultsTable described below. If the status is compatible, then there is no need to look at the ciscoImgChkResultsTable. If the status is noStandby(6), pssErr(7), extractFail(8), fileParseErr(9) or getIncompatErr(10), there is some internal error in even starting the check compatibility process, and hence the ciscoImgChkResultsTable should not be read for any details. inProgress(2) - Image check is in progress inCompatLoose(3) - Loose incompatibility inCompatStrict(4) - Strict incompatibility compatible(5) - images are compatible noStandby(6) - standby supervisor is absent pssErr(7) - internal error extractFail(8) - Could not extract image fileParseErr(9) - Could not parse image getIncompatErr(10) - internal error in determining incompatibilities. ::= { ciscoImageCheckOpEntry 3 } SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION The status of this table entry.


IPHost Network monitor allows you to monitor ciscoImageCheckOpTable on Cisco device via the SNMP protocol. Download IPHost Network Monitor (500 monitors for 30 days, 50 monitors free forever) to start monitoring Cisco switches right now.

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