With IPHost Network Monitor you can run simple snmp requests against a Cisco device in your network.
cip Urpf If Drop Rate
The rate of packet drops of IP version cipUrpfIfIpVersion packets due to URPF on the interface. This object is the average rate of dropping over the most recent interval of time. The rate is computed by dividing the number of packets dropped over an interval by the interval time in seconds. Each time the drop rate is computed, and at system startup, a snapshot is taken of the latest value of cipUrpfIfDrops. Subtracting from this the snapshot of cipUrpfIfDrops at the start of the current interval of time gives the number of packets dropped. The drop rate is computed every cipUrpfComputeInterval seconds. When drop rate is computed, if time since the creation of a row in cipUrpfIfMonTable is less than cipUrpfDropRateWindow, the value of cipUrpfIfDrops is divided by the time since row was created. After the row has been in existence for cipUrpfDropRateWindow, when drop rate is computed, the number of packet drops counted on the interface from interval start time to the computation time is divided by cipUrpfDropRateWindow. Changes to cipUrpfDropRateWindow are not reflected in this object until the next computation time. The rate from the most recent computation is the value fetched until the subsequent computation is performed.
IPHost Network monitor allows you to monitor cipUrpfIfDropRate on Cisco device via the SNMP protocol. Download IPHost Network Monitor (500 monitors for 30 days, 50 monitors free forever) to start monitoring Cisco multiplexers right now.