With IPHost Network Monitor you can run simple snmp requests against a Cisco device in your network.
cip Urpf If Notify Dr Hold Down Reset
Setting this object to true causes the five-minute hold-down timer for emitting URPF drop rate notifications for IP version cipUrpfIfIpVersion on the interface to be short-circuited. If a notification is due and would be emitted for the interface if the five-minutes elapsed, setting this object will cause the notification to be sent. This is a trigger, and doesn't hold information. It is set and an action is performed. Therefore a get for this object always returns false.
IPHost Network monitor allows you to monitor cipUrpfIfNotifyDrHoldDownReset on Cisco device via the SNMP protocol. Download IPHost Network Monitor (500 monitors for 30 days, 50 monitors free forever) to start monitoring Cisco routers right now.