With IPHost Network Monitor you can run simple snmp requests against a Cisco device in your network.
ipsla Ethernet Group Ctrl Timeout
Specifies the duration to wait for an IP SLA operation created by this Auto-Ethernet-CFM to complete. For 'ethernetPing', if the value of rttMonLatestRttOperCompletionTime is greater than this value, the 'timeout' will be reported through rttMonLatestRttOperSense defined in CISCO-RTTMON-MIB. For 'ethernetJitter', if all the frames sent to target MEP have not been recievied within this duration, the 'timeout' will be reported through ipslaEtherJitterLatestSense defined this module. The value of this object cannot be set to a value which would specify a duration exceeding ipslaEthernetGrpScheduleFrequency.
IPHost Network monitor allows you to monitor ipslaEthernetGrpCtrlTimeout on Cisco device via the SNMP protocol. Download IPHost Network Monitor (500 monitors for 30 days, 50 monitors free forever) to start monitoring Cisco switches right now.