With IPHost Network Monitor you can run simple snmp requests against a Cisco device in your network.
ipsla Ethernet Group React Threshold Type
This object specifies the type of threshold violation that will trigger an notification. The notification will be sent accordingly only when the object rttMonReactOccurred which is defined in CISCO-RTTMON-MIB for IP SLA operation is set to 'true' or 'false'. 'never' - rttMonReactOccurred is never set 'immediate' - rttMonReactOccurred is set to 'true' when the value of parameter for which reaction is configured ( e.g. rtt, jitterAvg) violates the threshold. Conversely, rttMonReactOccurred is set to 'false' when the parameter ( e.g. rtt, jitterAvg) is below the threshold limits. 'consecutive'- rttMonReactOccurred is set to true when the value of parameter for which reaction is configured ( e.g. rtt, jitterAvg) violates the threshold for configured consecutive times. Conversely, rttMonReactOccurred is set to false when the value of parameter ( e.g. rtt, jitterAvg) is below the threshold limits for the same number of consecutive operations. 'xOfy' - rttMonReactOccurred is set to true when x ( as specified by ipslaEthernetGrpReactThresholdCountX ) out of the last y ( as specified by ipslaEthernetGrpReactThresholdCountY ) times the value of parameter for which the reaction is configured ( e.g. rtt, jitterAvg) violates the threshold. Conversely, it is set to false when x, out of the last y times the value of parameter ( e.g. rtt, jitterAvg) is below the threshold limits. 'average' - rttMonReactOccurred is set to true when the average (ipslaEthernetGrpReactThresholdCountX times ) value of parameter for which reaction is configured ( e.g. rtt, jitterAvg) violates the threshold condition. Conversely, it is set to false when the average value of parameter ( e.g. rtt, jitterAvg).
IPHost Network monitor allows you to monitor ipslaEthernetGrpReactThresholdType on Cisco device via the SNMP protocol. Download IPHost Network Monitor (500 monitors for 30 days, 50 monitors free forever) to start monitoring Cisco multiplexers right now.