With IPHost Network Monitor you can run simple snmp requests against a Cisco device in your network.
cmm Ip Call Active Accept Mime Types
The number of accepted MIME types for the Media mail call. ::= { cmmIpCallActiveEntry 9 } SYNTAX AbsoluteCounter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION The number of discarded MIME types for the Media mail call. ::= { cmmIpCallActiveEntry 10 } SYNTAX INTEGER { none (1), mdn (2), dsn (3), dsnMdn (4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION The notification type of the Media mail call. none - No notification. mdn - Message Disposition notification. dsn - Delivery Status notification. dsnMdn - Both Delivery Status and Message Disposition notification ::= { cmmIpCallActiveEntry 11 } --********************************************************************** -- Media Mail Dial Control Gateway Call History Group --********************************************************************** -- -- Media mail over IP Call History Table -- SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CmmIpCallHistoryEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION This table is the Media Mail extension to the call history table of IETF Dial Control MIB. It contains Media Mail call leg information about specific Media mail gateway call. ::= { cmmCallHistory 1 } SYNTAX CmmIpCallHistoryEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION The information regarding a single Media Mail call leg. The call leg entry is identified by using the same index objects that are used by Call Active table of IETF Dial Control MIB to identify the call. An entry of this table is created when its associated call history entry in the IETF Dial Control MIB is created and the call history entry contains information for the call establishment to the mail server on the IP network via a Media Mail over IP peer. The entry is deleted when its associated call history entry in the IETF Dial Control MIB is deleted. INDEX { cCallHistoryIndex } ::= { cmmIpCallHistoryTable 1 } CmmIpCallHistoryEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cmmIpCallHistoryConnectionId CvcGUid, cmmIpCallHistoryRemoteIPAddress IpAddress, cmmIpCallHistorySessionProtocol INTEGER, cmmIpCallHistorySessionTarget DisplayString, cmmIpCallHistoryMessageId DisplayString, cmmIpCallHistoryAccountId DisplayString, cmmIpCallHistoryImgEncodingType CmmImgEncoding, cmmIpCallHistoryImgResolution CmmImgResolution, cmmIpCallHistoryAcceptMimeTypes AbsoluteCounter32, cmmIpCallHistoryDiscdMimeTypes AbsoluteCounter32, cmmIpCallHistoryNotification INTEGER } SYNTAX CvcGUid MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION The global call identifier for the gateway call.
IPHost Network monitor allows you to monitor cmmIpCallActiveAcceptMimeTypes on Cisco device via the SNMP protocol. Download IPHost Network Monitor (500 monitors for 30 days, 50 monitors free forever) to start monitoring Cisco routers right now.