With IPHost Network Monitor you can run simple snmp requests against a Cisco device in your network.
csne Filter Admin Timer
This object specifies the time in units specified in csneFilterTimerUnit for which the notification specified in snmpNotifyFilterSubtree will remain active with the corresponding snmpNotifyFilterProfileName. If set to 0, it indicates that the corresponding snmpNotifyFilterSubtree will remain active forever. This value can be set when the snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus is active. If this is done, the csneFilterOperTimer will be refreshed to take the new value set in this object. DEFVAL { 15 } ::= { csneSnmpNotifyFilterEntry 1 } SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION This object specifies the time in units specified in csneFilterTimerUnit for which the notification specified in snmpNotifyFilterSubtree to remain active within the corresponding snmpNotifyFilterProfileName. When this value becomes 0, it indicates that the corresponding row in the snmpNotifyFilterTable has run through the time specified in csneFilterAdminTimer. This will cause the corresponding row to be deleted from the corresponding snmpNotifyFilterName. If snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus is notInService, then this object will not be decremented, i.e. the timer will not run. Once the snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus is transitioned to active, the timer will be refreshed with the value in csneFilterAdminTimer. Example: If a row indexed by snmpNotifyFilterProfileName abc and snmpNotifyFilterSubtree is created for a csneFilterAdminTimer value of 10 units (as specified in csneFilterTimerUnit). Initially, the csneFilterAdminTimer and the csneFilterOperTimer will indicate 10 units. If the snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus is active, then the csneFilterOperTimer will start decrementing. Once the csneFilterOperTimer value reaches 0, it will cause the deletion of the row indexed by snmpNotifyFilterProfileName abc and snmpNotifyFilterSubtree Now, if snmpNotifyFilterProfileName abc has no more active rows that it indexes, then, the snmpNotifyFilterProfileRowStatus for the snmpNotifyFilterProfileName of abc will be transitioned to notReady. ::= { csneSnmpNotifyFilterEntry 2 } SYNTAX INTEGER { seconds (1), minutes (2), hours (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION This object specifies the unit of time that is used for the csneFilterAdminTimer and csneFilerOperTimer objects.
IPHost Network monitor allows you to monitor csneFilterAdminTimer on Cisco device via the SNMP protocol. Download IPHost Network Monitor (500 monitors for 30 days, 50 monitors free forever) to start monitoring Cisco multiplexers right now.