
ctxErrorHistoryTable - ctx Error History Table - CISCO-TELEPRESENCE-EXCHANGE-SYSTEM-MIB

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ctx Error History Table

This table contains a history of alarms and events generated by the CTX system. This table is a real-time history table of alarms and events for the CTX System. When the table reaches its capacity specified in ctxErrorHistoryTableSize, the agent will purge the oldest entry. The management entity can receive real-time events when an object is inserted into this table by configuring ctxErrorHistoryEventNotifyEnable to TRUE and receiving ctxErrorHistoryEvent notifications


IPHost Network monitor allows you to monitor ctxErrorHistoryTable on Cisco device via the SNMP protocol. Download IPHost Network Monitor (500 monitors for 30 days, 50 monitors free forever) to start monitoring Cisco switches right now.

Easy monitoring of ctxErrorHistoryTable with IPHost tools

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