
vismChanCnfGrpEntry - vism Chan Cnf Group Entry - CISCO-VISM-CONN-MIB

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vism Chan Cnf Group Entry

An entry for each voice channel. An entry is created when the vismChanRowStatus is set to 'add'. An entry is deleted when the vismChanRowStatus is set to 'del'. INDEX { vismCnfChanNum } ::= { vismChanCnfGrpTable 1 } VismChanCnfGrpEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vismCnfChanNum Integer32, vismChanRowStatus INTEGER, vismChanPortNum Integer32, vismChanLocRmtLpbkState INTEGER, vismChanTestType INTEGER, vismChanTestState INTEGER, vismChanRTDResult INTEGER, vismChanPvcType INTEGER, vismChanConnType INTEGER, vismLocalVpi Integer32, vismLocalVci Integer32, vismLocalNSAP OCTET STRING, vismRemoteVpi Integer32, vismRemoteVci Integer32, vismRemoteNSAP OCTET STRING, vismMastership INTEGER, vismVpcFlag INTEGER, vismConnServiceType INTEGER, vismRoutingPriority Integer32, vismMaxCost Integer32, vismRestrictTrunkType INTEGER, vismConnPCR Integer32, vismConnPercentUtil Integer32, vismConnRemotePCR Integer32, vismConnRemotePercentUtil Integer32, vismChanProtection INTEGER, vismChanPreference INTEGER, vismChanActivityState INTEGER, vismChanLockingState INTEGER, vismChanScrIngress Integer32, vismChanMbsIngress Integer32, vismChanCdvt Integer32, vismChanClrIngress Integer32, vismConnPCREgress Integer32, vismChanScrEgress Integer32, vismChanMbsEgress Integer32, vismChanClrEgress Integer32, vismChanApplication INTEGER, vismChanFallbackLcn Integer32, vismChanReroute TruthValue, vismFarEndAddressType INTEGER, vismFarEndE164Address DisplayString, vismFarEndGWIDAddress DisplayString, vismFarEndNSAPAddress OCTET STRING, vismVCCI Integer32, vismConnAdminStatus INTEGER, vismChanPrefRouteId Unsigned32, vismChanDirectRoute TruthValue, vismChanAisSuppression TruthValue, vismChanAisDelayTime Unsigned32, vismChanUserMaxPCRBandwidth Unsigned32, vismChanUserMaxScrIngress Unsigned32, vismChanUserMaxMbsIngress Unsigned32, vismChanUserMinPCRBandwidth Unsigned32, vismChanUserPcrNumber INTEGER } SYNTAX Integer32 (131..510) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION Logical Channel Number for the PVC.


IPHost Network monitor allows you to monitor vismChanCnfGrpEntry on Cisco device via the SNMP protocol. Download IPHost Network Monitor (500 monitors for 30 days, 50 monitors free forever) to start monitoring Cisco optical switches right now.

Easy monitoring of vismChanCnfGrpEntry with IPHost tools

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