
p2mpLastPhyFailureType - p2mp Last Phy Failure Type - CISCO-WIRELESS-P2MP-PHY-MIB

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p2mp Last Phy Failure Type

This object indicates the last physical link failure that resulted in a p2mpRadioPhyFailNotification trap. none(1) - no failure p2mpHwConfigUnsupported(2) - The radio subsystem has detected that the configuration requested is not supported by the hardware. The p2mpLastPhyFailureReason variable will indicate which configuration parameter is not supported. p2mpHwConfigMismatch(3) - The radio subsystem has detected that the combination of the configuration parameters requested is inconsistent and cannot be supported. The p2mpLastPhyFailReason variable will indicate the configuration parameter that causes the mismatch. p2mpHwInitFailure(4) - The radio subsystem has failed to initialize the hardware. This implies that there is a critical error condition in the associated hardware. The p2mpLastPhyFailReason specifies the reason why the init failed. p2mpHostIfCommLinkError(5) - The host could not communicate with the IF module. p2mpAutoCableCompFailure(6) - Failed to achieve automatic cable compensation due to loss of Tx signal.


IPHost Network monitor allows you to monitor p2mpLastPhyFailureType on Cisco device via the SNMP protocol. Download IPHost Network Monitor (500 monitors for 30 days, 50 monitors free forever) to start monitoring Cisco wireless switches right now.

Easy monitoring of p2mpLastPhyFailureType with IPHost tools

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