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mte Trigger Test

The type of trigger test to perform. For 'boolean' and 'threshold' tests, the object at mteTriggerValueID MUST evaluate to an integer, that is, anything that ends up encoded for transmission (that is, in BER, not ASN.1) as an integer. For 'existence', the specific test is as selected by mteTriggerExistenceTest. When an object appears, vanishes or changes value, the trigger fires. If the object's appearance caused the trigger firing, the object MUST vanish before the trigger can be fired again for it, and vice versa. If the trigger fired due to a change in the object's value, it will be fired again on every successive value change for that object. For 'boolean', the specific test is as selected by mteTriggerBooleanTest. If the test result is true the trigger fires. The trigger will not fire again until the value has become false and come back to true. For 'threshold' the test works as described below for mteTriggerThresholdStartup, mteTriggerThresholdRising, and mteTriggerThresholdFalling. Note that combining 'boolean' and 'threshold' tests on the same object may be somewhat redundant.


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