Scheduler Type
The type of this schedule. The value periodic(1) indicates that this entry specifies a periodic schedule. A periodic schedule is defined by the value of schedInterval. The values of schedWeekDay, schedMonth, schedDay, schedHour and schedMinute are ignored. The value calendar(2) indicates that this entry describes a calendar schedule. A calendar schedule is defined by the values of schedWeekDay, schedMonth, schedDay, schedHour and schedMinute. The value of schedInterval is ignored. A calendar schedule will trigger on all local times that satisfy the bits set in schedWeekDay, schedMonth, schedDay, schedHour and schedMinute. The value oneshot(3) indicates that this entry describes a one-shot schedule. A one-shot schedule is similar to a calendar schedule with the additional feature that it disables itself by changing in the `finished' schedOperStatus once the schedule triggers an action. Note that implementations which maintain a list of pending activations must re-calculate them when this object is changed.