
chasEntityOperStatus - chas Entity Operational Status - ESM-snmp

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chas Entity Operational Status

Provides operational status of the entity. The following are possible definitions of the values. The exact definition of the values is implementation specific. A value of other(1) implies some undetermined state, possibly as a result of setting chasEntityAdminStatus to a value of disable(3). A value of invalid(2) could have the possible meaning that the entity exists but the chassis manager has no direct control of the entity. A value of testing(3) may be a diagnostic state. A value of operational(4) implies that the entity is running with no errors or warnings. State resetInProgress(5) implies equivalent of setting chasEntityAdminStatus to reset(4). The states of warning(6), nonFatalError(7), fatalError(8) reflect conditions detected during operation. The entity may or may not be still functional. State loading(10) is a result of asserting programload(5) in chasEntityAdminStatus. For example if an entities value of chasEntityAdminStatus is disable(3) and is set to enable(2) then chasEntityOperStatus may enter a state of testing(3) then change to a value of operational(4).

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