btdsMcdnAdjPbxSide - btds Mcdn Adj Pbx Side

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With IPHost Network Monitor you can run simple snmp requests against a Nortel device in your network.


btds Mcdn Adj Pbx Side

This attribute holds the provisioning related to call collision resolution. Its value must be that same as in the adjacent PBX, at the other end of the PRI. To provision the call collision resolution in Nortel's SL1 and Meridian 1 PBXs, the network operator responds to the prompt SIDE by entering either MAS or SLAV. So if the SLAV was entered, then the adjPbxSide has to be provisioned slave.

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IPHost Network monitor allows you to monitor btdsMcdnAdjPbxSide on Allied Telesis device via the SNMP protocol. Download IPHost Network Monitor (500 monitors for 30 days, 50 monitors free forever) to start monitoring Nortel modems right now.

Easy monitoring of btdsMcdnAdjPbxSide with IPHost tools

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