With IPHost Network Monitor you can run simple snmp requests against a Nortel device in your network.
rtg Dpn Throughput Metric Cut Off
This attribute specifies the throughput metric value beyond which a destination RID should be considered unreachable. That is, if a throughput metric to a RID is equal to or greater than this value then the RID will be considered to be unreachable in the throughput class of service. Lowering this value has the effect of speeding up the detection of the loss of reachability to a RID. It also reduces the amount of Routing Table Update (RTU) traffic generated in this scenario.Care must be taken to ensure that the value chosen is big enough for the longest throughput path in the network. This attribute is optional; a default of 245 is used when it is not set. It is recommended that all nodes in the network be provisioned with the same cut off value.
Back to Nortel-Magellan-Passport-DpnRoutingMIB MIB page.
IPHost Network monitor allows you to monitor rtgDpnThroughputMetricCutOff on Allied Telesis device via the SNMP protocol. Download IPHost Network Monitor (500 monitors for 30 days, 50 monitors free forever) to start monitoring Nortel speech servers right now.