
gvcIfLcnVcOutOfRangeFrmFromSubnet - General Vc Interface Logical Channel Number Vc Out Of Range Frm From Subnet

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General Vc Interface Logical Channel Number Vc Out Of Range Frm From Subnet

This attribute counts the number of subnet frames discarded due to the sequence number being out of range. Two Categories apply for the General Vc 1) lost Acks (previous Range) 2) unexpected Packets (next Range) Vc internally maintains its own sequence number of packet order and sequencing. Due to packet retransmission, Vc may receive duplicate packets that have the same Vc internal sequence number. Only 1 copy is accepted by the Vc and other copies of the same packets are detected through this count. This attribute can be used to record the frequency of packet retransmission due to Vc and other part of the subnet.

Back to Nortel-Magellan-Passport-GeneralVcInterfaceMIB MIB page.

IPHost Network monitor allows you to monitor gvcIfLcnVcOutOfRangeFrmFromSubnet on Allied Telesis device via the SNMP protocol. Download IPHost Network Monitor (500 monitors for 30 days, 50 monitors free forever) to start monitoring Nortel switches right now.

Easy monitoring of gvcIfLcnVcOutOfRangeFrmFromSubnet with IPHost tools

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