With IPHost Network Monitor you can run simple snmp requests against a Nortel device in your network.
sig Chan Mcdn Con Or Features Supported
This attribute indicates the features to be supported by MCDN 'ROSE' connection oriented messaging. Feature Definitions: networkAttendantService: network wide support of Attendant ('operator') services. classOfServiceTransport: this is not a ROSE feature. Class of Service transport takes place in the called party number when provisioned on the Meridian 1 to use an ESN signalling type. trunkRouteOptimization: dropping of redundant links in a call, when a set call forwards a call prior to answer. remoteVirtualQueuing: queuing at a remote node without requiring a B channel to be kept up. offHookQueuing: Queuing by maintaining the speech path to the queuing node. networkCallTrace: call progress tracing across a network (that is, call reached node a, node b, terminated at c,...). networkIntercom: network wide access to an intercom system onm a Meridian 1. callPickupNetworkWide: connection oriented messages associated with the TCAP call pickup scan operation. The messages that actually pick up the ringing call. radioPaging: access to a radio paging system network wide, allowing single radio paging facilities in a relatively dense local PBX network. networkAccess: information to enable access to PBX features from outside the network. Additional data is provided to identify access capabilities for a spoecific call. (Similar to transmittiong authorization code capabilities network wide.) antiTromboning: actually includes two capabilities - NAS (Network Attendant Setvice) and Trunk Anti-Tromboning. Calls that exit the subnet to a PBX and are transferred back to a network number via the same D channel can be optimized. If PBX A (Passport A) calls across the subnet to Passport B, D channel Z, to PBX B, and PBX B transfers across D channel Z to Passport B and therefore to PBX C/Passport C, this allows tha call to simplify to PBX/Passport A to PBX/Passport C. miscellaneous: Any feature that is not listed above. Description of bits: networkAttendantService(0) classOfServiceTransport(1) trunkRouteOptimization(2) remoteVirtualQueuing(3) networkCallId(4) offHookQueuing(5) networkCallTrace(6) networkIntercom(7) callPickupNetworkWide(8) radioPaging(9) networkAccess(10) antiTromboning(11) miscellaneous(12)
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IPHost Network monitor allows you to monitor sigChanMcdnConOrFeaturesSupported on Allied Telesis device via the SNMP protocol. Download IPHost Network Monitor (500 monitors for 30 days, 50 monitors free forever) to start monitoring Nortel modems right now.